Figured I'd make an update on things since there have been a few developments. The big one is that the dev announced in his blog a few weeks ago that Grace will be receiving an official translation, but not from Kagura, likely because he wasn't satisfied with Zeven taking five years to get translated and released.
This puts me in an awkward spot for a few reasons. The obvious one is that it doesn't really make much sense to work on something that'll be overshadowed by an official release in the (I assume near) future. Although my main reason for starting this was to practice my translation skills, the aspect of translating something that hasn't been translated also factored into my decision. Another thing is that, from my understanding of things, Kagura is like the only decent publisher for these kinds of games. The dev didn't say who the publisher was, but I can definitely imagine a world where Otaku Plan shits out a translation for this game in 8-12 months time and it scares me a little bit.
So I've got a decision to make. I'm leaning toward shelving the translation for now and maybe just editing/retranslating the official release when it comes out if it's bad/censored, which is a practice you see commonly in the VN and anime communities. In the meantime, I could work on the dev's new game, he put out a trial version that's basically the first two sections of the game so that'd give me like a 40 scene head start on its release. Or I could work on some shortish games that aren't likely to get an English release anytime soon. In any case, I'd like to hear some feedback/suggestions before really committing to anything.