2.30 star(s) 8 Votes


Active Member
Oct 15, 2019
Your system is likely starting to experience a hardware failure. The big issue is the system is booting direct to BIOS. That won't happen unless there's a failure somewhere.
Well, I play tons of games on tons of different engines (obviously including unity), and this is a first game that reliably crash my PC. I ran some diagnostics and everything is fine. I have 0 blame for dev, by the way, especially since it seems to work just fine for everyone else, I am just curious.


Jan 16, 2018
Maybe I missed it, game needs a tutorial - needed because you seem to have access to LOTS of things from the first second the game starts. I nope'd out after 15 minutes of not knowing what I was doing or what my goals were.
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Jun 16, 2018
Well, I play tons of games on tons of different engines (obviously including unity), and this is a first game that reliably crash my PC. I ran some diagnostics and everything is fine. I have 0 blame for dev, by the way, especially since it seems to work just fine for everyone else, I am just curious.
I've known one Unity game that will Blue Screen of Death your computer if your graphics drivers are sufficiently out of date. Check if there's a driver update available for you and install it to see if that solves the problem, otherwise I have no idea what's going on with your machine (I don't think this game suffers from another common Unity engine problem; completely uncapped framerates going at 6000+ FPS). I didn't experience any system crashes; only the game locking up/freezing/becoming unresponsive.


Jul 9, 2018
Took me forever to figure out how the game works. While the UI is very nice looking and clean, it's extremely frustrating to navigate, things are too far apart, they need to consolidate the buttons and UI elements into smaller spaces that are more organized and consistent. I kept getting lost as there are a LOT of screens and nothing is ever in the same spot, so I have to relearn a screen every time I go to it, as there is no consistency.

Other than that, I have figured out exactly what the game is and how it plays and I really like the idea of it. The evening/night time music in the room select screen/inside room is also great... while the main computer console music where you select menus from seems to be significantly different sounding in quality I feel by comparison.
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Aug 12, 2019
First impression: this is extremely counterintuitive. Like, it took an in-game month for me to figure out how to actually set a girl up with a customer (you press the 8> button at the bottom until you're in the afternoon, then right click to get to the dorm hallways but don't go into anybody's room, click on the tiny red silhouette at the bottom that looks like just a cosmetic thing but is actually a button, select one of your girls (who you can't see any info about their risky days or anything without going out through about seventeen pages of menus, so I hope you memorized them all), then pick a customer from the list, but then there's nothing on the cutsomer's stat screen that lets you actually select them for that you need to check off the little unlabeled box next to the customer list, then you need to advance the clock again for them to actually fuck (off screen of course). You will get paid for this, but it will not appear in the clearly labeled daily report screen since that hasn't been implemented yet.)

Don't even get me started on the process to get a girl to take drugs.

Second Impression: there is waaaaay too much unnecessary clicking here. Any basic operation requires you to go through a half dozen different menus at least, the information you need to make the decisions about that operation is never less than twenty clicks away, even moving between locations requires you to right click first to make the buttons appear despite the fact that they wouldn't even be in the way if they were on the screen all the time and the location buttons will only appear if you aren't in one of the wrong menus so you need to back all the way out of those before you can do anything else. And the optimization seems to be bad enough that even on fairly high end machines you'll be waiting a second or two after every one of those clicks, which gets real tedious real fast.

Conclusion: in its current state, this is a huge time sink for very little result. I do see a lot of potential in the ideas, but the implementation is a long way from being fun. If future updates streamline things dramatically and maybe label any of their buttons I could see this being a game I love, but in its current state I can't afford the time investment it would take to even see how much content there is so far.

Oh, and the recruiting system needs a major rework. As far as I can tell, each tactic only ever works once? Like, I find out that a girl wants money to buy lots of expensive things, I offer her a bribe, the progress bar goes up to 50%. The next day I offer her another bribe and it either stays unchanged, or drops back down to zero... but she still takes my money. Is there a specific sequence I'm supposed to do different tactics in? Do I need to find three specific tactics without ever clicking on one of the others or one I've already used? And of course pre-generating hundreds and hundreds of girls when you can never recruit more than fifteen and there's not even a way to filter out the ones you've deemed unsuitable is serving no purpose except to extend load times and force the player to do more unnecessary clicking through before they can get to anything potentially productive...
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Active Member
Nov 20, 2019
Oh, and the recruiting system needs a major rework. As far as I can tell, each tactic only ever works once? Like, I find out that a girl wants money to buy lots of expensive things, I offer her a bribe, the progress bar goes up to 50%. The next day I offer her another bribe and it either stays unchanged, or drops back down to zero... but she still takes my money. Is there a specific sequence I'm supposed to do different tactics in? Do I need to find three specific tactics without ever clicking on one of the others or one I've already used? And of course pre-generating hundreds and hundreds of girls when you can never recruit more than fifteen and there's not even a way to filter out the ones you've deemed unsuitable is serving no purpose except to extend load times and force the player to do more unnecessary clicking through before they can get to anything potentially productive...
Every day the girl's coercion resets to zero. During a single day, tactics remain selected. You can pick more coercion tactics as you gain money, but remember, some tactics actually result in negative coercion. (IE she gets mad at you and won't do what you want.) Enough negative coercions, and you can't win her over that day.

So, if you select negative coercions, you generally should wait until the next day to try again, picking only positive coercions.


New Member
Sep 27, 2020
This game seems interesting and I would LOVE to play it, but sadly it is hostile towards new players who goes in blind and from what I've read on this thread you would need to know what to do in the first place before the tips become useful. Another problem is that although the journal tells you that there is a "Lily" character that is supposed to be available at all times in the office as an assistant, and I am confused as to who that is, the lady on the right of the screen or the red spacesuit person outside the window, seeing as neither of them are clickable. I hope that there'll be an update that fixes that so that there isn't a person that does nothing in your office but actually does as advertised. Sadly though, at the current state, all I can do is wait for stuff to get fixed.

Also why are the "loading screen" fades like that? I'd rather not have every transition seem as I drop to 1 fps.


Dec 2, 2017
I think i need a visual guide on how to use the drugs/medicine and how to go to the surgery section... im not smart enough to figure them out.

edit: Nevermind. At night time, right click and the menu for surgery is available.
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Violet Tucker

Aug 18, 2018
So do I just keep resetting till I get lucky and get one person like their is not enough money to get even one person at the start without really good like and resets over and over, or am I wrong?


Jan 24, 2020
So people seem to be struggling with getting a girl at the start, so I've made a mini-guide on how to recruit girls effortlessly.

First, you've got to investigate. Unless you want to reach 100% on the investigation chart, you only really need to worry about four options: Treasury, Academics, WETA and OB/GYN. Girls always have one trait to them, and that trait will change one sentence in one of the hack results, with two exceptions where all four will have default results. These traits dictate how you go about recruiting the girl, and finding out the best recruitment method will cost you between 50-200k. I recommend doing WETA before any of the others, as each of the four hacks have two skills related to them except WETA, which has four, so you're more likely to get a result if you do WETA first. Also, this may be bias talking, but I found OB/GYN traits to be less common than Treasury or Academic ones, so do that hack last unless you want a girl to get pregnant from a viviparous alien or human. Ovolarviparous does not require a girl to be menstruating, and is much, much easier to get a pregnancy with compared to a viviparous mate.

There are twelve traits you can discover, and once you figure out which trait a girl has, recruiting is easy and will usually only cost 75k to coerce, however it can cost up to 125k. Here is what each trait requires to get coercion to 100%:
Poor Treasury - Bribe, Photo, Fraud
Rich Treasury - Photo, Gossip, Fraud
Lazy & Introvert Academic - Bribe, Photo, Kidnapping, Academic Favour
Studious Academic - Photo, Grade Threaten, Gossip
Innocent WETA - Bribe, Fraud, Work
Close to Family WETA - Bribe, Grade Threaten, Kidnapping
Quality/Price WETA - Bribe, Fraud, Kidnapping
Fashionista WETA - Bribe, Photo, Work
Puritan OB/GYN - Photo, Gossip, Fraud
Indecent OB/GYN - Bribe, Fraud, Work
All Default Results - Bribe, Photo, Gossip, Fraud, Kidnapping

Once this is done, you've gone through the "difficult" part and can go from here, however there is one more trick that I can share that will probably be changed so you can't do this anymore later in development. When choosing between contract type A, B and C, you can just constantly offer the same one until eventually the girl accepts. For me, this is always contract type A, since I have no idea what the game means by "trick" and what the percentage or multiplier affect, and therefore see no merit in picking B or C instead.

So, all in all if you get lucky a girl can cost as little as 125k or as much as 325k, but usually you will find them costing you 175k to 225k. Or if you save scum, a girl can only cost you 75k since you don't need to have done any investigation in order to start coercion. As far as I can tell, traits only affect how you recruit them and do not affect anything outside of that, unless you want to roleplay a little bit, like me who only recruits attractive or lewd girls.


May 23, 2018
So do I just keep resetting till I get lucky and get one person like their is not enough money to get even one person at the start without really good like and resets over and over, or am I wrong?
seems so i have hard time too.
verry hard game without any faq or intro how to etc...


Mar 11, 2018
No clean explanation of mechanics,makes this game unbelievable time sink


New Member
Oct 24, 2017
Does anyone else have a problem with unlocking new gene parts? When unlocking 3rd or 4rth stage in a green part (on the right side), as well as in some other sections, further upgrades randomly become unavailable. The button "buy" is there but greyed-out. And yes, I've upgraded genome research in the "blueprint" section just in case, doesn't help.
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Jul 26, 2021
Very confusing and also very unoptimized. This thing is laggy as hell. Also the controls are confusing, and I can't seem to make customers cum in the girl. It took me a long time just to figure out how sex scenes were initiated, and viewed. A guide is necessary.
2.30 star(s) 8 Votes