Yep. That is the story FOR NOW. Did the game start with this story in mind? Will this game end this way? We cannot say for sure.
Actually, once they got the current people that live in the hotel, there were all kinds of clues that A: they were going to in some way, fight the corrupt government, because they often referred to it, and B: try to do something to help the elves.
Multiple releases have had content that were focused on helping the elves.
So, both are highly unlikely to change.
Runey, unlike some devs has been extremely good at sticking with their planned goal for the game, and has talked about it more than a few times in this thread...
The good devs, and Runey is one of them, stay on track with their planned goals for their games.
The devs who get sidetracked by constantly caving in to the whims of players, rarely ever finish their games, because they lose site of the goal, or the players whims make achieving it, impossible.