But again, she would be submitting to a known elf slave, not a good look on the pro-slavery side, even as the owner of the elf slave in question, owners and humans are supposed to be on top. I also never said it would be long term abuse, which is what Maria would have suffered had Ellen not been on the ball in the aftermath of the DNA test. I am not an expert in torture, but death by a thousand cuts, and I do mean literally a thousand, can actually go by fairly quickly if the victim's body can't take the full thousand before succumbing.
Unfortunately, she became a slave within the system and I doubt her lack of obvious elven features will save her. The only thing keeping her from a terrible fate is that Ellen got to her first, so she's technically been claimed. With a system like this, they have got to be registered in order to keep track of slave vs non-slave elves, the latter being ones who don't hit the minimum level of DNA, and what slave elves are owned. They probably have her information in a database somewhere considering they seized her assets and that database probably has images of each elf for identification purposes.
Which is why I say death by a thousand cuts instead of making them submit to Maria maybe once. They deserve something equal or greater than the suffering Maria went through.
It isn't okay and I'm not justifying it as such, revenge never is okay. What I said here was that the MC should do it so Maria doesn't have to dirty her hands and possibly traumatize herself in the process if the task proves too much for her after she has gone through with it. The absolute last thing I want to do is break the poor girl, but the other two are a completely different story. I would love to do way worse on those two. I also specifically said that she should still be the one to do it if she actually asks to, I specifically left open the possibility that she could do it herself if she shows desire to do so. If not, she should not be made to do it, but those two can't get off with nothing.
I didn't say she didn't ask, I said if she doesn't ask to carry out the sentence I proposed, death by a thousand cuts making sure to keep each alive and conscious as long as possible, then she should not be made to do it. If she asks, she gets to do it, no questions asked, as she is the most deserving of anyone in the hotel to carry it out. However, if she proves unwilling to carry out this revenge, then she should not have to and another should take her place, the MC being the next most deserving candidate since he was right there when she was enslaved.
I absolutely agree with that last part, any who are willing should be able to come in and carry out their share of the cuts themselves, any who are not should have theirs carried out by a willing proxy, but under absolutely no circumstances should it be either the elf in question does it or those cuts get skipped. ALL cuts should be carried out even if a human or non-abused elf proxy has to do it in their stead. It would be kind of scummy, but the MC could even charge a fee for each elf to carry it out themselves and/or for spectators of any race to watch, that might make a nice bit of money.
Nice, that got a bit of a laugh out of me, I wasn't expecting that.
1. No, Runey would have to do this and that gets tedious real fast.
2. You can't until Runey adds it IF he does.
This game has no customization as far as character appearance, not counting the android scenes with her modules, I mean things you can decide outside of temporary scene changes.
Or to get the character cards and plug those into the corresponding Illusion character editor, which is not doable when Runey doesn't give out the cards. This method would not take as long, but again, no cards to do it with, you would have to create new ones based on in game images from Harem Hotel.
Not even, at the lengths of time image editing can take, it would be a near certainty.
A very good skill to have, you could even put that on a resume, just don't say you learned it editing a porn game, I can already see the either shocked or disappointed face of the person doing the interview.
Hey, some of those are pretty good, like this one and Lessons in Love.
*gasp* You monster, that's too lewd for these poor girls.
I'm not afraid to admit it, either.
Nothing wrong with that.