Ahah... If you're ever in my dead-end nothing town in semi-rural Australia, hit me up, we'll get stoned and argue that for 12 straight hours
Glad you're planning for a good end, but terrified at who we'll lose along the way.
Since you apparently sleep less than I do and are just permanently here... Am I right in guessing a lot of this game is you exploring different philosophical outlooks? I hadn't paid ANY attention to Autumn before this update (And apparently there's a bunch of extra story that was added, possibly retroactively.) and just got slapped with "What is freedom"
Throw in Ashleys update being the ever-present question of how much is too much before anything becomes acceptable in search of a better future... Maria is (Or was, I'm figuring out a lot I'd played through months ago has been changed or expanded.) all about identity and origin... Basically I wanna know if you're intentionally splitting my mind into different pieces and making cute girls out of them.
I'm also UTTERLY TERRIFIED that Eris is now running around this world... As a cute goth girl.