Come on... this will be the first time that I do some kind of "criticism" to some porn game in this way, so openly like that, but for the love of god man, the character you created, called Maria is one of the worst characters I've ever seen in my life, I love your game, I've been playing practically since when you released the 1st update of it, but kind of after a while, this character becomes unbearable, the whole scene you, the creator, insert her from somehow I know she's your favorite character but you don't have to shove her everywhere no, it doesn't matter the girl, you always manage to get her in the middle of something to totally ruin the scene, fuck even with the autumn you did that, there comes a time that whenever she appears I just skip the dialogues, and even found a way to invent her being the daughter of some important elf to force her into the story, girl without charisma, totally forced... da some time with her in the story or create a game of her own but don't keep forcing her in everything that is part of the story, no, one time she tells her friend that she would never do anything sexual with her because she considers her a sister, another time she's licking the friend??? it becomes unbearable how much screen time maria is there just for the hell of it, and always spoiling something, I can no longer take any story in the game seriously precisely because of that! sorry, english is not my first language and again, sorry about that big rant... fuck man, i thought when she became a slave that shit would change, but it only got worse, i said what i had to say, have a nice day. _|_