Vleder &
WigglyWorld84 and salutations.
I find your conversation to be amusing and must confess that it gave me a slight uprising to my spirits to our dark times. This inspired me to write this letter to you both, as we are lovers of this fine work brought before us.
I would like to convey on these times of pending weather, political turmoil, and daft readers. That we can have such a lovely time discussing our enjoyment and endearment of
MoonBox and his story that he chose to share with us all.
I hope you both find this letter with good health and risen spirits. I myself now must listen to the sounds of the insects and yips and mewling of the local canines in my area, while enjoying the refreshment of this Fresca.
Be well in your reading and your future participation in this wonderful area of our enjoyment.
Sincerely Yours,