HD Manic

New Member
Jan 16, 2021
Yeah, finished 2nd run through with the cheat and didn't pick a girl and you do finish with the mage scene. It was decent, but worth an entire 2nd play through? Of this puzzle game? No.

So, for what it's worth, a basic walkthrough (not sharing unity save's because lol no)
- First act, solve each girls' puzzle until all squares are darker, fairly easy.
- Second act, matching similar shapes. To make this easier, auto 10k points and no time limit is the following cheat code during the first puzzle: up up down down left right left right B A
(The cheat code is the Konami Code, google it if you don't understand)
- First play through after completing the last girl you are given an option to save the 8 girls. Select all 8 girls, you will have enough points to do this.
- Repeat the above for a Second play through, but this time don't select any girls and let the timer expire (30s timer). This will unlock the mage scene, which remains the only unlocked scene if you followed the first play through correctly.

I like these kind of game's because they're animated, but the puzzles just add needless grind. Prefer finding hidden shapes, still some challenge without taking an hour or more.
Do we do that on the direction keys?
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