
Nov 14, 2017
I realized I didn't say anything about GGGB in that thread yet, when I talked about it in another one...
To make it simple, I consider that's the best game available right now. The amount of situations and choices is insane, the game keeps surprising me update after update (joining that latin gang for example, I wasn't expecting that at all).
I actually feel something for most of the characters and I feel implicated.

If I have two main saves (one good, one bad), I tend to prefer the good one. It's more rewarding in a "sentimental" way, and it matches my personality.
My long term objective in that save is easy: getting Jessica as Ash's girlfriend. The evolution between those two, if we follow the "good Ash" route, feels natural and heartwarming. Another thing I didn't expect since I thought we would get another very manichean game where sluts are just brainless, emotionless cock-craving bimbos.

I think GGGB isn't the most sexually exciting game around, but that's definitely the one that gives me the strongest feeling. The erotic game production needed a female creator, and Eva Kiss really brings something interesting, something new, something I'd say deeper in term of feelings andI'm genuinely excited to discover what's new each time an update is released. :FeelsGoodMan:


New Member
Aug 26, 2017
this update must be big . Still no ALPHA after more than moth
For me it seems she is just becoming lazy. She delivered much more often back then, when she actually had some full time job... but she quit it in September. So it is really weird... she got more time for the game now, but somehow she is making less content than before.


creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
TBF, speaking from a software developer's perspective myself, the whole alpha-beta-full releases every month (which is unfortunately a necessary evil to make decent income on Patreon) is pretty disruptive for development speed. It basically means that the bulk of new content creation each month is restricted to only the two weeks max (for a lazy / milking developer, it'll be more like a few days) before the alpha, the rest of each month is way less productive.

The main reason why Patreon game development takes forever IMHO. Eva is a good developer in that she doesn't deliberately milk like some others and she has good work ethic - but still she's not immune to this very illogical development cycle that has become the norm at Patreon.

Also if Eva is a better coder she would be able to reduce her drawing workload (and the game's package size) quite a bit and produce more content - she is drawing and redrawing some unnecessary pictures each month to accommodate the multi-branches, some of which could have easily been replaced by a bit of Python.
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Jun 20, 2017
While working a day job Eva released 7 updates that amounted to 31.7K lines of code, with an average of 4.5K lines of code per update. From september on the next three updates were released monthly and amounted to 22.3K lines, with an average of 7.4K lines of code per update. This month only the preview have been 3K lines, we'll see how big the final update will be.

So at least code-wise I don't think is fair to say she released more content while working another job, in fact the truth is the opposite: updates are more than a 50% bigger now. And if instead of coding we would look at the number of drawings I suspect we would find something very similar.

At the start of the project the updates were -for a short time- a bit faster than monthly, yes, but they were much smaller and also (I think) easier to do because less branching was involved.


May 26, 2017
For me it seems she is just becoming lazy. She delivered much more often back then, when she actually had some full time job... but she quit it in September. So it is really weird... she got more time for the game now, but somehow she is making less content than before.
You are so clueless, dude. Check out the code and see if there is less content. Obviously, at the start, having just a single plotline with little branching, the writing was a lot easier and faster. Now, the sheer amount of branching decisions requires her to write the same scene in two or three different ways, sometimes in 10 different ways, like that scene when Eva comes to your house. Also the amount of drawings (and outfits variotions needes in them) have only been increasing per scene, and she does all of it on her own (coming up with the story, planning it, writing it, coding it and drawing it). So if you think someone lazy can produce what she's producing at the rate she's producing it you clearly have no fucking clue on what it takes to make a project like this or you yourself haven't worked hard ever in your life.
I follow quite some Patrewon games and I can't say one that comes close to GGGB in terms of quantity and quality per update. Someone calling this dev lazy baffles me.
Jun 30, 2017
There's a new post for patrons. Title is a little worrying: "About v0.11" :oops:
Nah. It wasn't anything bad. Someone linked it on the previous page of the thread.
"Hey guys!
Just a quick update.

I'm working non-stop to be able to release v0.11 before Christmas! If everything goes my way the Alphawill be out on the 24th. After that I'll be out for a couple days due to family compromises and all that stuff. After that I plan to upload the Beta. The proofreading will depend on my awesome proofreader availability, but it will be implemented in the final release for sure. The final release will arrive at the start of January most probably!

Well, back to work!"
Nov 21, 2016
You are so clueless, dude. (massive wall of text explaining why you should think before dissing eva) I follow quite some Patrewon games and I can't say one that comes close to GGGB in terms of quantity and quality per update. Someone calling this dev lazy baffles me.
Dang Someone got served by the brick...

On another note, people tend to forget that is true that there are tons of people out there who are only on patreon for the money, and they release some small content here and there and expect to be paid for it,
but Eva, and dark cookie? (and some other people which I wont name because its my opinion and not yours so who knows if everyone else would agree) are some hardworking dudes and ladies.

BFs, celebs, thugs, sugar daddies, Daddy,IR, trans and lesbian. Good, Bad and Slut Ash. Might soon get Motherfucker and swinger Ash too.This game never ceases to amaze me. And so replay able.
Swinger, Bdsm or a strip club of married milfs who really knows for sure? The wheel still not trully exposed on what it really is, heck for all we know might even be like a high society cult of sex just like that movie Eyes Wide Shut


Jul 5, 2017
I find it interesting (and great) that so much of the original premise was around Chad Thundercock, and none of the patrons give a shit about him or his story.
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