There aren't two separate version of the game, at least I don't believe there are.
Download the Mac version of the game, then open the HORNSVILLE.html file with any text editor (Notepad++/Sublime/anything), and search for $day to 0.
Then, above that or below it, anywhere in that series, put "(set: $patron to 2)", without the quotes.
That unlocks everything that's currently supposed to be a part of version .8, from clothes on the avatar to living with your dom and all that. At least, as far as I can tell it does.
Normally, I'd continue to be quiet and just enjoy, because Dev's are notoriously whiny about these things.
Yet, this dev made a performance about how the game had become too convoluted or big and so they had to separate the game into two versions. Or something to the like.
Besides the fact that bigger games exist that run smoother than this without splitting the versions, it was also shortly after the patreon content started to get leaked here, so I was just a touch skeptical about the whole thing.
Anyways, if I'm not wrong and this is what I'm saying it is, enjoy. If not, well, shame.