It does feel that way, but there is nearly always a light at the end of the tunnel. We are in the tunnel now and where there is no light we are making it. Every little thing we do, whether that's freeing Elves from a bad place or supporting Elves in need like Maria, making slavers' and slave owners' lives more difficult, hounding the people in power for change, or even just trying to reunite those who have lost each other, like Ashley and Ren, all of it adds up into something big, a just cause that will shake Syl'anar to its very core and make some VERY big and VERY necessary changes.
I don't think there is room for a breather, there is much work to be done to make Syl'anar better for everyone, whether they are human, elf, or fairy. These things take a long time to produce results, even if we were to go a much more drastic and violent path, and who knows what lies in store that may make things more of a race against time, especially things like those bots Kali's father is making.