2.30 star(s) 8 Votes


Jun 11, 2018
If you try loading an autosave do you have the same problem? Do you mind trying to uncheck the "readable only" as say above, try a new game and save.
That example was loading the autosave, having done as you suggested and unticking read-only, yes. The same thing occurs with manual saves.


New Member
Jun 9, 2020
I have been trying to get pregnant for more than 5 hours. And only with the 6th restart it turned out. At the same time, I want to note that if you squander more than 2-3 months ahead, then the monthly schedule disappears and turns into empty icons.


Jul 22, 2021
this game is a broken mess. The screen fades are unnecessary take them out you can just spam click on the buttons anyway so its not like its a load screen or anything. Take the fades out it looks stupid and its annoying. What the hell is with Unity developers and doing this ffs.


New Member
May 27, 2019
JamJarInc I suppose you know that but, dont pay any attention to these rude and unrespecful people.
Just keep in mind that there are some of us that support and understand what any developer like you do, and are thankful for that.


PD: just if you need confirmation, the saves bug is present no matter what I did:
  • Admin rights, changing the folder owner (game and user/) and read only
  • It is present if you leave the game, I think you can load the save if you dont exit completly.
  • The name of the files only populate if you dont leave the game, if you do it puts a date in its place (related to the other point)
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Sep 4, 2018
Hello, can somebody help me out, I am lost, there is no introduction as how to play and what to do. I do have investigate a girl and coerse her and recruit her, but can't do anything afterward

In one word, Lost,to me there nothing to do but just skip time and click every pixel in hope to trigger something.
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Oct 3, 2017
Very early concept; but I like it a lot. I would make it more clear what is a button going forward (it took me a while to realize all the buttons on the DNA screen). I like the ideas; looking forward to seeing more in the future.
Apr 9, 2018
Hello, can somebody help me out, I am lost, there is no introduction as how to play and what to do. I do have investigate a girl and coerse her and recruit her, but can't do anything afterward

In one word, Lost,to me there nothing to do but just skip time and click every pixel in hope to trigger something.
Right Click brings up a menu on the right side of the window where you can go to the dorm, depending on the time of day you have different options

Morning you can:
Go to the girls Dorm, go research drugs, go research gene mods

Evening you can:
Whore out your girls (From the Dorm screen, bottom left side next to the date/time)

Night you can: Enter the Laboratory to apply researched gene mods or drugs. (Hit back twice to get to where you can select the girl you want)


Apr 9, 2021
If you try loading an autosave do you have the same problem? Do you mind trying to uncheck the "readable only" as say above, try a new game and save.
please add more humanoid alien sex. i love interspecies. and please add actual character model and cocks for the aliens.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2019
hey dude i like the game so far, if what i saw in the planned stage is reflected into later versions, i would defiantly support you, just don't be on patreon for certain things, they tend to hate non vanilla things
Apr 20, 2021
Most of the time when i go to the dorm area it either stays in the black transition screen for too long or it simply just gets stuck at the screen. Same thing happens when going into the dorm itself.
Saves dont load properly as well like the others have said.

Would be nice if there was a tutorial especially for how to get the sex scenes cause even after ticking the box for the dude nothing happens, and also may want to scrap the percentage-based investigation and coercion system altogether and just put a fixed value or at least a cost range there so it is easier to get the girls


New Member
Oct 10, 2021
JamJarInc I suppose you know that but, dont pay any attention to these rude and unrespecful people.
Just keep in mind that there are some of us that support and understand what any developer like you do, and are thankful for that.


PD: just if you need confirmation, the saves bug is present no matter what I did:
  • Admin rights, changing the folder owner (game and user/) and read only
  • It is present if you leave the game, I think you can load the save if you dont exit completly.
  • The name of the files only populate if you dont leave the game, if you do it puts a date in its place (related to the other point)
Thank you for your kind words! No offense taken, the game is still in Alpha, bug are to be expected. On the other hand the save bug and the lack of tutorial could have been easily avoided if I had tested this new build on a different computer...

Thanks for the update though, the third point helps a lot, the fact that the save game file name does not properly populate tells me exactly where the bug is.

please add more humanoid alien sex. i love interspecies. and please add actual character model and cocks for the aliens.
I'm planning on adding these features next year after the save bug and the memory leak is fixed and after the tutorial is done.


Mar 4, 2018
I can load my save games .. but everything is gone . and i mean everything unlocked drugs , embassies, , every gene research gives 99 but cant research any gen (doesn't even display what it was any more , only thing that isn't gone is that i suddely have 1 billion funds and 250 of each resource. wich i cant use on anything and when i as last hit the admission screen , it hangs at 20% but game still goes on in the background (hitting esc will show the menu behind the ''loading please wait 20%). other issue i have (before saving and loading) is that genetic modifications on girls arent stable ... like i have 3 aplied , want to apply 4th and find number 2 has dissapeared , or 2 and 3 (never number 1) or when they have 4 and i check wich to add and i dont add any , some are missing on return, drugs seem to work fine so far, other thing i like to know , how do my girls end up in hospital? i never let their stamina / happyness drop below , it would b nice if there was somewhere in game a ''log'' that would explain why ... just girls in hospital with a numberis so far all i could find . but with all of this said , i like what i've seen so far.


Apr 30, 2017
problems found so far..

useless sound settings as there is no way to mute, even drop all bars, still hear that door sound when visiting a girl to check for stats (there is any chance to move from on room to another with one click? as all transitions take a lot of time )

problem with dna perks when you have many unlocked, as cost is counted when you drag them to upper side, even if on an empty slot or not, when have many to choose from, when i scroll bar to see them, those on upper row are counted as being implanted, when are not, though increasing operation costs unsure if that issue is making also to find some of those already set being removed without warning

any chance to increase font size? i'm loosing my sight trying to read all that text so small, even lowering my resolution wont fix that issue

since you may have some hired subjects on a class, there is any option on dev mind to make them useful as letting them to gather info about all other students to check if can be recruitable or even chance to corrupt them

have trouble with room setting, unable to move once first recruit phase to another room

since there is a stamina level and a daily refill that can be boosted even by pills or dna modification, can there be an automated night job if certain levels are met?, like preferences on clients or max lvl of stamina lost or kind of service

the pay debt (not dept) option is broken, guess will be put in near future but maybe that line where it says your credits are 999,999,999 may be those are breaking loading back your game since it puts you have 1 billion after load.. there is some limit that when add those 999 to your real wallet breaks the game?

btw game looks promising, keep up that work, still much to do but hope you are checking for feedback to make it work


Oct 19, 2018
Here's my thoughts so far:

- The cursor color needs to be changed, or an option to change color for it. I can't count the number of times I lost where the cursor was - a black cursor is NOT a good idea IMO when the game is full of dark/blue area's.

- There needs to be an easier way, imo, to access girls stats than having to enter each girls room. It takes too much time to enter a room, check stats, exit room, then enter the next room, etc. Yes you can wait till evening and use the 'pimp them out' interface... but that only helps if the girs aren't in hospital at the time

- Have an option to have the right-click side menu available at all times, in places where it's available. While only a small thing, it was annoying to me to have to constantly right-click to access it to move to certain rooms.

- The DNA operating section bugs out if you try and operate on more than 1 girl a day. I've found that if I try and do DNA changes to more than 1 girl, it will randomly not do some of the DNA changes. Which means you have to go back the next day and fix that up, then wait another day to do another girl.

- Could you do formatting in numbers - it makes it easier to see how much something cost's when it has the , in the right place. IE 100,000 instead of 100000. This is especially relevant since the font size of text is fairly small, so can make it hard to count how many 0's in a number at times.

- Sometime in the future, maybe look at a way to combine DNA's when relevant - such as the "can give bith to X race" ones. Rather than having to pick/choose race... allow, at maybe a high cost to research, a way to combine them all. This is relevant since there are only limited DNA slots, and a LOT of DNA options to choose from.

- Also, the "Start puberty" DNA doesn't appear to work. Installed, went through 2 months and nothing changed.
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2.30 star(s) 8 Votes