Yeah, but that is less fun to talk about.
Oh I guess. Sorry, carry on then.
Here some weak fuel to add to the conversation :
Most of the time, we tend to consider Emma to be the clone, and Felicity is the one who was cloned, but sometimes it calls her a clone too...
That probably means they made a girl and decided they needed the same but with bigger breasts for... science.
So, I was just thinking, what if they are BOTH clones ...of their mother.
That would actually make a great story.
Do we even know if the car crash story is true?
They were four at the time, he could have told them anything. Do they even remember it, or is that just what they were told?
If this is the case, then were they cloned before or after she died? And why?
Would be a better story if they were cloned after the mother died, because the dad was rich and missed their mother. It would also prove that he's actually a human being, since it has yet to be proven.
I sure hope not. Especially if he had sex with their mother.
Was it because she could not have kids?
Could be, or they decided they wanted kids but she died before he could knock her up. Or she died giving birth and the non-patreon version of them died too before they could be birthed, so he made them artificially. The three possibilities would be equally tragic.
Did she have some ability he was trying to recreate? If so, did he fail or succeed?
Maybe he wanted pets instead but there was a mistake and he ended up with Emma and Felicity. Thus explaining their need to act as pets. Like their DNAs is a mix between humans and cat/dog's DNA. They could smell everything that happens in the hotel. For example they could smell when MC is horny and run up to him before any other girl as to become his favorites. I think Runey should give them a good sense of smell to keep everything consistant
Did he kill her? Was that his plan all along?
Why would he kill her though ? Was he too ashame to end up with girls instead of pets that he killed everyone who knew about it ? This one is a shot in the dark (which would actually explained why we haven't seen it).
Or is it all about the nakimia?
(Damn I've never quoted so many times before).
(Also I already knew the code I found the text files, but thanks for the others).