
Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
why so much anger about nadia? sure she his on a bad way, but in my mind, it will be more enjoyable to see her being public punished after a good plot than seeing her fall on her knees and start to suck the MC as authority, and she a piece of the main plot in the mystery inisland
from my part, it's because other stuff hasn't been resolved. There was still some stuff with Sarah that was in progress like her whole wanting to be an authority which just died out and thankfully she didn't get it. Same with Daisy... no real explanation for why she acted like she and what she's hiding.

Also the mc goes from being on top his game to suddenly acting like a little bitch with her, he'd long out grown that. Even Leah goes for being all alpha bitch to bottom of the pack just because Nadia says so.

She's hiding something big and probably lying about everything. I doubt she was ever captured and is probably working with the "enemy" too.. simply from her actions they can be no trust for her.

This one was captured and left for dead. She's had a long time for the guilt over something she may have caused to make the situation of the island what it is. Probably the only thing she thought about was breaking out and fixing what she did. She isn't evil, she is simply obsessed with correcting a mistake.
That the thing she's had all this time for guilt to foster and her to think over how to fix it, if her story is to be believed. But that's also part of the problem, she wants to fix it but doesn't ask for anyone's help but tries to threaten or bully, drug and lie and beat them into doing "something" to under the wrong of the past, but won't explain it to anyone in any way. She might not be as bad as i think, but she's not doing herself any favours either.

Okay, may a bit more than obsessed... But she isn't evil, as such. No villain out to fix the ills of the world is truly evil in their own eyes; and mostly they can't understand why others can't see that they are trying to make things better. Thanos didn't see himself as evil; he was trying to save the universe from millennia of death, and war as too many beings fought over it's limited resources.
Lol, that's not really helping your argument ;)

Eerie Entity

❤︎ Victoria Shields' One True Love ❤︎
Game Developer
May 28, 2018
I do love these features but most people don't know what to do after the pregnancy to make it not seem super shallow.
If you do 3-10 pregnant pictures or an animation plus change some lines its just so empty. If there is a real ending to a adult game it should add pregnancy there plus some pictures of the future.
I liked how it was done in Dreams of Desire. In example Tracy, MC got her pregnant, then later, in the prologue we see her visibly pregnant, they even had pregnant sex and so forth. She didn't go into labor though, we didn't see the baby being born, haha.

Joey the mangaka

Engaged Member
Sep 18, 2018
Nadia need cum public use for punishment. I supported rest enemy . This girl made uncle. Less powerful enemy. So not only made beta mc and made uncle antagonist beta


Jun 21, 2018
Hello guys, if anyone has time to answer me. (Thank you).

After reading the comments to see if I should give a try to that game during my free time, because let me honest.. the tags look hmmmmmm. ;)

Can anyone SPOILER me (I don't mind at all (in details pls)) the thing with those 2, Nadia, Sarah, Daisy and a other girl you gave your Dicktator power or you keep it ? i think if i follow the comment it was the girl with short hair from the pictures in OP. A lot of people seem to hate them, what they did. I know some detail because of the comment, but I would still like to know all. ( if there is more drama girls like that dont hesitate to tell me )

The MC is the BOSS here on this island right ? Like *Male Domination* tag is there for a reason eh. So no one can tell him what to do (except his Uncle I guess) and he the one Dominating other female? I guess he will build is Harem of girls that will fall for him and being dominated by him?. A bit concern about that *Female Domination* tag, I'm not a fan of that at all (when the MC is a male). From comment I see that they will NOT dominate the MC but other girls.... whit out his consent, like that Leah girl from the picture in the OP? Or you have the choice to avoid it then its fine. I like when the girls are mine hahaha, even if it's a female, don't touch my girls lol ( not a fan of any type of NTR even if the girls isn't with you YET, but i dont mind stealing the girl from a other guys if that the case, in game its fun, i read* for the pleasure after all haha). And from an old comment seems Leah and a couple other character don't like the MC at the beginning but will they change their aggressive/unfriendly behavior toward him one day and be more... tamed / lovely etc.. Because I like Leah model and her rank in the story, so I wish the medal will capture her ;) in his Harem if there is one lol.

( And again, I don't mind spoilers guys, I love to know where he gets at before I do something, to know if I will like it. Don't spare detail and say something like, *try it and you will see, I'm sure you will love it*) lol

So that's all for my questions. If anyone takes some time to answer me, tyvm. ( Not native English hope its understandable )
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Jul 9, 2021
Personally I don't see it as MC turning bitch and cowering before Nadia, I see it as progression in his own way. At the beginning of it all, MC was a confused kid that just got dropped suddenly into a situation that anyone would describe as over-the-top insanity. With that confusion, and a healthy dose of raging hormones and boners, came recklessness and impulsivity in the way things got dealt with. Sometimes he ended up in a better-lucky-than-good situation, other times it shat on his face. Now, as we get closer to what may or may not be the endgame, MC is significantly different. In the beginning he saw the girls on the island as cute little hotty sex kittens to be played with at his whim, now he is FIERCELY protective of all of them and isn't going to let anyone or anything get to them. MC is also more calculating and less impulsive in his moves, he doesn't (usually) just rush in guns a'blazing.

That's what I think is going on here. MC isn't bitching out before Nadia, he's being crafty. "I don't know what this bitch is all about or what her problem is. I also don't know what she's REALLY capable of and could be way more dangerous than anyone anticipates. I better bide my time and watch, learn as much as I can about my enemy so I am better prepared to destroy her utterly when the time is right." He's even said it to Hazel a time or two, that Nadia is getting frazzled and if they keep it up she'll start making mistakes and this will lead to the window where they can finally take her down.

As for Nadia getting a possible fall-and-redemption storyline.... eh, I dunno. No telling what hachi has up his sleeve for her but I'm very interested in seeing which way it all goes. But personally I'd rather enjoy seeing her tossed off the pier to see if there are any sharks hanging around the island. After a very thorough pillory treatment of course.
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Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
Is it possible to use the big ball gag on Sarah in this version or is that option a placeholder for now?

Also, I'd like to voice my appreciation again for Hachigames staying on a regular release schedule. You are too good for this community.


Aug 1, 2018
Naxos, I think you may have a different sense of good/evil than I do is all.

Let me give you an example of why I say that.

In the Wizard of Oz, Glenda the "Good Witch" gave Dorothy the slippers rightfully belonging to someone else setting the poor girl up to be hounded on her quest go hassle a wizard to find a way home (the witch knew she already had that). The Wicked Witch who is after Dorothy is trying to get back her rightful property (the Ruby Slippers) from the girl who murdered her sister by dropping a house on her. Then, to get a way home, the wizard, obviously working in coordination with Glenda, sets Dorothy up to assassinate the "wicked" one and bring back proof (the broom) that she was dead.

Who are the good guys?

Good and evil aren't black and white; everything is a lot of both.

Thanos was trying to save the Universe, believing that the sacrifice of half it's population (and his own daughter) was a price worth paying to save the other half. By defeating Thanos and bringing the population back up to full, the Avengers doomed the universe to millions of years of death and destruction. That sounds pretty evil as well.

Why ask some one if you can do something if you know that the results will serve what you consider the greater good when you believe they lack the context to understand? Evil is always the side you don't agree with.

Tyr Unchained

Sep 23, 2019
So much hate for a mean bitchy character....
Alright. Since hachi has decided the only answer they're willing to give is by liking posts that defend Nadia instead of giving us a piece of his mind, explaining his creative intentions or just telling us to buzz off if we don't like his game (which does explain in my mind why MC is such a whimp) I guess your post is as close as we'll get to an official answer. Let's take a look.

I don't see it as a reboot, soft or otherwise. It's simply a progression. Leah was a bitch and we didn't like her for it; she came around. Sara was a bitch and we hated her for it; she's still coming around, but we accept that she's getting better. Even our hippy chick was a bitch, and I sort of didn't much like her either, but she's coming around as well.
Oh I agree. Leah aside (because in her case it's easily understandable that she doesn't want to hand over leadership over her people to an unknown person who hasn't earned it - simply because of nepotism) the rest of the girls you mentioned arrived on the island, saw the situation and decided to ignore/work around the MC while they integrate into the island society according to their preferences. Sarah tried to get a group of personal servants and enjoy her Queenly holidays. Daisy (hippy chick) tried to stay aside silently judging us all for not measuring up to her standards. All of those are of course cases of ignoring and disrespecting our authority. Sure. But none of the girls came to the island - threatened us with a gun(I'll get to that moment in more detail) - and then acted like she rules the island and all the citizens are her slave army. And none of them made Leah an obedient little girl just because the plot said so. Sarah may have acted like she could own the island with daddy's money. But even she didn't act like the MC simply doesn't exist. And there was never a moment where Sarah was threatening the MC with immediate physical harm/death. Only Eris (the Goddess) did it - threatening both us and our girls with death and there is no doubt in anyone's mind that she's a hostile force that needs to be disposed of/locked away.

This one was captured and left for dead. She's had a long time for the guilt over something she may have caused to make the situation of the island what it is. Probably the only thing she thought about was breaking out and fixing what she did. She isn't evil, she is simply obsessed with correcting a mistake. Okay, may a bit more than obsessed... But she isn't evil, as such. No villain out to fix the ills of the world is truly evil in their own eyes; and mostly they can't understand why others can't see that they are trying to make things better. Thanos didn't see himself as evil; he was trying to save the universe from millennia of death, and war as too many beings fought over it's limited resources.
It might surprise you - but I again - completely agree. She's definitely not evil. She does need help. She might've even been an interesting character if written competently. Instead she puts a gun in our face. And got away with it scot-free. Let me ask you - has anyone ever done that to you? I'm a person who spends a considerable time in shooting ranges and has demolished his share of targets. You know what would happen if I ever threatened anyone with a gun? Anywhere in a civilized society? I'd get tazed, possibly shot and put in jail. Doesn't even matter if the gun was loaded. Regardless what NRA slogans may say - guns kill people. Often by accident. So there is no need to debate if Nadia putting a gun in our face was her trying to scare us, make us obedient or whatever other argument you might try to put forward. Nadia directly threatened our lives. It wasn't a warning. It wasn't a game. It was "You don't do what I tell you - you die." Can I imagine a person that's just come out of a long-term incarceration in enemy prison camp to act so extremely? Definitely yes! Can I imagine said person not getting disarmed, secured and sent to the closest therapist at the nearest possible opportunity when this can be done safely? Like once they're not aiming the gun at anyone and we have the means to do so (Yuki and her time-stop)? Oh Hell no!

I'm not doubting her motives or arguing she shouldn't act like she does. I'm arguing that you're trying to mollify a dangerous and unstable person possessing deadly force by trying to play house with her. And trying to coddle her and show her life's better sides. While she's free to threaten you and any of your girls with deadly force whenever she wants. Basically you're acting like an abuse victim that's trying to convince themselves that the abuser has reasons for the abuse, is actually a good person at heart and we shouldn't confront them and just keep our heads down whenever abuse happens.

And Leah knows this! With her military training she knows how deadly firearms are. And while it might (if we're really willing to stretch our credibility) be okay threatening the MC in a joking manner with unloaded guns if we act like pervs and sneak in her bathroom - here Nadia's gun was definitely loaded and she was 100% threatening a civilian's life with deadly force. And yet Leah never questions her boss's ability to make reasonable decisions - her sanity - even though she knows that in any military you don't follow illegal orders given by a person unable to command. And Nadia (I imagine suffering from severe PTSD, survivor's guilt and feeling like a failure for not securing the island) is obviously not in a state of mind where she can give orders or be allowed to safely posses deadly weapons. But neither Leah nor MC act on this knowledge and instead try to "play with a kitten" when said kitten is a 200kg tiger that went through abuse and hell and can snap at any moment.

Frankly, I figure our hero stood down himself because he respects Leah's wishes. And I think it would be extremely evil to have those girls some of you are so ready to have kill the bitch do so without trying to find a better solution. Alice would definitely cook her over a fire for Reggie -- but she would never be the same, sweet Alice again.

Give it time, the lady has some issues she needs to work through. I'm sure our crew will help her out with a forceful intervention at some point.
As for Alice - again - I'm in total agreement. That girl is a wonderfully innocent cutie. And I'd try to keep her that way as long as possible. I'd even actively try to keep her out of the loop on what's going on because she might try to take things in her own hands, hurt Nadia and then live with that guilt for the rest of her life. And that might've even been an interesting and dramatic storyline to play through. But Alice is very much the "worst-case" scenario. We have several different ways of disarming Nadia safely (Yuki, Hazel) and as I hope I've sufficiently reasoned - it would increase everyone's safety as well as decrease the chance that any of the girls will act violently towards Nadia and loose their innocence as consequence.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2020
Alright. Since hachi has decided the only answer they're willing to give is by liking posts that defend Nadia instead of giving us a piece of his mind, explaining his creative intentions or just telling us to buzz off if we don't like his game (which does explain in my mind why MC is such a whimp) I guess your post is as close as we'll get to an official answer. Let's take a look.

Oh I agree. Leah aside (because in her case it's easily understandable that she doesn't want to hand over leadership over her people to an unknown person who hasn't earned it - simply because of nepotism) the rest of the girls you mentioned arrived on the island, saw the situation and decided to ignore/work around the MC while they integrate into the island society according to their preferences. Sarah tried to get a group of personal servants and enjoy her Queenly holidays. Daisy (hippy chick) tried to stay aside silently judging us all for not measuring up to her standards. All of those are of course cases of ignoring and disrespecting our authority. Sure. But none of the girls came to the island - threatened us with a gun(I'll get to that moment in more detail) - and then acted like she rules the island and all the citizens are her slave army. And none of them made Leah an obedient little girl just because the plot said so. Sarah may have acted like she could own the island with daddy's money. But even she didn't act like the MC simply doesn't exist. And there was never a moment where Sarah was threatening the MC with immediate physical harm/death. Only Eris (the Goddess) did it - threatening both us and our girls with death and there is no doubt in anyone's mind that she's a hostile force that needs to be disposed of/locked away.

It might surprise you - but I again - completely agree. She's definitely not evil. She does need help. She might've even been an interesting character if written competently. Instead she puts a gun in our face. And got away with it scot-free. Let me ask you - has anyone ever done that to you? I'm a person who spends a considerable time in shooting ranges and has demolished his share of targets. You know what would happen if I ever threatened anyone with a gun? Anywhere in a civilized society? I'd get tazed, possibly shot and put in jail. Doesn't even matter if the gun was loaded. Regardless what NRA slogans may say - guns kill people. Often by accident. So there is no need to debate if Nadia putting a gun in our face was her trying to scare us, make us obedient or whatever other argument you might try to put forward. Nadia directly threatened our lives. It wasn't a warning. It wasn't a game. It was "You don't do what I tell you - you die." Can I imagine a person that's just come out of a long-term incarceration in enemy prison camp to act so extremely? Definitely yes! Can I imagine said person not getting disarmed, secured and sent to the closest therapist at the nearest possible opportunity when this can be done safely? Like once they're not aiming the gun at anyone and we have the means to do so (Yuki and her time-stop)? Oh Hell no!

I'm not doubting her motives or arguing she shouldn't act like she does. I'm arguing that you're trying to mollify a dangerous and unstable person possessing deadly force by trying to play house with her. And trying to coddle her and show her life's better sides. While she's free to threaten you and any of your girls with deadly force whenever she wants. Basically you're acting like an abuse victim that's trying to convince themselves that the abuser has reasons for the abuse, is actually a good person at heart and we shouldn't confront them and just keep our heads down whenever abuse happens.

An Leah knows this! With her military training she knows how deadly firearms are. And while it might (if we're really willing to stretch our credibility) be okay threatening the MC in a joking manner with unloaded guns if we act like pervs and sneak in her bathroom - here Nadia's gun was definitely loaded and she was 100% threatening a civilian's life with deadly force. And yet Leah never questions her boss's ability to make reasonable decisions - her sanity - even though she knows that in any military you don't follow illegal orders given by a person unable to command. And Nadia (I imagine suffering from sever PTSD, survivor's guilt and feeling like failure for not securing the island) is obviously not in a state of mind where she can give orders or be allowed to safely posses deadly weapons. But neither Leah nor MC act on this knowledge and instead try to "play with a kitten" when said kitten is a 200kg tiger that went through abuse and hell and can snap at any moment.

As for Alice - again - I'm in total agreement. That girl is a wonderfully innocent cutie. And I'd try to keep her that way as long as possible. I'd even actively try to keep her out of the loop on what's going on because she might try to take things in her own hands, hurt Nadia and then live with that guilt for the rest of her life. And that might've even been an interesting and dramatic storyline to play through. But Alice is very much the "worst-case" scenario. We have several different ways of disarming Nadia safely (Yuki, Hazel) and as I hope I've sufficiently reasoned - it would increase everyone's safety as well as decrease the chance that any of the girls will act violently towards Nadia and loose their innocence as consequence.

I'm not giving much input here, because I don't think there is much point, and we will probably end up in an endless loop, and I don't really like to do that. I learned long ago that when arguing like this with people not liking your creative work, nobody ever wins. I read the posts, and I appreciate the criticism, but I will still continue to work as I have before.

It would also be impossible for me to argue without spoilers, so I rather not ruin it for everyone else, and that's all I'm going to say about it. And I will still continue to like posts I agree with.

Tyr Unchained

Sep 23, 2019
I'm not giving much input here, because I don't think there is much point, and we will probably end up in an endless loop, and I don't really like to do that. I learned long ago that when arguing like this with people not liking your creative work, nobody ever wins. I read the posts, and I appreciate the criticism, but I will still continue to work as I have before.

It would also be impossible for me to argue without spoilers, so I rather not ruin it for everyone else, and that's all I'm going to say about it. And I will still continue to like posts I agree with.
Nice. So I did get an answer.
I don't think we'd end up in an endless loop because we're both discussing it in good faith.
Of course you're free to continue to work as you have before. My intention never was to say that the game should be canceled. Just that with Nadia it felt like we were getting an unwarranted soft reboot and recycling the storyline that's already played out (and better) with Leah. If you feel like doing it all again only this time with an unstable chick armed with a deadly weapon will make the game better or more interesting - that's certainly your right as the author. Personally I'll say the game gave me a lot of positive emotions over the years and I'm glad to have played it. The art is certainly some of the best stuff out there. But I also refuse to get hurt and upset by the characters I've come to like and genuinely care about acting the way you've made them act.

My first post was mainly for catharsis and to write down my feelings of hurt and betrayal over Nadia - to get them out once and for all so I can move on. I honestly didn't expect the number of likes and comments agreeing with me (quite the opposite in fact) and I'd say if nothing else - it shows that more than a few people have an issue with your decisions about Nadia and while nobody is forcing you to do anything - it might be beneficial to give them an insight into why you made such an unexpected U-turn that left people baffled and confused and often angry.

For me I mainly wanted to get closure and to explain that I wasn't an unreasonable troll and that what I wrote wasn't an immediate reaction to one choice in the story I disagree with written in a hot-headed anger - but a conclusion to a long internal debate where I analyzed the issue from several view-points trying to justify it - before I ultimately came to a conclusion that this choice is very much indefensible for me.

Thanks for your work hachi and I wish you good luck with your game.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2020
Nice. So I did get an answer.
I don't think we'd end up in an endless loop because we're both discussing it in good faith.
Of course you're free to continue to work as you have before. My intention never was to say that the game should be canceled. Just that with Nadia it felt like we were getting an unwarranted soft reboot and recycling the storyline that's already played out (and better) with Leah. If you feel like doing it all again only this time with an unstable chick armed with a deadly weapon will make the game better or more interesting - that's certainly your right as the author. Personally I'll say the game gave me a lot of positive emotions over the years and I'm glad to have played it. The art is certainly some of the best stuff out there. But I also refuse to get hurt and upset by the characters I've come to like and genuinely care about acting the way you've made them act.

My first post was mainly for catharsis and to write down my feelings of hurt and betrayal over Nadia - to get them out once and for all so I can move on. I honestly didn't expect the number of likes and comments agreeing with me (quite the opposite in fact) and I'd say if nothing else - it shows that more than a few people have an issue with your decisions about Nadia and while nobody is forcing you to do anything - it might be beneficial to give them an insight into why you made such an unexpected U-turn that left people baffled and confused and often angry.

For me I mainly wanted to get closure and to explain that I wasn't an unreasonable troll and that what I wrote wasn't an immediate reaction to one choice in the story I disagree with written in a hot-headed anger - but a conclusion to a long internal debate where I analyzed the issue from several view-points trying to justify it - before I ultimately came to a conclusion that this choice is very much indefensible for me.
All I can say is that I disagree with your assessment of Nadia. I don't think she is a reboot of her student Leah, who looked up to her and acted a lot like her at the beginning.
My intention was for people to not like Nadia, and from that there are of course a lot of reasons to hate her.

A lot of the reasons I disagree with you, however, are spoiler territory and therefore I won't discuss it any further.

That being said, it's fine to get your feelings out, and I'm not angry because of your criticism or anything. In fact, I take it more as a compliment that my work has gotten an emotional response out of you. I'd be happy if you would stick around and play it, and see MC make it his mission to find a way to gain control over Nadia, but I also understand if you don't want to.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
A lot of the reasons I disagree with you, however, are spoiler territory and therefore I won't discuss it any further.
Yeah that is a very good reason, just as it is your game and story to tell. Still that does not mean she gets everything thrown in her lap incredibly easily right now when I look at it from my pov as player not knowing what you have planned, with no discernible limits imposed on her even after using the gun, trying to leave MC and Leah to die on the Island, the drugging and so on.

Now they may have reasons not to want to chase her away, even if just to make sure she does not voluntarily return to enemy, but to leave her completely unfettered and in power with her past (and remember the older ones like Hazel's mother always had doubts about her motives and especially her limits in past and so did MC's mom which his Uncle knew)? Basically she was already considered a risk with her research even before she got captured, even if a risk worth it due to her capabilities.

That also goes way to far especially if neither Leah, uncle or MC have to be intellectual giants to know Nadia worked with the enemy in captivity for her reasons. Jeanette already told them enough even before the scene on the other island about her suit and their knowing each other quite well.

If add to that her actions, situation of capture in her past for last 20 years and resentment to Leah and others as was shown in that recorded meeting in bar that Leah also saw, well it does get to be a bit beyond reasonable. Besides just basic prudence would dictate that someone that was captured for 20 years can not be trusted immediately due to that even if she acted like a saint and would need some serious investigation first after being back in from the cold while you are at war basically and no one with a working brain would leave her in a position where she has real power to wreak havoc if just by betraying your secrets that she now has access to before had done that. :p

I suspect it is partly more that which people do not like as Nadia being a bitch (which in a way is a repeat of a pattern already done a few times in game now), fact MC (but also Uncle and Leah that should know better) again acts overconfident and brainless he can handle anything she could do in the meantime and of course that handing everything over to her for no discernible reason or logic where logic would dictate to do opposite and you would keep her neutralized until you have had time to study her and find out what those 20 years did to her and where her loyalties lie when you are actively at war. :p

Still beyond that I also add my voice to those who do enjoy the game overall though and love the girls (yeah even Daisy and Sarah now she finally starts to learn some empathy for others as well and not seeing it as a weakness), I will enjoy it more again likely when Nadia story has concluded. :)
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