Mar 12, 2024
Number of finished renders: 747

26.08 - Render count: 471
27.08 - Render count: 471->493
28.08 - Render count: 493->507
29.08 - Render count: 507-> 511(I'm sick and really have no energy)
30.08 - Pass
31.08 - Render count: 511-> 522
01.09 - Render count: 522-> 529(sorry I'm still sick)
02.09 - Render count: 529-> 540
03.09- Render count: I'm really busy with some of the new characters. Pass
08.09- Render count: 540-> 553
11.09- Render count: 553-> 571
12.09- Render count: 571-> 588
13.09- I need to add one more new environment and I'm working on that at the same time.
14.09- Render count: 588-> 604
28.09- Check the Status Update
29.09- Render count: 604-> 631
01.10- Render count: 631-> 659
06.10- Render count: 659->701
11.10- Render count: 701-> 747

Goal: ≈1600
So by my calculation in approximately. 40 days update
3.60 star(s) 48 Votes