Personally, I need a whole hell of a lot more Moon content.
The difference is, one of us is going to get what they want.
Of the side girls, I could make a few categories, but for now I'll go with this set:
- Sex toys - Ellen and Lucia
- Interesting but lacking breadth - Jin
- Still a side, but feels important - Hana, Vanessa, Kate*
- Are you sure this isn't just a main girl - Sylvia**, Nia, Moon
Sex toys are characters who are primarily just sex events with very little plot relevance. They might support a main character, but they mostly just have sex.
Jin is alone here, but she's interesting in that she has a neat story, but she's not having sex as a point, and she isn't relevant outside of her story and Lin.
These are girls who have really good date content, as well as a few really neat events so far.
These girls are either central to the main plot, or they have enough links to the harem that they might as well be in it officially.
*Kate could be in the "are you sure this isn't just a main girl" category, but I don't put her there because her ties to the harem are pretty small. Ashley is her main tie, and that has actually only recently been explored in the game (for Devian, Runey redid the Ashley study events while she was expelled to add kate to them). The only other characters she interacts with are the Clones, and that's even more of a new thing, as the clones returning to school hasn't been super explored yet, and they're still kinda earning back their good graces with people.
**Sylvia has less individual content, but her content as a character within other characters plots includes Autumn, Lin, and the clones, as well as interactions with Maria, Hana, and Nia, and she's also central to the main plot.
Moon has a room designed (so does kate) and has one other completely unique location that she takes you to. She has interacted with every main girl (except autumn?) and has developed a friendship with Maria and Kali, with a possible new friendship in Emma. Only Nia and Sylvia compare, in terms of being so interactive with the Harem, and that's a big deal that I don't think people quite get...
One of the things Runey has been trying to do over the last 8 or so releases is create more interactivity among the Harem, to make the hotel feel like a place where people live and have fun together, to make it so that these people aren't solely tied together by the magic of MC's penis. So the fact that Moon, and to a lesser degree, Hana, Vanessa, and Kate have as much interaction with the harem as they do, is pretty significant, because it makes them a part of it. All 6 of these girls are main girls in my heart, and I'm sure at least one more of them will be eventually, but only Moon has actually managed to convince me that she's a part of it. Hell, it's even kinda in her dialogue... she's even had a threesome with Kali for fuck's sake.