I'm actually kind of surprised to see a comment saying this... I actually remember I left a comment here back in January/February, right after v0.10 dropped where I basically questioned the amount of content in the update, because it felt like a pretty small update (
with the exception of the first half of Lin's adventure to Elf-land) and I was pretty disappointed by that.
I've only now got around to trying v0.11 in the last few days and it feels like there's at least a few solid hours of content. Every girl has at least a few "story" interactions and quite a few of them feel very major, so I'd say it feels like a pretty substantial update.
One also needs to be a bit understanding of any issues caused by COVID, so if it somehow seems like a smaller update to anyone else (which, again, I'd dispute), remember to keep that in mind.
I also wanted to give a few overall thoughts on the update (I did a review on here ages back so at some point will need to update that as well, I suspect...) so I hope you'll all forgive the forthcoming word-vomit (I just love the sound of my own opinions I guess?
Basically, I seriously enjoyed it. As always, Kali is best girl (fite me), and I fucking love a lot of the kinks Runey uses. I also like that a bunch of the side-girls got wee snippets of content as well. Although I will say that given how many different girls there at this point I am beginning to think a clue/hint system might not go amiss. For example, I had a point with Autumn saying for me to join her in the shower and I have ABSOLUTELY no idea when that happens... And she's one of the main girls, not even a side one.
Also, just gonna call it now (assuming it's not already been announced) but protest girl from Kali's Uni is gonna be the last girl introduced to the hotel. She stands out way too much to be relegated as a background character. Although I guess Runey did do that with goth shop-girl... Either way though, I'd put money on this.
For the first time I'm starting to have a couple of minor complaints though. It's happened before to a minor degree, but as of this update I'm starting to feel a tiny bit exhausted with some of the "lore" aspects. It seemed like this particular episode had SO much exposition just dumped on you, which isn't ideal I think.
Edit: I actually also just saw the recent review by
HogRocket and honestly, I think I 100% agree. I love Harem Hotel for being basically the ultimate fantasy in BDSM harem porn... But it really does feel like the sheer level of political/lore-focused content right now is just a bit over-the-top and kind of ruins the "fun" a bit. I feel like it could benefit from being spread out a bit during updates, but that is just me.
I also fucked myself a tiny bit by having to spend the $4000 at one point, coinciding with Autumn's anger with you. So now I'm $2000 in debt and need to skip forward basically 2 weeks so I can actually proceed with her again. Which is a bit... Frustrating...
On a technical note, I'm beginning to see a LOT of minor inconsistencies in terms of clothes for the models. Individually it's not a huge deal, but it happens so regularly that I can't imagine how long it'd take to fix all of them (I could list the ones I remember if it helps). For example, off the top of my head, one very egregious example is that during the "Kali get's a haircut" scene, her appearance changes in the mirror but NOT the actual model. Which was a bit weird.
Lastly, I may have mentioned this before but I'm kind of getting a bit pissed off with the main character and how he acts with Edi. I realise for the most part he's not supposed to have a very strong personality so that we can self-insert... However, the scene with Edi showing off tonnes of other women's nudes and then showing off, scaring others and then basically blowing up and threatening others when they reacted poorly. That whole thing frustrated me. It feels like the protag needs to take a MUCH harder stance here and have the option to tell Edi to tone it down. He keeps just letting her do stupid things and then being all "Oh you just have a lot to learn". Like, fuck that. No? You have to be the one to teach her!
Maybe there's plans for this down the line, but I seriously fucking hope that you get the opportunity to actually get her in line a bit. I realise that might be odd for a basically omnipotent AI, but at this rate she's one tantrum away from just zapping people dead. And that's not fun!
Overall though, it has to be said, fucking props to Runey. Amazing as always and it's just never enough for me...