The live auction set makes me want to interact with it when buying liberating slaves rather than simply buying them on the PC but I also wonder how much more work it would be for the player to go there each time they want to buy an elf or simply check the price. Maybe an integration between the styles of the slave store on the PC and the live auction. Maybe having to go there to go take possesion of your new elf once bought on PC. Manualy by having to go exploring to the live auction or change the morning of their arrival sceen to be the Player going to the auction claiming their elf rather than them magicaly apearing in your entrance hall.
I have absolutly no idea how much work that would be. Just spiting out ideas that came to my mind while seeing the prevew. (they look nice by the way, can't wait to go exploring.)
It would depend on what we "do" with them, to make it feasible, we would need some way to "use" them, that would be more or less off screen.
Kali had one idea a while back, where we could buy other hotels, make a chain, and we could employ a lot of them that way. Invest, and profit. All mostly off screen, like the bar, where you just talk to Ellen to make changes, and go to the auction to buy more workers. You could also have it be like Sanctuary, where you can invest in comforts for your 'slaves', and have some different events (like the weekly bar statement), based on how well you treat them. The better they have it, the more likely it will be, that they will go out of their way to help the nameless customers.