Felt like teen vs mlf snuff film and like appearance of charcoal that hasn't been dunked yet in near erupting volcano created pure diamond effect. I feel you need add magic and teleport means, it appears you comic book and quest idea in but graphics back it you may need find better sources.
Sex was good just left me thinking what the fuck...why didn't he drop his girlfriend? ignore her ring? She like chick who uses him like for fix and then doesn't realize wait he grounded and he should break out or he get in worst? That kind of reckless.
She not there for him and she prefer see his ass screwed and feels rather sad.
She should been one break in have hot sex with him WTF is that. She should used guise of we going be studying man he miss out on school if she cared at all.
Girlfriend who needed use her boyfriend balls to fuck just means her dildo broke.