Oh man, stop... stop writing the jokes for me... Also, I'm a lot funnier...
You still insist on coherency and storytelling, when you are completely incapable of following multiple archs. You, apparently, are used to single arch stories and can't get past that. But, I'm sorry, it's not the game, it's you.
The cliffhangers peppered around the story have a function and are essential, you wanted a full arch to be told at once, but, that's not how evolved story writing happens. And, be thankful, MoonBox is using only One Timeline, unlike other authors. That would completely obliterate your brain, uh?
The cuckhold stories are one of the archs, Josiane and Michel will return, maybe next time only Josiane, since she is ready to drop the dead weight. We'll just have to wait and see. The other cuckhold, Karen and her unnanmed husband, is done. Natalia and her animal loving husband are also almost done. Jada and Aaliyah are also almost ready to throw that good for nothing husband out. So, the stories have progressed, a lot. But in your feverish impatience you can't see it. Again, not the game, it's you.
I wonder where you get that "NO MORE CONTENT BEING MADE" thing, those 2 girls had a function, provide early sex content, before you started things. After that, they were removed from the game. For a while they were featured into the Relationships page, but, MB decided to remove them to stop people asking about them. They will return for another scene, and then puff, out for good. My, my, I'm a narcissist now, thank you, I guess. The information I passed along, comes from being in this thread everyday for the last year and a half, reading 98% of what is posted here. It is easily confirmed, though, just search for MoonBox posts and read them.
I am mentally challenged because your previous sentence made no sense, yes, absolutely, I don't have the power to read your mind so I could understand what in that context you meant. Also, let's make things clear, this isn't a BYOG kinda thing. Yes, there are choices, but none of them impacts the story in any meaningful way, except maybe Tanya's Pregnancy and Paveena's virginity, but even those, MB made sure that they have very limited impact. So, if you're looking for "chooses" (should be choices) that have severe consequences, you will NOT find any here. Those 5 reasons that you keep mentioning, I haven't still been able to understand what you mean exactly. I will refrain from speculate, you have a very tender psyche and using a speculum on you would probably hurt you deeply. If you would be so kind as to explain, without expletives, preferably, what you mean by those 5, I would appreciate. I have an idea, but, that would be speculation.
Well, Killer 7 plays this game, so he's probably capable of following multiple archs stories, unlike you.