
Mar 4, 2019
wsnlndr yeah no one ever seems to comment about the pig slut collar but yet they do if its a specific race.

Its funny how some people have forgotten african slaves where sold by africans of the same color more then white africans. So agreed if a person does not like the idea of slave play because of the word that is far removed from what it was the intention that person is trying to complain about above.
BDSM is not something everyone can handle and that's fine. But the person lumping collaring a black women as slavery but ignore when a white women also collared is childish. I Hope they realize slave are all races not just dark skinned. That is living in a world with blinders on.

Have you lived in Africa? I was born there.
Have you been spat on the face for being white at 8 years old? I was.
Have you been spat in the face and beaten daily for being born in Africa? I was.
Have you had to endure years and years of being of the same race as those that committed atrocities? I was.
Have you had to have a nationality that started the slave trade in unprecedented scales? I have.

Yes, I have STRONG reasons to interpret that scene as I did. He did something inexcusable FOR ME. He broke my trust in him.

So, kindly, stick to your principles (if you have them) I'll stick to mine, thank you very much.

Peace :(
If you get spat on because you where white that's just people taking it out on them because the media says they did.
Africans did NOT start the slave trade it has existed for an unholy amount of time.
Hate against other races has existed forever hell even hate against their own race has as well.
People take their evils out on others to bring themselves some semblance of fake justice.

So do not blame the dev for a kink that exists because you are doing the same as the people who treated you badly. All you end up doing is passing along the hate which is directed at the wrong person.

Plus from what I can tell it is not even slave play but more in the realm of submissive play.

Dark Silence

Devoted Member
Jul 17, 2021
You can tell yourself that. But the intention of the collar is to mark her as his slave.

But, let's drop this. You and I will never agree on this. I will never change my mind. You will never change yours.

It is a pity that you chose to go that way. I can't make you change your way, but, you killed my blind trust in you because of it. I feel sad, you feel amused, everyone else laughs.


Peace :(
Bro, I've tried to explain that to you many, many, many times. It has nothing to do with slavery. It's BDSM. A kink. Dominant/submissive. I do know that you feel that the BDSM is abuse. But it's not. I will never be able to change your mind and I know you'll refuse to do some research on it.

It's not about slavery. It's about trust and commitment.That's the last thing I'll say on it.


Mar 4, 2019
Bro, I've tried to explain that to you many, many, many times. It has nothing to do with slavery. It's BDSM. A kink. Dominant/submissive. I do know that you feel that the BDSM is abuse. But it's not. I will never be able to change your mind and I know you'll refuse to do some research on it.

It's not about slavery. It's about trust and commitment.That's the last thing I'll say on it.
Correct its about how much you can trust in your partner to bring you joy and the willingness to give up control to the partner. "TRUST" in your partner without it there is nothing but misery. Mind you the pig slut one is more for punishment for being bad and needing to learn or in this case practically pet play with taming.


Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
Guys, let's just drop this whole conversation about BDSM/slavery. It's a sensitive subject for people and no one will change the others mind so it's just pointless at this point.

It's also a bit OT so let's not draw in the mods here over this :)
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