I just finished up to the end of .17 (I don't have the .18 preview) and absolutely love it. I could go on and on about how much I'm blown away by this game's branching storyline, its engaging characters, and its underrated art (which I love but seems to be the most criticized part) - but everyone has already said all that. So I wanna share some thoughts about where I hope it goes from here.
I chose not to break up with Eric, because I want the opportunity to cuck/ntr him upon his return (I wasn't able to cuck him via skype with Wilson because I couldn't join the gang), but since I didn't break up with him when others encouraged me to, the game reads that as my Ash still loving him, which she doesn't lol. Hopefully I'm not locked into this "I still love you but need more" narrative and I can either end it or cuck him in a future update.
Another exciting thought I have is the ability to corrupt Iris. We all know you can help keep Eva and Jess relatively moral, or help push them into depravity, and hopefully Iris joins that circle. I think the groundwork for this is already in place. She's blatantly jealous of Tyrone's affection for Ash (provided you go that route) and you can even make out with him in front of her during the dare game at the club. Then, after getting the boobjob, you can text a pic of them to any of your friends. By savescumming I saw that if you send them to Iris, she says something along the lines of "Now I'll be even more invisible around Tyrone with you. If I had money, I'd get a big pair too." I'd love to see her become a total wanton bbc snowbunny like Tyrone sings about.
I'd also like to see Eva pushed even further into the depths of depravity. My Ash is pretty corrupt at this point, with 36 Bad and only 9 good. But Eva seems even more depraved than me. I'd like to see just how far she can go.
Don't worry - this game is so great I'm definitely going to do multiple playthroughs and see all different paths, including one where I save Eva. In my true one, I aimed for a more gradual, realistic fall that nevertheless still takes Ash to the heights of corruption. The idea is that she isn't just randomly doing the obviously corrupt thing from the start, but starts occasionally making bad decisions, which compound and become more sever until she's ONLY making corrupt decisions. For instance, I don't think it's realistic for Early Ash to openly cheat on Eric with Wilson at Eric's going away party, but it was entirely realistic for my Later Ash to suck a car salesman's dick for a small price reduction on a used car. Because I went for this more gradual approach, some of the earlier raunchy stuff was unavailable in my true playthrough. I'm even going to see if its possible to do a playthrough where I literally never have sex with anyone other than Eric and never do anything immoral.
The last thing I'm looking forward to is more clothes. I can understand why we can't customize Ash's outfit on a daily basis and shop more often. With so many branching paths, it would be very hard for Eva Kiss to not only draw every scene, but every scene in even more clothing options. Plus, it wouldn't mesh with certain scripted events (like getting into the Wheel) where wearing a predetermined outfit is required. It seems like shopping sprees happen every time Ash reaches a major turning point in the story or gets to the "next corruption level", to put it in gamey terms. I'd just like to maybe see those opportunities happen more often. And hey, if customizable wardobes are possible, I certainly wouldn't complain. Maybe I'm just growing tired of the American flag short-shorts lol.
Sorry for the huge wall of text and rambling, but this game is easily my favorite nsfw game and I'm really excited to see where it goes. I honestly could go on even more about stuff I wanted to happen that didn't, but I won't keep rambling lol. Maybe I'll mention some of those thoughts in much shorter future comments