I had assumed Liberation would simply just be freeing the elves from the humans that are selling them, but that would be a good twist to the story.
I'm interested to know if all 3 routes are all going to be linked in some kind of way or if they are more like separate stories, for example if we pick beast route do we still get to have a story where we can help the elves or are they just practically ignored.
that's the point. I'm wild guessing(for fun really) because if MC goes for Liberation(and it's actually an elves-only route), what about the beastfolks? and same question for the Retribution route(which is "what about the elves?"). That's why i think, the routes will be like:
Retribution: You go for revenge, or "military redemption"(meaning that MC will start killing humans, and use the "Insignia Power" to show humans the pain and misery of a war that can't be won, which is basically what is happening to beastfolks when MC appeared in this world)
Compliance: MC keeps fighting beastfolks and be a human-weapon...and basically give up on being nice towards them(if it was a mass effect ending, would be the Destroy Ending...which i really hate)
Liberation: In a sense...Beastfolks and Humans, are enslaved...by the war itself...so as long as metaphors can go...i think if this was a mass effect ending, it should be the Synthesis/Green one. So i believe (and hope) that Liberation will be the classic utopistic route where MC fix everyone's problems, either with a different form of the Insignia Power, or through making notice that the issues of the war are based on mutual hate at this point (i mean...200 years of war? If it was for territories or economic reasons, this war would have been deemed as pointless or not worthy of wasting 200 years worth of soldiers and resources and tried to talk it over, you know, diplomacy and stuff...but whatever both factions did to each other was considered so awful and unforgivable that they're still fighting)