I just completed the last quest for Lin, where Lin started a protest for ending slavery that resulted in Cornwall taking over (seemingly the country) using an all-powerful AI that was apparently developed in secret. It seemed to have twists and turns for the sake of twists and turns, getting more and more ridiculous, with such drastic up-and-down shifts in tone that I ended up just being annoyed at the whole thing.
Runey seems to be constantly shifting about what the story is supposed to be, between a fun slice-of-life harem story, or a less-violent Shadowrun-like dystopia about slavery and genocide.
That is weird that you see it that way, because I have been playing this from the beginning, and I could see from very early on that this was all coming...
From the very beginning they spoke of the corrupt government and the cruelty of slavery to both the elves and the androids.
So, obviously going after making changes in the government, and dealing with the issue of slavery, were both planned for the future...
So, it boggles my mind that anyone could not see where Harem Hotel was heading for a story line from the very beginning...
I would say that the story has never waivered at all from the course that it was set on, from the very beginning.
And that it is in no way like the visual novels where the dev's cave in to the demands of players, which is good.
Because those games rarely ever get finished, because the dev's caved in so many times, that any plans that they had for the game, became impossible to achieve, and because of that the stories tend to get confusing.
Runey has been very good at staying with his vision, and not caving in to people who whine that they want things done their way...
And for that Runey, I say, THANK YOU!