Honestly, even though I think Sylvia is annoying with her arrogant and rude "I'm high elf and high elves are better than everybody, nobody is better than high elves, so I'm better than everybody, no one is better than me" behavior, but I kinda understand her. And I understand why her and Nia don't trust MC and they sometimes rude towards MC.
I mean, humans attacked elves without reason and stole their land, murdered and raped lots of innocent elves and put all the elves that survived the conflict into slavery. I could name all the war crimes that humans could commit during their fight with the elves, but that would make this comment literally endless, because humans love commiting war crimes and they also love to invent new kinds of war crimes to commit. Just think of any of the most disgusting, terrible despicable, sadistic, perverted and evil war crimes that you can think of. The humans definitely commited that during their conflict with the elves.
Because of humans, Lin (like many other elves) was captured by slave traders, taken away from her family and probably went through a really cruel slave training. And who knows what terrible things happened to her before she come to the hotel and met MC?
Because of humans, Jin went insane and she become a crazy sex-obsessed whore. Who knows what they did to her before she become like this? I don't know, but I think that they did the same thing to Ann.
Thanks to the humans, android can't go to restaurant.
Speaking of war crimes, I think that I am starting to notice a certain pattern. When humans enslaved other humans, sometimes they murdered some of the enslaved humans, cooked them and ate them. When they first enslaved fruit, vegetables and other plants, they did the same. And they did the same with animals. They say that they can't eat robots, but we all know that anything that humans says is a lie.
It seems that humans love to kill, cook and eat things that they enslave. Does that mean that there were humans that were killing and eating eating elf slaves? Does that mean that it is possible that Lin and android will end up murdered and eaten? Please, don't kill them and don't eat them.
So, Sylvia and Nia have lots of reasons to hate humans and think that all humans are evil slave owners and no reason to trust MC. They have no way how to find out if he is really that nice as he appears, or if he is just pretending it. And they don't trust Lin's claims that MC is nice, because they see her as young, naive, easily manipulated child.
I would not be suprised if Sylvia and Nia would still believe that MC is planning to rape them in their sleep. But they will learn to trust him. But it will probably take a lot of time, maybe even more than it took to Lin.
Maybe the humans own the elves an apology. I am not saying that humans or the human players of this game should apologize to the elves. I am not saying that MC and the human girls should tell Lin and other elves "Hey, sorry for that we murdered, raped and enslave your friends and family and sorry for that enslaved and raped you.". But maybe it would be a good thing if they would feel at least a little bit guilty. Maybe.