I'm not completely sure what you're talking about, but that seems rude on face value.
I most definitely did not mean it in a rude way, i'm autistic myself, Kate does not mean to be rude and she tries to not be but she can't help it any more than i can. I mean, sometimes i
am trying to be rude, if i don't like what someone else said but i also very much am sometimes rude without having any clue as to why. TBH, i actually found the addition of the 'high functioning' part to be a little irritating as it's a much more complex concept than is all too often generalised as simply high or low functioning but i don't expect a text book break down of autism in a game, you're fine, she's fine, i like her and i have nothing but appreciation for a depiction of the pain experienced by just being a blunt person always landing you in trouble. My response to hentatsujin was just meant to highlight that having an issue with her attitude was unfair as it wasn't an attitude he was experiencing but simply who she is and there was no malice behind it, nor was there any behind what i said, i was only informing them.
Edit: did i miss something in the 'never have i ever' scene? It just kinda ends when you run out of options...