And what do we talk about? I talk about the compression - without changing anything more in the code than the file extension for the affected image or animations.
Even I'm warning the players about my patchs. My major reason for this are not that I fear that are a bug in the patch, although it have happen once, but that the players simple don't read my instruction and thus don't followed it and
that resulting in a bug.
Also the bug that have happen with my patch was that my creation method was faulty. If it isn't then it would have the exact same bugs than the official release from Runey.
I don't see what could add bugs here, other than what I've written before. The only thing I've seen who could cause issues is if you happen to play with the clickable images (eg. click on the door). I don't have knowledge of how that works in Ren'Py (or any other engine), but general speaking you need to define the clickable area and define what will happen (eg. clicking on Lins door calls the function knockOnLinsDoor).
Only way I see how a compression could fuck up here, is if you compress the image that the previous defined clickable area from the original image now is not the same anymore in the "ultra"-compressed one.
Other than that I simply don't see how a compression could add bugs to a game
if you not compress the scripts too.
Runey says he compress it as much as he can under his quality demands. We can compress it future if we set other quality levels. Sure the game site will only goes up in time and
nothing will change that. It is how it work. Even if you go from Ren'Py to another engine the game size still will increase with every update even if the other engine will actually render the scenes and not display pre-render scence. Alone the defintion of for the render is (little) data that adds to the game even with the best possible compression in use.
No, it isn't. I and every
only compressor don't write code. Compressors only change code
if the needed (eg. image42.png to image42.webp). I haven't needed to do even that. Do you want to convince me that the possibility is the same for writting new code and
small or
none change to change
existing code?
Well, I was talking about the bugs that can occur while you were talking about how it affects the quality. While that is an issue, it is not the same issue.
Whether people who use your patch read instructions or not is irrelevant, bugs happen, it doesn't matter how good your work is, they will slip through occasionally. As for your patches, those actually alter code, compression does not unless somebody does so for some reason, but both are capable of producing error messages.
Playing with clickable objects in the game won't do much by itself, but if the code gets altered, there can be problems depending on how it is altered.
Yes, it does come with the same risks, too much compression and the game will cease to operate entirely. It won't just stop opening, but it will be a continuous wall of error codes only closable by exiting the game. I don't need to convince you about changing the code being able to fuck up the game, it can, badly if the change is somewhere important enough. It doesn't matter how big a change you make in the code, there is always the possibility of bugs, that's just one of the risks of programming. One character different, as in characters on the keyboard not like Lin, and the whole game is done for until the character is fixed in the code.
Yeah, but the goal is to change all that in our lifetimes, before the game is over. The thing is, with us working for a better future, it's not going to get worse, other than maybe a few brief moments. This is a happy story.
But it is not something you have any evidence for. It is not something you can factor in, because it may not be even remotely the case. For all you know, there are breeding farms. You keep acting as if this is a fact, but you have less then no reason to assume so.
Yeah, that is why we need long term plans, not just trying to take out the people at the top. You have to work your way up. Unless we start a war (killing thousands, if not millions), we have to work politically, and having as many allies as we can get is going to be necessary.
Yeah, that is my point. That is why it is so easy to use it to spread false information. You don't have to speculate, we saw it first hand. There ARE people like that, and statistically speaking at least half the population is like that. Recent surveys show 53% get their news from Social Media.
A goal which, if we don't do this right, will fail and it will be the length of an elven lifetime if it ever succeeds. We still have no idea what will happen down the road, including any immediate threats to the elves. We need to plan for those ahead of time, preempt them so we already have a plan in place if they happen, including the potential 'If I can't have them' scenario once we inevitably back the slavers into a corner. You know what they say about cornered rats, right?
We don't have much choice but to factor it in even if only as a potentiality, the elves are in an unfavorable position and we need to plan for the possibilities that come with that. Here's the issue, we have no current evidence of what is going on right now, we only have evidence of what already happened. We don't know if there are breeding farms or not. I'm not acting as if it is fact because I am acting on a potential future, something nobody can predict 100% accurately. We need to be prepared for the worst and hope that we encounter the best.
As I said, a war may be the only option that gets us a full victory. Otherwise, we may take some losses before we can save them all. I'm not saying go complete US vs Japan on them, we know how that one ended and it wasn't pretty, but we need to be prepared to take drastic measures in case the political process proves too slow.
Unfortunately, yes, though it may be fortunate for us if we find enough people stupid enough to rely on social media.
yea no if you know how image compression works, it's just... a different image with the same extension. of course, the difference is with most games the images are originally pngs, so compressors *must* change the extension, and they can easily miss it sometimes, especially if the original game builds the full path out of parts
so this is just objectively wrong. images are images, the images being more or less compressed will have exactly zero effect on bugs - it's just whether the images are compressed or not. (and again, in this case they're already webps so they're already pretty compressed)
because it has already been fixed.
That's the issue, it's a different image, the code doesn't recognize it and throws up an error. This is a risk with compression. The same file type can only compress so far, then you have to switch to a smaller one, which comes with having to change the code itself, which is one character away from completely breaking the game. Code can be that volatile, I've done it before in my early days.
Except it is A LOT more complicated than 'images are images' when it comes to including them in code that directly calls the specific image in a program that can be VERY picky about file types right down to minor differences in the same extension. Even using an incompatible codec can cause bugs, but the goal of compression isn't making things compatible, it is to make them smaller.
No, not because it's been fixed, because it already had very little effect. At worst it made the game a tiny bit bigger than if no png files remained after conversion to webp. Unlike compressing the game further, which has its own share of issues.