3.70 star(s) 32 Votes


Mar 15, 2018
Very cool concept. The story is far more interesting and deep than most other virtual novels. The models are hot ad hell, and not just cut and paste fro Dating My Daughter or some other generic look. Well done, I'm looking forward to further updates.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
I finally managed to get to the update, and I have to say that with now it seems that you have a very weird way of transitioning. We're talking with the sister in the bathroom about boats and trips that we used to do with the dad, and then without a closure to that conversation we're jumping to a flashback to a college scene, which seemed that will be about the topic we had with the sister before, but then it turns out that's not the case at all. Unless Dex comes back to enact his revenge while we're having a boat trip or hits us with a boat or something. Then after the flashback ends, we're jumping back to the present to a day? later laying next to the pool, seemingly starting a completely a new chain of events.

The flashback was nearly not as bad as the comments suggested, but it suffered from similar oddities as well. The threesome looked good, and sexy, kind of a shame that we couldn't choose who we cumming in, I would've preferred Lola, but that's fine. Then we have the pill choice, which is contradictory, I know from experience that when it comes to an addiction, you either put it down at that moment and never touch it again, the step by step mode is nothing but a stalling tactic that leads to relapse.

We had the fivesome scene, which was also very sex, and the Madison thing, which feels like that happened in that way out of plot convenience. If the MC had time to visit the dorm of those girls, he should've had time for his own girlfriend as well, and that should've been a choice if you want to stay consistent, but of course, that would've needed a bunch of other renders and another script to resolve the Dex situation. It was also weird that he was enjoying the time of his life with those chicks, then he's all mopey about the girl who he hasn't paid any attention.

The Dex plot went fine, up until the conclusion. Feels like that you made it weird again out of plot convenience. The headmaster himself called the cops on him, by that time his fate must have been sealed regarding to the school, and yet he wants to give a one year suspension because someone hit him right before he's taken away for criminal activities. That's just plain stupid by that point, and it leads to an odd choice again, where a, we help our buddy out by strong arming the headmaster, or b, we let him hanging and preaching about taking responsibility when we were pretty much the cause for it. I like the initial idea behind it, the moral choice of using our power to save someone or not, but the circumstances and the execution of the scene makes it falling short ultimately.

Then the aforementioned time jump to the pool, where depending on what we choose at the end, we get two different scenes, but we have the locket if we decided to leave Mike hanging, regardless what we choose about popping pills, which seems more tied to it than what happened with Mike.

I generally still like the game, it still looks good, have an interesting premise, but these little problems amassed - which could've been avoided with only a few adjustments imo - ruins the overall enjoyment when I look at it as a whole.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Completed upto this update and reaction is it would of been much better to have the School part as the Intro and the Intro after and leave out sitting at the pool full stop.
the girlfriend part slightly rewriten should of been before the vanilla choclate cake part and then you wouldn't of got the complaints.
I understand the idea was it was so he had an excuse to deal with dex because he just been dumped and wanted to feel better but thats not how it looks.
the MC might seemed nice and be polite especialy in the Intro but now just comes across as your typical self-absorbed selfish arrogant asshole MC that in most games.
First off he forgets he has a girlfriend and fucks 4 girls without a care in the world and dosen't even have the excuse of being drunk or high and then sudenly remebers when she unconveniently turns up that he has one.
Secondly she tell's him she knows the collage now knows who he his and that will bring out the girls looking for a cock with money, and she is gonna let him have his freedom to fuck said girls which probly means she already suspects he has,
and His responce which should be at the least Guilt and Regret is in fact essentially him moaning about the fact that it was a buz kill and now he feels powerless and frustrated. so going after Dex was to make himself feel superior by outsmarting a drug dealer.
and to prove that point he then has to turn up at Dex's door to inorder to be smug and gloat.
the fact which leads to DEX atempting to bate either MC or Mike into hiting him which Dex couldn't of done had he not gone to gloat. and then we supossed to blackmail the Headmaster for suspending Mike because if a zero tolarence policy on violence despite the MC warning Mike it was just baiting.
very thin plot that by the way.
So basicaly the MC is just a polite selfish prick as apposed to your normal rude ones.
PS. I let mike get suspended anyway stupid fool I warned him not to hit Dex in the first place so why should I blackmail the headmaster when he's only geting held back a year and if I actualy felt gulty enough I could give him a Job at the new conglomerate I just became ti CEO of.
Anyway that my personal take on this game it has potential.

Just Sayin.
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Aug 24, 2018
Im really enjoying the game so far, the renders are great same as the story and characters however i do feel the need to say that the Dialogue can be infuriating at times, The MC uses the Relationship set in conversation where you should really just use her name for example when Madison is talking about her Sales at dinner and her plans to open a new store the MC should say

"Wow, Congratulations Madison." Not "Wow, Congratulations Sister." it makes no grammatical sense, this happens alot in the First episode, id suggest laying off on the Honorifics or if its a language barrier problem on the Devs part try to get a Proof Reader, it would vastly improve quality in my opinion.

Really enjoying the game, if the quality continues ill most likely add you to my Patreon list. Good Luck.
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Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
show is going on so far : (remove on)

I've seen for a long time : I've seen in a long time

yes I know you like it : I knew you'd

leave you off the hook : let you off the hook/

but a man can wish : can dream

welcomed to exchange places : welcome

how gossips reach : gossip reaches everybody's ears

developed throughout many : over many

passed for generations : passed on for

will see that soon : see soon enough

(on the oil image with lola, lauren, and brooke with the text "okay girls my turn", Lola unfortunately has a pink glow around her neck which looks like a hole or necklace and her finger is bent in such a way it looks like she is missing one)

I don't think he won't : he will

I think we have still have : (remove first have)

how much are you gonna : how much longer are

(everyone saying boobs seems weird, I get the MC, even a girl or two, but you would assume someone would say breasts or a different version)

Fucking junkey : junkie

all be worthy at the end : be worth it in the

that's my queue : that's my cue

junkey rat : junkie

trespassing in private : on

like a lesson in life : a life lesson

in track for : on track
Nov 4, 2018
The naming system has a mistake,
The "daughters" relationship to "mom",
Is being applied to what the daughters call the mom.

For example "Madison: Daughter we are home! Are you in...".

I redid it 3 times reading carefully so I'm certain it's not me,
The thing is during the ride home Madison says "Mom will be pissed",
So it seems to just conern that line in the kitchen so far.

I proceeded to the first choice and once again:
"Your Mom(should say daughter) took the scenic route*.

My entries at the start:
This is Evelyn, she is your... Mom;
You are her... Son;
This is Madison, she is your... Sister;
You are her... Brother;
This is Lucy, she is your... Sister;
You are her... Brother;
Madison and Lucy's relationship with Evelyn is... Daughter;
Evelyn's relationship with Madison and Lucy is... Mom:
This leads me to believe those last two are backwards but Idk.

Seems to be it,
I swapped the choices on the last two,
The dialogue is now as it should be.
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Real Kreten

Active Member
Apr 10, 2020
A little note about chess in the game, it wasn't a checkmate. MC could use the bishop to cover the king from the tower. Although the MC was already in a relatively poor state at the time in terms of figures.

EDIT: I had planned to add a more useful comment than my note. But it is too early for that. I don't know yet what to think about the story. So I just wish the developers a lot of success in the next sequels.
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3.70 star(s) 32 Votes