
Well-Known Member
May 12, 2019
Man how insecure do you have to be to feel like there is danger of potential ntr, just because one guy tries to book a room in a hotel? There is nothing wrong with not liking lesbian scenes we all have our preferences, but I don't think it was wrong from Runey's part to say that the comment had homophobic vibes. If you decide to hate a character just because of their sexual orientation, then yeah you're being homophobic.
Dont twist my words man.


Dec 3, 2019
I don't like maria either. Now, in this story Maria occupies a very important role. A bridge for threesomes. A bisexual role. Sex maniac I love it. The reason I don't like her is she isn't qualified? for her role in the game. she isn't the girl for this kind of role. She's not great in terms of bodily aspects, she's going to school, she's depressed, bitchy, etc etc. She's not the girl for the role. Ellen would be a perfect* candidate for that role, Jin would do great as well. And Jin easily would be my favorite (I still love her more than Maria even tho she doesn't have many scenes.). But maria in her current character? she's my least favorite. Hell I even skip her scenes. I can't think of a worse character in Maria's role tbh, even Ash would be nicer. Other than Maria, All other characters are top notch, I never understood why maria got many scenes at all, whereas lovely Autumn and Sexy milf ellen has little to none compared to her. Other than Maria, The game easily the beats all of its opponents, an awesome and long game. There's character developments etc everything's there. The only thing I can complain is, MC sometimes can be an emotionless fucker. There were many sweet scenes where MC could've said so many nice things to girls, but he didn't, it made me really angry cause I was developing feelings for girls.


Nov 11, 2020
If I might be the devil's advocate for a moment...


I think pineapple on pizza and motion blur in video games are two of the most heinous creations of humankind, but I don't go around telling restaurants to change their menu, or devs to change their games, that's just dumb.
Use your inside voice, let it flow through you, see how it feels. It might make you a better person.
I agree with pretty much everything you said, except for this. Mmmmm, pineapple pizza, or better, a Malaki Monster (Canadian Bacon, Pineapple, and Jalapenos). (y)


Y'all have way to much free time friends.
The poster in question (I've lost track of the original post) called lesbian action "disgusting" which, IMO is the definition of Homophobia.

If that is something you are not into, simply do not download the game. The tags let you know pretty much everything you'll see in the game. You are the one missing out on a great story in this case, but that's your call.

There are a number of games here that I've tried and stopped playing, and others I felt I would not be able to continue due to the content type (i.e. The Headmaster for example). After playing for a while, they turn out to be good games. Others, the content I dislike such as games with heavy incest content tend to be no-gos for me. I might give them a shot to see how limited it is, and if the implied content can be worked around, but if not, it gets deleted.

The choice is yours if you wish to continue playing or not, but don't preach at those who have no problem with said content. Your views are yours alone, and you cannot force them on others.

I feel I sort of rambled on this, sorry.

:cool: Eric Grey


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
Man, what's with the flood of "I HaTe LeSbIaN CoNtEnT EvEn If It'S BiSeXuAl" on the site lately? You don't like it, feel free to uninstall, stop trying to get devs to change their games.
I think it's just a handful of very vocal people, I don't think the majority of people really care that much.


Active Member
Apr 25, 2020
I think it's just a handful of very vocal people, I don't think the majority of people really care that much.
true but it still is a good idea to show them such hate is not tolerated. but as always its the minority that has problems with it. the majority just does not care what someone's relationships are. are they happy ? yes ? then let them be happy. those who hate should really learn that one day and look at themselves as they are usually the problem.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
true but it still is a good idea to show them such hate is not tolerated. but as always its the minority that has problems with it. the majority just does not care what someone's relationships are. are they happy ? yes ? then let them be happy.
From what I've seen in most threads, people usually just ask if the lesbian scenes are avoidable because they are not into that. I don't think the comment here that sparked this whole discussion represents the majority of people that don't like the lesbian scenes. But yeah when people take their dislikes to the extreme, that shouldn't really be tolerated.
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Apr 28, 2017
The poster in question (I've lost track of the original post) called lesbian action "disgusting" which, IMO is the definition of Homophobia.
The poster did not call "lesbian action 'disgusting.'" The poster said that the F/F events with Maria disgusted THEM because they felt like Maria was going to "steal the girl" from them, but also stated they didn't have the same issue with any of the other lesbian scenes or the characters in those scenes, of which there are many. While it may not seem obvious, there's a pretty big potential difference there.

I strongly disagree with them (And find their view particularly silly given Runey and the game have gone out of their way to show Maria is romantically interested in the MC, and just lusts after the other girls), but you don't have to misrepresent an argument to argue against it.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
Am I the only one here who is objectively terrified at how some individuals have gone on a rabid assault on this guy for daring to state his opinion? I mean he just said he does not enjoy the game and explained why. And you people act as if he made statements claiming the presence of wild animals in your family tree.

Is this sort of rabid angry explosion at any criticism really the norm on this forum? I mean, seriously. I like this game a swell but you people are out for blood for anyone that says anything negative about it.
It's not about what he said, it's how he said it. There's a very large difference between saying "hey, I don't like Maria, what she is and does is just not something I'm personally into, otherwise great game" and "I hate Maria because of all the lesbian stuff with members of my harem to the point where I get angry and close the game several times before completing it". Yes, they're both his opinion and both mean essentially the same thing, the difference is that one can be taken as genuine criticism, while the other just makes him sound like an intolerant plantation owner from the early 20s.

My "rabid angry explosion", as you put it, was directed at his blatantly homophobic remark, not at his right and ability to express a (proper) opinion to begin with.
Jan 14, 2020
On a different note, I've been wondering if Runey will ever add a male slave. I know it's been stated none of the regular tenants will be male, but there would be quite a few interesting repercussions to the arrival of a male Elf. The Wednesday resting ritual has been a thing for Lin and her sister forever, and there are four more elves in the sanctuary now. Given Runey's commitment to two different routes with the Elves, and how strong the difference between the two is(the difference in tone for Peni's introduction is WILD) I'd actually be very interested in seeing what would happen. It seems like most of the female elves have hardy ever interacted with a male of their own species, aside from the one recurring waiter as a notable exception. While it wouldn't be a major turn on for me, I think the places it could take different characters from a story perspective would still make it worthwhile to see. Personally, I think it would be hilarious if it was a male Elf with a bit of an inferiority complex because Nia saved him from something. Has this crossed anyone else's mind?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
It's not about what he said, it's how he said it. There's a very large difference between saying "hey, I don't like Maria, what she is and does is just not something I'm personally into, otherwise great game" and "I hate Maria because of all the lesbian stuff with members of my harem to the point where I get angry and close the game several times before completing it". Yes, they're both his opinion and both mean essentially the same thing, the difference is that one can be taken as genuine criticism, while the other just makes him sound like an intolerant plantation owner from the early 20s.

My "rabid angry explosion", as you put it, was directed at his blatantly homophobic remark, not at his right and ability to express a (proper) opinion to begin with.
You do realize that the reason for his objection was not the fact it was lesbian but because he felt Maria was essentially cuckolding him? As in she was intruding on his girls in his harem and getting them to have sex with her thus effectively usurping him as the man of the family. That's pretty obvious from the post in question.

1. That's what NTR means.
2. A direct quote: (one girl devoted to one man, but harem is just a lot more girls devoted to that man without touching other girls kinda thing)

His whole thing is that he dislikes lesbians in harem games because they have sex with each other and not him which breaks his power fantasy. And let's be real he isn't wrong to think this. Harem games are in essence pokemon but for big boys. You go around collecting girlfriends to befriend, train and do battle with. Well the adult entertainment equivalent of those anyway.

And just like in pokemon where if Pikachu was to suddenly find a new trainer or two you'd bet Ash would feel cheated and we the audience would think it's a dick move even though we happily cheer for Ash as he goes about his quest to collect all 150 of them in a harem game there is an unspoken double standard that you can have as many girlfriends as you like your girls can have "fun" with one another but not actually form romantic relationships outside the one they have with you. And the degree to which this can be stretched depends on how it's executed and what your personal threshold for it is.

And Maria is definitively a strong and sexually assertive character that is capable of pushing you across that line. Something which, if I might add, shows the quality of the character design here. So ultimately your view of her is going to depend on where you personally draw the line for what is harmless harem fun and what is, for lack of a better word cheating.

So whilst I personally have no problems with Maria I can absolutely see his point of view on this.

My problem with you people is that you latched on so heavily to the homosexuality part of his post that you failed to see this frankly obvious point. And that you all reacted with a degree of poison and anger rather than logic that I find frankly frightening and altogether unfitting of both decent humans and a thread dedicated to a game of such high quality as this one.
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May 6, 2019
Can any one help me?
Pls change the mc name to "Alex", made a lot of progress can't start over, and had no luck to changing it my self.
TNX in advance


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
You do realize that the reason for his objection was not the fact it was lesbian but because he felt Maria was essentially cuckolding him? As in she was intruding on his girls in his harem and getting them to have sex with her thus effectively usurping him as the man of the family. That's pretty obvious from the post in question.

" Personally I don't mind lesbian sex but I am not a fan of lesbian relationships, I start getting NTRish vibes. I'd have enjoyed for example Ashley punishing her old bullies, watching the maids put up a show for us, etc. But the fact that Maria is bisexual changes things for me and that too drastically. when she tries to touch and corrupt my girls I start getting angry. "

He has enjoyed straight characters bullying people of the same sex, but when that person is bisexual, he gets angry. Why? Because he feels Maria would steal that character. Why? Just because she's bisexual. He goes on to state that, even if Maria is doing normal everyday things, he hates seeing her. Shit on my characters all you want for any reason, but when that reason is because of their sexual orientation you can fuck off. The characters Maria interacts with aren't even bisexual, all the girls are straight. There are things he just doesn't understand which give off homophobic vibes. There is literally no possible way for Maria to steal a straight girlfriend from you. And I won't change Maria's sexuality to please people.

Maybe he chose his words poorly, I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt. But from what I read, there are homophobic undertones or at least a lack of understanding.

I don't want to turn the next few pages of this thread into a debate about this, I just want to make it clear that hating any minority of people is unwelcomed here. Fighting against an oppressive world or society is what I write about, it's the overarching story of Harem Hotel, so I sorta know when I see something like this.

Again, I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt, especially if he apologizes, takes his words back, or clarifies. So far, I haven't seen anything.


Anyway, to change the subject I've been working on this scene for Nia. It has no plans to be in an event yet, I just wanted to make something cool, maybe I'll get to use it in the future.

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Jul 10, 2018
Anyway, to change the subject I've been working on this scene for Nia. It has no plans to be in an event yet, I just wanted to make something cool, maybe I'll get to use it in the future.
Really interested in Nia content, or just content for the elves in general. It feels like you may have to write quite a bit more for any H scenes to make sense though, considering the circumstances of how they appeared in the game.

Also write what you want dude. Just ignore people like that. This is your story to write, not his. Also the multi girls scenes are hot anyway. Thanks for them!


Dec 21, 2019
Runey has 4000 plus patreons that means he has 4k good reasons to do wtf he wants with the game. Dont like it go play dungeons and dragons. Afraid someone steals your virtual girlfriend go play a different game or create your own. Problem solved...
Its annoying this constant NRT talk, reminds me of a dude that when he went to a strip club would not let his friends approach the striper cuz it was just for him.
There are all kinds of content out there is not like people dont have an alternative. If the game is not for you then good riddance. The only issue the game has it's that it's not finished. Luckly it seems that this detail is being fixed with every new update.

Build your game the way you want. To the majority of the 224 people that rated it you're on the right track
Thanks for your hard work


Aug 27, 2020
I'm pretty sure they do have the right impression, because right after saying "If I could play devil's advocate" they follow it up with "No, I can't" and then proceed to not play Devil's Advocate.
My reading comprehension is at 1/100 when I'm up all night that was my fault.
Reading it again it is kind of weird to start a statement with If I could play the devil's advocate while not really doing that though.
Although perusing the comments again makes it seem like thing's have been blown out of proportion overall.
Hopefully everyone can take a breath, enjoy the games they like and relax.
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