
Mar 13, 2020
just want to put some positive input about the update ( in no way am i saying anyone isnt entitled to their own opinion as i know their will be people that agree and people that disagree with what i have to say) i really enjoy where the story is going its starting to make me think of storylines that could be happening which is proof of good storytelling. i think the arc behind Nadia actually shows that the island is that far out of regualar culture that most people seem to act the same especially in positions of power. this also means that the MC is showing the light (if you will) by changing the views of people like he has done with Leah in the past.
again i am in no way saying opinions are wrong i just disagree ( like most people will with me)
Tyr Unchained
DA22 ( you two arent the only people i have diffrent views with just the most recent so dont take it persoanlly as their are some aspects that i dont completely disagree with but all in all im still a fan of the game and the work being done).

i really think you should try to look at the game again but looking from the view that as much as it seems repetative with charcaters you might actually find everyone is unique in their own ways. and like Hachi said he appreciates the feedback so that he can look at ways of improving the game. not all of the suggestions will get implemented but then again not everything will be perfect for everyones eyes. not everything is to everyones liking.
i personally believe that you should keep HD in the mix of games that you continue to like and play but that is my opinion wether you agree or disagree is enitrely up to you.
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Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
All I can say is that I disagree with your assessment of Nadia. I don't think she is a reboot of her student Leah, who looked up to her and acted a lot like her at the beginning.
My intention was for people to not like Nadia, and from that there are of course a lot of reasons to hate her.

A lot of the reasons I disagree with you, however, are spoiler territory and therefore I won't discuss it any further.

That being said, it's fine to get your feelings out, and I'm not angry because of your criticism or anything. In fact, I take it more as a compliment that my work has gotten an emotional response out of you. I'd be happy if you would stick around and play it, and see MC make it his mission to find a way to gain control over Nadia, but I also understand if you don't want to.
Mission achieved. :D

The good, bad, frustrating and interesting thing is we don't have that insight to her, that you do. You know your plans for her and what you want to tell and we just have to discover it as time goes. So we just have to trust you. While I live by the motto of "trust no one" when it comes to games, I can say hachigames is one of the dev's i have more trust in than most.

While I'm not enjoying the Nadia saga, I still enjoy the game. And like all the other girls she is very pretty.


Aug 1, 2018
Tyr Unchained: I was going to try snipping your post to answer each point... changed my mind. That would have made a text wall of unimaginable size. Instead I would point out that the only two there did not include our time stopping ninja nor any one else. Keep in mind that Leah still thinks of Nadia as her superior, and we know how difficult it is for Leah to make adjustments when she's -- confused. There's probably a bit (?) of hero worship involved as well.

Nadia is a very dangerous combatant and smart to boot. Any attempt to take her down would end with casualties. Who would you sacrifice?

If you worked through this update
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The MC doesn't want casualties, he wants a solution.

In the end I think Nadia is working For the Island. And I think both Leah and the MC are aware of this. Just as they are aware direct confrontation is the most costly option. At least that's how I read the situation.

I also spend time at the range, by the way. And yes, I have had someone point a gun at my face.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
In the end I think Nadia is working For the Island. And I think both Leah and the MC are aware of this. Just as they are aware direct confrontation is the most costly option. At least that's how I read the situation.
See, that is the thing. Hoping it as Mc or Leah or even Uncle is fine. Believing it without proof while you are at war with all the signs she has given she only works for herself and is a loose canon at best and a serious danger to those around her when not her lapdog and kinda vengeful to boot and her past of 20 years in the hands of the enemy who could have easily turned her is not, that is naive bordering on criminally neglectful if true. :ROFLMAO: The only reason Leah and MC are still alive is cause Nadia was stupid and overconfident and MC and Leah have dev on their side, not her intentions. :ROFLMAO: :devilish:

Now that does not mean that uncle and/or Leah are not testing her already and just forgot to mention that to Mc or that uncle thinks his nephew is actually the best one capable of handling her for reasons Hachi either hinted at to subtly for me or wants to keep hidden for now. Remember we are being kept in the dark by the dev about accident, MC's Mom and how much uncle knows and likely for good reasons).

Still even if Uncle is testing her, still seems to me he is taking a very big risk in the way he does with letting her have access to the accident site and a very big trust in his nephew's abilities while handicapping him badly by keeping Nadia in power putting everyone on the Island in great danger while that is what they want to protect. :p (OK, that can be explained if the plus she could bring is big enough in the bigger picture of the war, if not very nice to those you put in danger which includes the women we like as players ) Now if you want to unmask someone you need to give them some rope to hang themselves, Not so much they can walk to the end of the world. :p

For disagreeing, well no problem. If we all had the same opinion it would become boring and I am def planning to play the game, just sometimes I pass over an update or two to have some more playing time. Now if there was a hot all out sex scene with Scarlett in this update I might change my mind, she is too overly cute. :p
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Aug 1, 2018
DA22 : Maybe it isn't proof, but none of the "poisonings" nor other things Nadia did prior to the fight in the big warehouse island place seemed designed to kill anyone. Even after leaving them to die, Nadia didn't seem overly surprised that MC and Leah made it home in one piece. Just another test, perhaps.

Even after Nadia was presumed dead, no one seems to have removed her as an Authority or revoked her commission. As she outranked Leah, and officially still does it seems, according to the rules of the Island Leah has no option but to accept her ranking position -- even the MC is governed by the island's rules.

GD himself may have his own reason for wanting this to play out. It's not like he's always forth coming about his motives for doing anything. On the other hand, Nadia's motives are pretty transparent -- well, now that she's past the slinking around trying to catch the enemy's spy. That was what all the poisoning and attacks were about, if you remember.
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New Member
Aug 2, 2018
So i finished the Story (What is actually ingame) . So i think i played enough to make a small review. First some Infos. I needed ingame 146 Days (For the Main Story + Side Quests). For the Christmas Event i needed 6 more ingame Days. I used the Money Cheat. From the Real Time i would say A Day and a Half. Its an "Interesting" Game what is worth trying out. It remind me to the Game Cure My Addiction with all that Punishing. So if you like Stuff like that you should try Hail Dicktator out. The Story is a bit mysterious with all the Powers. The Charakters are well made with there own Story. The Stoy overall had only 1 "Error" as far i know. I posted it here too. There are no Animations ingame. But it doesnt matter in my opinion. There are some good plot twists too. So my overall Opinion about that game : Its really worth Playing View attachment 957356
View attachment 957309
can you tell me how i use the Money Cheat please..?


New Member
Mar 27, 2020
so i lost my save up to 21.2, would anyone by chance have a save up to that point or close to it?


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
DA22 : Maybe it isn't proof, but none of the "poisonings" nor other things Nadia did prior to the fight in the big warehouse island place seemed designed to kill anyone. Even after leaving them to die, Nadia didn't seem overly surprised that MC and Leah made it home in one piece. Just another test, perhaps.

Even after Nadia was presumed dead, no one seems to have removed her as an Authority or revoked her commission. As she outranked Leah, and officially still does it seems, according to the rules of the Island Leah has no option but to accept her ranking position -- even the MC is governed by the island's rules.

GD himself may have his own reason for wanting this to play out. It's not like he's always forth coming about his motives for doing anything. On the other hand, Nadia's motives are pretty transparent -- well, now that she's past the slinking around trying to catch the enemy's spy. That was what all the poisoning and attacks were about, if you remember.
The poisonings, well again that was just luck, Alice was just because Mc could calm her down when under influence or she might have killed that other and ofc since he has help Aneris he could help them. Again something Nadia, who does not believe in Aneris could not have known. She happily took that risk and that the girls she tested on would be under influence for weeks longer if MC did not have his connection to Aneris and if you think what she did to Leah was nice .......

Considering her position, Uncle actually said he reinstated her after she contacted him if remember right, but even if not she was 20 years captive and brainwashed by your enemy. That last you will have to at least assume if a leader in the Island community. Following rules like that blindly is always the biggest recipe for disaster and especially if you are in a leadership position and if she then also shows the amount of danger signs she has done already, then yeah whether you want to help her or make sure of her, giving her that amount of power and freedom is at best taking an incredible risk.

Considering the assassin, well we know that Nadia actually knew exactly who she was including how she looked, by drugging others and doing nothing about that or informing MC and Leah she only made that danger bigger and put them on a false lead as did play out and only reason J did not escape with compass was for her reasons. Now if I were Uncle I would seriously keep option in mind Nadia made two of them and left one with the enemy and was working from them from within for the moment investigating accident site before invasion.

Like I said it is possible that they have good reasons for what they do or that dev has, since giving too much of them now will hurt overall story and later story ending, still at the moment it does not make sense in game as far as I can see that Leah (who is not just a soldier, that should blindly follow orders, but part of power structure herself before demoted by Nadia), MC and Uncle act as they do with someone that shows that many red flags as a real danger. My opinion, you can have a different one. :)
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