[QUOTE="Corvus Belli, post: 11940693, member: 305037"
I'm not sure why you think any of that's relevant to the point; regardless of "free people vs. slave" ratios, or who owns the slaves, and in what quantities, it remains true that increasing the slave population by a few hundred is an utterly negligible amount, and would have precisely zero effect on the market value of a typical slave.
Also, remember Ashley saying her family was so poor, they couldn't even afford a slave of their own, and so one was provided by the government? If "can't even afford a slave" is a metric that defines someone as “poor”, then that kind of implies that slave ownership is fairly common, wouldn't you say?
As for leaving the elf terrorist in place.
1: There is very little that she can do to harm them, with her limited resources.
Such a small number of slaves can do no real harm, and the government can use an uprising from those elves as grounds to tighten the controls on the slaves, if necessary, and come out looking like heroes...
Government: We tried to give that community of elves their freedom, and they repaid us by attacking us.
Proving that slaves could not be safely freed.
Read below quotes for more details.
Quetzzz said: There were some statistics quoted that 15% agreed with giving Elves more rights. I doubt any pro-elf propaganda would decrease this number, at least. But, I agree, we'll have to wait and see how it goes.
2: as addressed in another post: (read both quotes)
""Unless you take into account the corruption in the Sylanar government.
We know that the government is corrupt, and heavily invested in slave labor.
The nations whole economy is based on it, just as the confederacy's was.
A corrupt government would have no issues with changing the statistics, so that it looked like there was not much support for freeing the elves.
If it appeared that there is not much support, then fewer people would be likely to join together to try to push for freeing the slaves, since they would have seen themselves as the minority, with little hope of success, and possibly a substantial risk. ""
""Many third world dictators get re-elected without true majority support in the country.
They control the government, so they could rig the elections. Example: look at this world, and the nations it has and the many elected dictators..
The minister of slaves and those freedoms (and Leaving those slaves in place) , may very well have been nothing more than a move to appease those people who were against slavery, and keep them docile. ""
Dictatorships do not like the opposition to know how many supporters they have, so they keep them docile, and ignorant so that they can stay in power.
As for the elves dying out:
We know that they had a habit of neutering the males, and that it is hard for elves to become pregnant, and without un-neutered males or with only a small number, the race will die out.
All you could have in the long run, would be half breed elves if human male donors were used, and that may piss off the human parents of those children if they were enslaved.
Also, male elves are far more likely to be put to doing hazardous or physically demanding labor, which would eliminate many of them from the gene pool earlier, with work place accidents.
Basically, there may well be a billion elves, but how many of them are un-neutered males?
And also take into account the slow aging of elves and the difficulty of impregnating an elf.
It could take 120 to 150 years before a newborn elf could be old enough to be able to do labor.
So, breeding them like the confederacy did is not a viable option, because the cost of feeding them and caring for them for that long, would be astronomical.
If you want them to be good and healthy slaves when they grow up, you need to feed them reasonably well, and if you want them to be healthy slaves, you will need to supply at least basic medical care, for 120 to 150 years...
And even then, they will be a very young slave
*aging based on Lin who is 300 years old, and considered to be the equivalent of a 20 year old human.