Reloaded an old save to refresh my memory. First time we see Ash with natural hair, we take her out and she leads us to the tower in the slums.
At the end the lewd scene is kind of a way to show her we still find her cute and sexy even with this look.
I may have been a little overboard with the screens there but yeah, I was talking about that scene as an example. Repeatable anal sex with Ash is nearly not as satisfying as the build up of that scene. Heart to heart conversation, first time seeing her with natural hair, plugging her asshole to help with her confidence. Just the perfect set-up. Hence why I was kinda upset to miss this during my 2nd playthrough.
Anyway I'm probably making a big fuss about it because that's basically the scene that made Ash my favorite. Don't know how to feel about the number of people who missed it, but I guess if Ash is not
your favorite and if you don't care about missing these scenes it's not a big deal for you. I certainly know I wouldn't have been able to move on in the game (and in my life) if I'd missed out on that scene. But now I know so not a big deal for me to just (lovingly) go hammer on her ass 10 times before that event.
Don't know if it has been changed since but I've reloaded the scenes from the last version so I don't think so, it would probably won't work if it was changed. Anyway, the requirement for this is indeed the buttslut trait (anal sex = 10) if someone wanted a definitive answer.
If no one does it, I'll make that board one day I swear. Even though it's 90% exhibition and submission, with only this Ash scene requiring the buttslut trait.