
Jun 15, 2017
Last I checked on their Patreon, they just put out another beta-build.

I'm a former backer (had to stop due to financial reasons, planning on supporting again once I'm more stable), if I recall Runey's process correctly, it's usually an Alpha build, then about 2-3 beta builds, depending on how many bugs come up, then a patreon release, then a public one. Usually takes around a Month I think, depending on if there's any issues in the builds. So it could possibly be out sometime during the last half of this month or early July??? Just making a ballpark estimate here.
If I remember correctly, the last two updates have had an alpha build, 4-5 beta builds, a pre release for the $20 patrons, then another pre release for the $5 patrons, and finally a regular release. The time between the v11 release and the v12 release was exactly 4 months so based off that I'd say July is most likely but if there are no problems in the most recent beta build (beta build 3) then it could be out for everybody in about 3 weeks


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
Oh god, he wraps the entire length of his arm around her?! Quick everyone, avert your gaze and grunt in disgust! Runey is one step away from crossing the lewd event horizon.
  • Haha
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Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
Oh god, he wraps the entire length of his arm around her?! Quick everyone, avert your gaze and grunt in disgust! Runey is one step away from crossing the lewd event horizon.
It WILL be crossed and you WILL watch you heathen!.
you might learn something worth learning!.
Also its about time you were corrupted like the rest of us!
(or am I the only corrupted one?, I really don't know at this stage!.)


Oct 5, 2018
I'm hoping that this release really crosses the line with some extremely vigorous cuddling.
You know.. there's times when I wish that the girls would come to your room on their own (instead of only spending the night with them when you call them), and/or just want to stay there all day. Sure, you lose an ingame day, but I think it'd be worth it. I can see Ashley doing this a lot.


New Member
Jun 8, 2021
Don't normally join forums, but have to say, this is probably my favorite game in the genre right now. Been waiting a while for the chance to rescue Ms. Ren and help Juliet out. They've both been treated really miserably outside of the PCs sphere of influence. Also, having now met the Vanessa character, absolutely anything I can do to make her life more miserable is the path I'm going down. She makes early days Felicity look positively charming and non-judgmental.

Question about the elf abduction scene. When I tried to refuse to help (I can't suspend disbelief enough to believe that I'd instantly decide to spend more than my business is worth to try to help out people who almost murdered me in an attempt to extort me, no matter how pretty they might be. Baseball bat to the head is not a subduing attack, that's lethal. I was also a little surprised that Lin performs the rescue rather than Doll with her rifle and security camera sight.) basically the script just ignored the choice, there wasn't any additional attempt to apologize or try to convince, and it just assumed that I'd said yes instead. Why make it a choice?
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Runey and TheDevian


Active Member
Feb 28, 2021
You know.. there's times when I wish that the girls would come to your room on their own (instead of only spending the night with them when you call them), and/or just want to stay there all day. Sure, you lose an ingame day, but I think it'd be worth it. I can see Ashley doing this a lot.
like her drug reverse rape id do that again withe Lin or the clones.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
I think the lethality (or lack thereof) depends entirely on where and how hard you get bonked, but don't quote me on that, I'm not a neurologist. Nia had allegedly been doing that for a while, so I imagine she knew how much strength to apply to knock someone out rather than straight up murder them. Or maybe the MC just got lucky and got away with only double vision and a permanent burning ghost smell, we might never know.
  • Thinking Face
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Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
As someone who has taken a baseball bat to the head,
I can tell you it leaves long lasting effects some which don't manifest until later in life.
Memory loss, random blackouts and constant migrains are just some of my symptoms and I'm one of the lucky ones!.
I was pretty angry at the 3 of them for it and had it of been me in the MC's place I would not have been so forgiving!.
I would have still claimed them as slaves, but they would be spending the rest of my life making it up to me!.
Or at least as long as I remember... What what was I saying?.


New Member
Jun 8, 2021
I think the lethality (or lack thereof) depends entirely on where and how hard you get bonked, but don't quote me on that, I'm not a neurologist. Nia had allegedly been doing that for a while, so I imagine she knew how much strength to apply to knock someone out rather than straight up murder them. Or maybe the MC just got lucky and got away with only double vision and a permanent burning ghost smell, we might never know.
If you bash someone on the skull hard enough to knock them unconscious you've hit them hard enough to kill them. Cartoons and old hollywood action movies played it for laughs, but it's just a matter of luck whether or not they ever wake back up again, and if they do, without permanent damage. Even a simple punch in the wrong spot can do it, my brother ended up with permanent brain trauma from a punch to the soft spot on the side of the head. A knockout punch like you might see in a boxing match has more to do with the neck snapping backward and triggering a trauma shutdown response from your brain, that's less final, but still not great for you.

If they'd tazed the PC or drugged him, used an ether rag, what have you, that would have been easier to shrug off as just a kidnapping attempt. Given the option as is, I'd have flat out refused them without something additional to change the balance of the scenario, or at minimum, Nia would have to have some kind of redemption arc.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
As someone who has taken a baseball bat to the head,
I can tell you it leaves long lasting effects some which don't manifest until later in life.
Memory loss, random blackouts and constant migrains are just some of my symptoms and I'm one of the lucky ones!.
I was pretty angry at the 3 of them for it and had it of been me in the MC's place I would not have been so forgiving!.
I would have still claimed them as slaves, but they would be spending the rest of my life making it up to me!.
Or at least as long as I remember... What what was I saying?.
I will be honest, I haven't fully forgiven Sui/Nia yet either, she needs to at least show some damned remorse about it (she was the only one who chose that option, the others were against it)! :cry:
...if we are going on the love route anyway.

On the slave route, I could see that as a possible way to but her back on the love route if the player desires.

I kind of see a confrontation (in either route) from the newly assertive Lin, who comes in to clean and sees her grumbling about her mistreatment or just about how degrading she felt the last event if it is the love route was, and Lin just goes the fuck off! "How is he supposed to treat you, after you almost killed him?!?!" or "I think you owe him a lot more than that, after what you did you him!" Then the other elves on there join in about how they asked her not to go that route with it.

This then unlocks a new scene with her where she is much more receptive, and more submissive.

For the slave route, it could be some rough sex, maybe anal, where she is apologizing until she finally gets off on the abuse.
For the love route, she comes in to apologize and service him, and that moves on to a more mutual love making session. Could have a loop on the blowjob part, where she keeps asking if he forgives her, yes moves on to the sex and no has her keep going.

Either of these could include some spanking as part of the forgiveness.


New Member
Jun 8, 2021
Or something self-sacrificing like asking that you at least take the others, and then you run across her in a bad spot later that justifies your character stepping in on her side.
  • Thinking Face
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