I think I have only said no to one thing in this game. And I don't think I'll ever say yes to that, just thinking about weirds me the fuck out. It's the Shizuka spanking. Fuck no...
I should have said no to the collaring of what's her name fight instructor... I didn't, shit, I feel nauseated about it still.
Guys, I have nothing against you guys liking it, it's your life, enjoy it. It is however above my capacity to tolerance to accept it in mine. To be honest I felt diminished as a person in my own eyes for doing it.
If it would be forced to lose her path because of it, I'd rather, than this feeling that I was complicit in that act.
Compared to this, a bit of piss, even a lot of it, means nothing. To me, obviously. You guys have other limits I guess.
Peace :/