2.30 star(s) 8 Votes
Jul 27, 2021
Ok, the Game lost me.
The is litterly NO explanation how this game works.
Why not have a "first steps" or more Messages in the Postbox which explain where to go and what to do?
And after the Step is done, the next message comes...

In this state of the game, you will loose most people, because ist not intuitiv to play and without any explanation hard to come by.

Elona Spiral

Aug 31, 2020
I did wait for the playable version of the game for some time since I subscribed to dlsite blog of the creator.

My first impressions of the v0.1.1a version:
- the graphics look good;
- not all girls have menstrual cycles enabled for some reason;
- assigning girls to clients each evening gets rather tedious real fast - i'd be happy if it could be automated somehow;
- this is like an early demo version for now, so don't expect too much (the only content for now is assigning girls to clients).

My personal preferences:
- I don't like the idea of aliens impregnating humans and prefer it to be an optional content.

Full sized images are on creator's dlsite blog -
I really hope the alien stuff is optional as well.
I don't mind humanoid aliens like the Asari from Mass Effect but the more alien ones can be a turn off.

But otherwise, the game looks interesting.


Sep 16, 2017
Clearly in very early stages. The concept seems like it could work.

It's a resource management game, let's start by managing the player's time. The transition animations really need to go. The player is wasting incredible amount of time in useless fade-out effects and if you get 15 girls it takes almost 10 minutes to check on them all.


Active Member
Nov 27, 2019
How the hell do you play this? I did all the DNA tech and medical tech, got a few girls, opened an embassy, max upgraded my station, and I still have no idea how to arrange an encounter.

Edit: FINALLY figured it out, gonna say it here for anyone else. After you have a girl placed in a room, move to the dorms and change the time of dayand you'll see a new icon in the bottom left.
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Engaged Member
Jan 18, 2018
But look how interesting , I hope this game is better and a lot , and man , create a patch to remove the censorship , this way the game will be much better


Active Member
Jan 18, 2020
Well it has pregnancy so that was a plus.

Quick question, is the belly only appear swollen on the "night" scene or can it be seen on the normal standing CG of the girls?
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New Member
Oct 10, 2021
Hi all, I'm away from home during winter holiday, I take note of all your bug reports and will address it as soon as I'm back home January 5th.

Looks good but, the images are too tiny to really tell.
I will update the post with big size images as soon as I'm back home sorry for the inconvenience!

I did wait for the playable version of the game for some time since I subscribed to dlsite blog of the creator.

My first impressions of the v0.1.1a version:
- the graphics look good;
- not all girls have menstrual cycles enabled for some reason;
- assigning girls to clients each evening gets rather tedious real fast - i'd be happy if it could be automated somehow;
- this is like an early demo version for now, so don't expect too much (the only content for now is assigning girls to clients).

My personal preferences:
- I don't like the idea of aliens impregnating humans and prefer it to be an optional content.

Full sized images are on creator's dlsite blog -
  • Thank you for your kind words. I'll do my best to improve the graphics!
  • Girl menstruation depends on their school year. The younger they are the less chance they have to be menstruated. At the moment as the game is still at a very early stage it has little purpose but it will take a significant place later as you can use a DNA mod to force start menstruation on a younger girl. It will also change the girl dialogue options as she advances in her pregnancy and didn't have her period yet.
  • I will try to add an option for automatic client selection. It might create heavy stamina depletion though.
  • Indeed it is the second version of the alpha and the game is still in at a very early development stage.
  • At the start of the game you should only have human customers unlocked. You can unlock different alien through the embassies. I could however create an option to lock aliens races. Will think about it!

When I'm in the main menu, the game takes 270 MB of memory. When I click on any other button in the game, the game takes 6200 MB of memory. WTF
It is odd, the heaviest moment of the game is the first time you click on "Admission" as the code generates all the girls at this moment. Even if the game is 2D only do you mind trying to turn the graphic option down? I'm not sure at all but it could be the lights affecting your performance. Will take a look at the performance as soon as I am back home! Sorry for the inconvenience though.

Bug 1)
After unselecting fullscreen, options can't be selected again. Also, it does not persist, so the next time I open, it is fullscreen again

Bug 2)
Saves don't seem to work

1.) Start new game and make a save
2.) Do anything
3.) Reload save
4.) Game does not seem to roll back to fresh state

Another time I reloaded and mysteriously ended up with 1,000,000.000 money and 250/250 genes, but game freezes upon loading admission.

Bug 3)
Genes can be repurchased i.e. we can hold down the BUY button and the cost is deducted, even if we already have the upgrade.

Bug 4)
Bars in girl profile are slidable, but don't seem to do anything; same for the 'blind button'

Bug 5?)
There doesn't seem to be a way to modify girl's genes or use drugs

Bug 6)
Girls disappear from the brothel screen after I added the 6th girl - only the 1st has a list of customers

I really want to like this but still too raw atm, promising start though.
Big thanks for the bug report!

Regarding bug 1 & 2, it might be linked to the fact that the game cannot properly access the config and save files.
You could try modifying the config file located at C:/Users/yourname/AppData/LocalLow/JamJarInc/HIGA
Changing censorship to "false" doesn't work at the moment ;)

I will check 3 and 4 as it seems to be small code typos.

You should be able to modify genes and drugs at the medbay accessible only by night and only if the girl hasn't any customer.

Girl will start having customers one day after you install them in a room.

Regarding 5 and 6 I will create a tutorial or a walkthrough to help you out. Stupid of me to release the alpha version without any explanation file... Apologies.

View attachment 1565225
3 typos in the first message
1. need
2. your
3. .
Thanks will correct it!

View attachment 1565226
As soon as i press "Admission", the game freezes and starts to pull more and more Memory.
When you click on "Admission" the game generate all the girls. It is normal if the game "freeze" a bit. However if it stop working I might have an "infinite loop" in the game generating a "memory leak" will investigate that!

Ok, the Game lost me.
The is litterly NO explanation how this game works.
Why not have a "first steps" or more Messages in the Postbox which explain where to go and what to do?
And after the Step is done, the next message comes...

In this state of the game, you will loose most people, because ist not intuitiv to play and without any explanation hard to come by.
I will release a tutorial and implement it with Lilly, your assistant for the next update.

I really hope the alien stuff is optional as well.
I don't mind humanoid aliens like the Asari from Mass Effect but the more alien ones can be a turn off.

But otherwise, the game looks interesting.
If you don't unlock "Alien Embassies" you will not have any alien clients nor alien related pregnancies.

Clearly in very early stages. The concept seems like it could work.

It's a resource management game, let's start by managing the player's time. The transition animations really need to go. The player is wasting incredible amount of time in useless fade-out effects and if you get 15 girls it takes almost 10 minutes to check on them all.
Will try to make it more "fluid" with less "fading effects"

Cannot even play, attempting to run the game instantly freezes my computer on a black screen and have to hard reset to get my computer to work.
When does that happen? When you start the game or at a particular time in the game? Did you try deleting the game files and restarting it?
Go at C:/Users/yourname/AppData/LocalLow/ and suppress the folder named "JamJarInc"

How the hell do you play this? I did all the DNA tech and medical tech, got a few girls, opened an embassy, max upgraded my station, and I still have no idea how to arrange an encounter.

Edit: FINALLY figured it out, gonna say it here for anyone else. After you have a girl placed in a room, move to the dorms and change the time of day and you'll see a new icon in the bottom left.
I will release a tutorial for the next update!

Well it has pregnancy so that was a plus.

Quick question, is the belly only appear swollen on the "night" scene or can it be seen on the normal standing CG of the girls?
The standing CGs of the girls are dynamic and should update as the breasts size and the belly get bigger.
How ever for testing purposes you will see the animations even if the girl hasn't any clients but I will change it later on. The girl's model are dynamic and will be updated depending on the girl's morphology, her breasts size, her pregnancy status and her hair and eye colours.

Apologies for all the bugs and the lack of tutorial! I'll do better for the next update!
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Mar 3, 2018
Saves don't work, when I try to load, nothing happens. If I load from main menu it takes me to a new game, if I load from in a game I stay where I'm at. The game is confusing, with no tutorial, so no real clue what you're doing/supposed to do (OP said he's creating a tutorial for next release so good for that). I figured out how to do the prostitution, but you never see anything which is kinda annoying. Never could figure out how to get the surgery to work, even after figuring out how to select a girl all the slots are locked. And the drug screen makes no sense. I can't actually tell if there's buttons and I'm not finding them or if there's just nothing there yet. Game seems interesting in theory but I don't think it's much more than a proof of concept right now and could use some work before touching again. That said, I'll probably check it out again in a few updates.
2.30 star(s) 8 Votes