View attachment 1731795
Sylvia here talking about the exact same stuff Ashley gets up to with the Faeries... the MC knows this... why is he worried? It's obviously Faeries...
Edit: Oh... what a surprise... a Faerie... *eye roll*
View attachment 1731813
MC really needs to remember things
when they're useful, not after.
Edit 2: Um... after getting back from the trip to the high elves island i've taken Sylvia on a date and she's started talking about how each soldier has 3 faeries attached to them for training but she very much had no idea about the faeries being the hidden source of the queen's power, she genuinely thought she was magical... this makes no sense. Either Sylvia knew about the faeries and thus new her magic was just a trick(seriously, how could she not?) or she didn't know about the faeries she's explaining she knew about...
Edit 3: Um, during the next conversation with Sylvia in the garden the trio of faeries said they had to kill that other one cause Sylvia was supposed to be dead... but the queen let her go? So... huh? If the spy just hadn't gotten the word yet that still wouldn't mean revealing her living...ness would be a permanent threat to her life and if the trio of faeries didn't know that wouldn't Sylvia and/or the MC tell them that after explaining why they killed her?
I'm not having the best time with this branch of the story, it at the very least
feels littered with holes and even if they're are explanations for them, the experience is one with a sore ass from it constantly tripping my immersion up. This game has been pretty solid work up until i got on that boat but this stuff is frustrating and unsatisfying, i shouldn't have to come here and ask so many questions just to understand authorial intent.