This is one of the best Unity games which i played! I don't play a lot of Unity games,because most of them are not so good and you need to has a powerful PC or Laptop to play them without a problem(fortunately i has a gamer laptop) - i play more often RPGM or RenPy games from here,but sometimes i'm trying the others types too! This one was realy nice and good,too bad that is already completed,i was hoping for much more story and more missions - yeah,there was not a little quests to do,but all of them was connected to hers mission about that Tample,Goddess and the Artifact - i was hope that one she is finally done with her mission,she will has another one or at least to keep playing with her new side and life after she changed so much and became a real big slut,instead of that the story just end!
Anyway,good work Seth Rollins (The Architect) - you are not only the best champion in WWE,but it looks like you has the potential to be even one of the best writers and designers at porn games too
PS: For this who didn't understand my joke at the end - One of the nicknames of Seth Rollins (American professional wrestler in WWE) is the "Architect"

(the others nicknames he has are: Beastslayer,The Messiah and i think there was one more,but i can't remember it right now)

Maybe there can be made it a porn game with the girls from WWE and the player to can choose with which one of them to play the game

Just joking,but it will be nice to see if this happens too