More dungeon scenes; Emma's were definitely the highlight of the last update for me.
Extended Emma + Felicity threesome (bonus points if Maria and/or Ashley is watching). The Lucy/Kali scenes are some of the hottest in the game to date, I would expand upon that dynamic for E+F content.
Autumn has been stuck at BJ/TJ for what seems like forever now, it's time to seal the deal with her.
As far as side characters go, I would give preference to Kate&Juliet over the elves personally; they were introduced to the game MUCH earlier yet have less content and no real h-scenes. So Kate would be #1, Juliet #2, and Sylvia a distant 3rd (as far as non-residents go).
Thank you for soliciting community input, keep up the good work.
P.S. Prefer a size in between her current Small and Medium settings. Her medium tits are some of the biggest in the game, the large are just stupid looking, but the smalls are a bit flat. Maria-sized would be ideal to this observer.
Everything you've brought up is something I've wished for and was very well stated! Thanks cause it got me thinking of my own ...I feel like I've got a good sense of the world that's been built, there's lots of depth to the in-game world. I'm happy with the myths and lore we've gotten up til now, I don't need much more explanation... Now let me play!
I don't want to speak for anyone other than myself here, but I'll just put my wishlist out there:
I look forward to more variety in sex with the main girls (no disrespect to the girls with smaller roles, I like some more than others, and new stuff with them is always welcome too!).
All the pervert in me wants, is expanding the sex scenes with the girls that are there. I really enjoyed the scenes that came with the Lust System (Ashley's were among my favorite, they were the perfect amount of nasty). More threesomes/group sex with all the girls really adds to the "Harem" part of the fantasy, and that's the point right? It's in the title! I'd find it a compelling but straightforward way to get the girls "closer with one another." They enjoy and seek out sex not just from you but from each other (if MC allows it). Then new and stronger friendships (and dare I say, relationships?) are forged. With lots and lots of sex.
So my wishlist would include:
- more/new repeatable threesomes, dungeon scenes, lobby scenes
- New Anal, PIV, and BJ scenes or at least maybe some new positions.
- different/new options of finishing in/on the girls depending on the act
- Have different girls "wake you up" maybe after sleeping with them, and on that note...
- Special "spending the night" sex scenes for the girls
- more clothes, panties, outfits, hair styles, etc (I personally enjoy the option of customizing the girls' clothes/appearance/features/pet names)
- More anal or anal as optional. I understand it's harder to really show it in HS, but just having any more anal scenes is appreciated.

- More little titty love.
As far as characters I'd like to see more from:
- Emma + Felicity
- Kali + Lucia
- Autumn
- Maria & Ashley (I absolutely love these two being the hotel pervs joining in whenever they can)
- Violet and/or Jin (They've been hiding up there long enough! That creampie eating scene was seriously one of my favs. Gonna be hard to top that)
- Android (Her "assisting" MC in some dungeon scenes would be hot)
I know this will most likely get glossed over, but I respect Runey's work and willingness to reach out to fans. I wish him and the team another successful year.