I have no idea what I'm doing... You just get thrown into the game with no explanations of anything after hitting new game. That for me is a solid pass when it comes to complex sim/management games.
well is an alfa and as such need to be improved a lot yet, lack of tutorial is a bit of a problem, but can be done.. first dont need to buy any upgrade on start, weird thing is that need to pay to investigate a subject to see if meets your needs as there are two types that will make your recruiting easier or harder (shopaholic and spoiledbrat) on investigate using 10k one increases 12% and other only 6%, so dont focus on the last one as those 250k from start are not enough
due to patreon godfearing' rules game says all are 18 or above, but we know is not really that way, as we are dealing with girls that may have not menstruation yet that usually starts from 12 to 15 but there are rares cases upper or below those numbers, so if apart from research want to get fertile girls, need to choose from jk2 or jk3 classrooms where may be some cases but less than on jc? ones, in case you get one need to research for menstruation trigger operation, then apply to subject and wait.. somehow is not working well sometimes, or not showing bleed and fertile days, but if it is unfaded, is done and ready to be impregnated,just dont know when tho
when you have a new recruit on a room, may not yet make her take customers as they come unaware of that new recruit, that's a good moment to apply some operation, at start due lack of funds and research, just can be one type of pills (i prefer obedience or lust) but take care as it costs 5k credits to add or remove a prescription, also will need to unlock first slot for meds on research to be able too
there are three time slots a day you can advance them on those buttons below screen, first to left is one advance, next is next day, and bug report?.. on day, when girls are suposed to be in class, is when you can research on dna mods and meds, on lets say 'afternoon' is when you can click on room view on red button where you can assign each girl to one or more customers (number depending on lust?) take care that each action have an impact on stamina, each girl has a daily stamina regen (can be boosted by pills and dna mods) if it falls below 50 girl will need some rest one or more days depending on battery seen on girl screen at room, if falls to 0 may need to be hospitalized, try to avoid that wherever you can
and finally at night is when you can do operations on girls that are not 'working', apply mods or prescript some meds or remove them, each action have a cost and there are some buggy issues there yet..
when you advance once more from night , will earn any tasks done by girls, that can view previosly at night on day stats bottom right or at your desk on calendar for any other past day