I had the same thought after i posted it... "wait, that's Persian." (I came here now to fix it! Ha!)
Still, my point stands but I should have picked a better example. Mah bad.
Thanks for catching it!
No worries, your point was definitely valid. Was an Arab linguist in the USAF, every Arab I've ever known was an awesome individual regardless of their religious preferences it's tragic what my country's meddling (especially in the 70s) and shitty people who desire power and use religion as a means to it have done to that part of the world.
More on topic for this forum old footage of the more liberated countries before all the super religious crazies took over is full of absolute smoke shows. My teacher from Lebanon was gorgeous even in her 60s to me as a mere 18 to 20 year old. Same for my Palestinian and Egyptian (she was also like crazy tall) teachers, although they were closer to me in age.