Dude, please...I beg you...don't give me "I only speak English" in 2024...I am losing sanity points.
Despite speaking four, completely different languages, I would be insane to expect any of you to also read at least basic japanese.
I am not that mad. But there is a solution that I expect everyone and their grandmother to know these days...
For almost a decade now, G-Translate and other services provide more than adequate level of translation (now powered by machine learning, DeepL is the best). And for at least 6 years now, if not more, a
ny decent browser provides in-built translate option for the entire webpage.
There is no excuse. Not even laziness because it takes more effort to write a post here than to translate a webpage. Only an absolute imbecile would struggle with so many easy to use tools provided to them on a silver platter.
Don't be one, I beg you...I want to believe we don't go for the Idiocracy scenario.
There shouldn't be any difference, they are the same 035a versions. This is however a torrent set up so might be easier and riskier to download (depends on game and country).