MoonBox. Love the VN. Can't help but notice that the gallery was not fully polished yet and my Symmetry OCD kinda kicked in, so I kinda fixed it, I hope you don't mind.

I also found a bug on the day 3 betty scene on the gallery it was the wrong persistant value so I changed it with the correct one. There is also a with bug with the scene with Sandra (Page 2).
Edit 1: I attached the gallery_menu.rpy if anyone wants to use it.

Edit 2: Fixed the Exit button in the gallery to navigate to the appropriate screen(if you were in the main menu you will return to the main menu and if you were playing you will go back to the save screen) .
Edit 3: I found the cause for the error in the replay with Sandra on page 2. It Turns out there is no variable defined for mcCopNick int the script.rpy and is not saved in the persistent. Hopefully this info helps.