
Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
Been here since more or less the beginning, and always loved the world building and character development. Always assumed this was pretty much where it was going...
Pretty much the same for me as well (think I first tried this around version .4 or .5).
From the first time I started this, I knew I was going to look for a way to free Lin (even if it meant harassing Runey non-stop :D). I'm not really a 'save-the-world' type but I figured it was probably going to have to go that way to help Lin, since the only alternative would have been for the MC deciding to leave the continent & finding a way to take everyone with him.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
hard disagree, he didn't even go to buy her, Helen did, he didn't even think of that, he went insane, i didn't react like that and Maria is one of my absolute favorite characters in this game and for the MC to go at it that way just didn't feel right to me, i wasn't even cursing Cornwall, i was mad, i still felt that the MC could've handled that better, his priority shifted too much for me to agree with it and by the way i'm still on Lin's side of the fence, i hard disagree with Nia's side
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*Common elves live fifteen times longer than humans, meaning a 1000 year old common elf is the equivalent to a 65 year old human, and they age at a similarly reduced rate (that's how Lin can be nearly 300 and look to be about 20). Dark elves life half as long as common elves, so they can live to be about 500, though probably less because they're not getting adequate healthcare, and age at about one-seventh the rate of a human. Half elves live half as long as their parent species, so half-dark elves should live to be about 250, and age at about one-third the rate of a human.
Therefore, Maria should either look a lot younger (like about 7 or so) or be a lot older (mid-fifties), and both would have been noticeable when she was growing up. Neither is the case. I think it was a math mistake; Runey says no.
It also proves the superiority of half-elves; elves live longer than humans but learn more slowly, while Maria is a very intelligent woman who was top of her classes, which proves she learns as quickly as a human, but will live substantially longer. Is this true for all half-elves?
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Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
The slavery of an entire species is very much known in the outside world, and the MC coming from a culture without it just makes his indifference to it that much worse. He moves to the continet, and one of the first things that happens to him is that he's told, "here, this elf is your property", and his reaction is just, "oh, okay then." He clearly doesn't think that owning a person is a bad thing.

Oh yeah, the elf-droids are abhorrent. I especially like how none of the characters seem to have noticed that their existence has reduced elves even further, from "slave race" to "fuel source". If the entire nations economy becomes dependent on droids that require elf blood to funtion, then elves won't be free, they'll be harvested.
You're totally right here! The fact that the whole world is going along with this for multiple reasons, and the fact MC doesn't care too much about it when he joins is telling about the state of the world. And he's one of the decent ones too. Eventually once he gets to know an elf, his views on them begin to change a bit, he sees them more as equals, he starts falling in love with one, and eventually realizes, alongside you probably, that this place kinda sucks.

And you're right about no one noticing the horrible after effects that would come with elfbots are introduced on a wide scale. This is a character flaw I wrote into Kali specifically. In fact, the only reason Mr. Trenero is doing this off of Syl'anar is because the recent Elvish Rights Act prohibits it on Syl'anar. This could be reproduced with half elves on Syl'anar though.
In any case, fuel source is definitely a step down, and a lot of people don't really see it that way. A large part of why Vanessa was introduced is so she could show Kali (and maybe the player) why these things are so bad, and maybe how Kali can turn something bad like this, into something good. Vanessa is very aware of this world, especially Kali's Dad, which has definitely caused issues in the past. But Vanessa doesn't yet know of elfbots, and would definitely have a thing or two to say to Kali when she finds out.

I mean, I am the sort of guy in real life who thinks that all activists, no matter their cause, are evil and should be banned simply because they are annoying meddlers that can't just shut up and leave the rest of us sensible people be. And even I would stand up to this.
Sometimes things can only be achieved with your voice and vote, yelling is certainly a step up from killing each other over these things, so I'll take annoying people trying to get a point I agree with across than be content with slavery, or whatever else issue.

I'm aware that's been stated, but it's a contradiction with previously stated information. We've been told that dark elves live about seven times longer than humans (half as long as common elves) and half-elves live half as long as their elvish parent. As a result, half-dark elves should live over three time longer than humans, but with Maria we're just told "nope, previous information was wrong". Runey is free to change whatever facets of his story he wants, but those still remain mutually exclusive pieces of information.
If I have ever mentioned that half dark elves live the same as half elves, that should be treated as a bug and fixed. But I think you may be assuming half dark elves were included when something like "Half elves live half as long as elves" was mentioned in the story?

Either way there is definitively a segment of the game where it does feel exactly as demondelic.psy says. It just feels laid back and fun and wholesome and than it slowly transforms into what it is now. And I can totally understand why someone might want more of that. That sort of thing is good and fun and wholesome and it makes you happy. It is overall a good thing. Just as the way the game is going now is also overall a good thing just in a very different way.
And just to be clear, wholesome and fun stuff isn't going away. Autumn will be getting some of the best exhibitionism training scenes, I'm very proud of how they're coming out, and Lin will be getting a romantic date in v0.13, romance is actually something I haven't put too much thought into before, but this is one of the times I tried making something actually romantic. But you'll have to tell me how I did on that one.

I think it's easy to misinterpret where the story is going in a developing game. A year or two ago, when Ashley's depressing story was hitting a high, people were assuming I was going to turn this game into a sad story, people told me it would be a bad idea to kill off characters, that sort of thing. Now the same thing is happening with elvish revolution. This will certainly be a big part of the story, but it is not the only part. The way I see the overarching story is that this "world" is oppressive to all kinds (except with racism, homophobia, and transphobia removed, because it's too political at this moment IRL, but it would definitely be there if I didn't want to tone it down a few notches.)
I would say a better descriptor of where this game's overarching story is going is "Bad to good". Or "Unwelcoming to accepting". The essence of MC's motivations remains in that he wants to make all his girlfriends feel happy and safe, and as much as he would like to keep them safe in his hotel, the world will always be there knocking on his door to fuck something up, which he recently realized. So MC plays the role of a protector here.

Without going into spoilers, a lot of what happens with Maria in v0.13 is date-like. Trying to make her feel better, get her footing again, caring for her. The same sort of themes other characters previously had with other issues. The focus of Harem Hotel is the characters and their stories, and how the world affects them, not the other way around.

But in the end, I don't think the overarching story of this game is changing as much as people are assuming it will. Big things will definitely happen, and the focus will shift from time to time, but I believe the essence will always remain.

Now, in hindsight we can see clues that this is not really the case. But this is with hindsight and replaying. First time in, I could see how someone could make that inference.

Than again, for my part I had my hopes set on it going the way it did pretty much from the moment Lin was introduced. Something about that cute girl being enslaved just felt all kinds of wrong to me. So who am I to say? :)

Either way, I think we can all agree that it speaks to the quality of this game that we can have conversations like this about it. I mean, let's be real here. When is the last time you've heard this sort of discussion being had about most books, let alone games?
It was my goal to attach the player to these characters in order for the player to have motivation about caring how they're treated, feel sorry for them, and wanting to see them have a happy ending. So that these moments feel real and euphoric when they're resolved, and you feel like you got a punch in the gut when something bad happens. Is this cruel of me? Sort of.
But it seems to have worked. I have less confidence that people would care about most of what happened in the recent updates if the previous stuff didn't happen before and you didn't became connected with these characters.

Of course, It's going to get very boring to keep going on dinner dates with Lin every week, so things need to be spiced up

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Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
I dunno...maybe it's jjust me...
But anyone feel like what happened tto Maria was a little ttoo on the nose?
I mean, it comes if as a little too extreme.

Or maybe something shady is going on that we ddon't know about?
Like she's found out to be an half elf during a DNA test...and instead of what someone with common sense would do, like talking with the MC, tell him to get her registered or something...they immediately take her away by force and and in a really short time she's already being sold.

I dunno, but that's kinda suspicious.

Maybe I'm.just imagining things and am blinded by the sheer desire to punch that doctor.

We have an Android that can hack other Androids...maybe make it look like an accident? >:3

I named my Android Aigis, in honor of best pesona girl.
Very suspicious indeed. These people suck, and they would sooner arrest you for holding an undocumented slave than talk to MC about registering her. At this point, they nearly see you as a criminal too. But the doctor is so kind to let you off with only a warning.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
Sometimes things can only be achieved with your voice and vote, yelling is certainly a step up from killing each other over these things, so I'll take annoying people trying to get a point I agree with across than be content with slavery, or whatever else issue.
Thing is, it's not really good. It's not good at all. In fact, it's bad. Because the ends do not and can not justify the means.

I mean, look at you. You clearly have an agenda. Well, you do if I am reading you right. Basically this whole game feels like you want us to care about your characters and the injustice of their world and through that maybe get us to care about the injustices of our own.

And you know what? Its actually working. You have managed to touch our hearts and make us feel things we ordinarily would not. And I dare say the way this is going you might just end up forcing me to become a better person. And you aren't being annoying either. Quite the contrary.

That to me is the proper way to send a message. Don't go around being annoying or acting like a bully until people give in just to shut you up. Instead make a gesture, create something, do something productive to touch their hearts and influence them in a positive way. Well that or at least be a honest bully and start a revolution proper. I'd take that even over the modern crop of twitter activists any day.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Same here. I was not at all surprised by the way the plot is going. Although I wouldn't say it was obvious from the very beginning. It just sort of creeps in and I am not sure if I can pin down the exact spot when I knew fighting slavery would actually be a major plot point.

But really, anyone who has any doubts should have lost them at the point where you buy Jin and realize that you didn't get a happy ending for your troubles. If that does not clue you in nothing will.

Either way there is definitively a segment of the game where it does feel exactly as demondelic.psy says. It just feels laid back and fun and wholesome and than it slowly transforms into what it is now. And I can totally understand why someone might want more of that. That sort of thing is good and fun and wholesome and it makes you happy. It is overall a good thing. Just as the way the game is going now is also overall a good thing just in a very different way.
Well, I will admit, I didn't have it all figured out on the first day, but as story unfolded it was rather obvious to me what was going to happen, but I have always had a bit of a knack for it. I am almost never surprised in a story.

IDK, even in the early days, you had Ellen being forced to work a job she found demeaning at best, you had Lin, the nervous and timid slave who was always afraid you might hurt her, you had Ashley who rapes you in your sleep more than once (if you count oral) and threatens to hurt others and cut off your manhood ...it was pretty dark at times.
how do you increase cumdump and cumslut to 3stars?
Every time you cum inside of a girl she gets a point of cum dump, and outside for cum slut. I think it takes 30 times for 3 stars (50 for max).
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May 30, 2017
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it's not how it seemed to me, to me he went berserk and didn't even stop to think on how to fix what happened, even if you're upset and angry, suddenly calling that guy(i don't ever remember his name) and screaming at him is just not where it would go, you don't even know if he was involved in this specific event, it just doesn't make sense, tbh if it were me i would think "ok everything sucks, but how can i help the love of my life?" idk call "that man" who has power and kinda likes me and say something like "how much do i have to pay, for you to bend the rules a little bit and give my girlfriend back to me?" because until then were kinda friends with the guy or at least that's how it seemed to me, idk that's where my mind went instantly given how things normally developed in this game until now, so the whole screaming at the guy for no specific reason( i know he's the big boy in the game on that area, but you have evidence he was even involved in it or that he knew you were there), as far as i perceived if he was even involved in it he probably just received notice of a random half-elf so he put her to auction, he wasn't out to fuck the MC specifically, so i personally felt that, to me, the MC went crazy, maybe i interpreted the whole incident wrongly then, i just suddenly felt disconnected to the MC to a huge degree on that scene and suddenly started thinking "wha...whaaaaaat? why would he do that? Mr.SlaveryMan is the best bet for getting Maria back"
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
hard disagree, he didn't even go to buy her, Helen did, he didn't even think of that, he went insane, i didn't react like that and Maria is one of my absolute favorite characters in this game and for the MC to go at it that way just didn't feel right to me, i wasn't even cursing Cornwall, i was mad, i still felt that the MC could've handled that better, his priority shifted too much for me to agree with it and by the way i'm still on Lin's side of the fence, i hard disagree with Nia's side
I was with Lin before the Maria incident as well, but then all that happened. Someone he cares for got hurt, not necessarily physically, but emotionally and mentally. That can be worse than any physical torment one can endure. As far as we know, she could end up with PTSD from it given that sudden enslavement after being roughly handled during apprehension can be extremely traumatizing. This isn't just an isolated incident we're talking about, it has the potential to scar her for life and we have yet to get confirmation of whether or not it did. If you have someone who needs to be apprehended, perhaps a criminal at large, perhaps a slave on the loose, you don't just rough them up the second you have them in a corner with no way out, especially if they came into your facility willingly. We can't ever confirm it, but maybe they would not have resisted at all if they had been treated normally, but no, the freaking security bot had to use force as if she was trying to run away when she never even had a chance to try just from the suddenness of the apprehension. If they had explained the situation, she might have submitted with no need for security at all, and don't even get me started on if explaining it to her directly was an issue or not because she is part elf. There was a human right there within earshot and the staff could have talked to him while she was there, she would have heard every word.

I would have bought her if I had the option. After she was taken I was freaking out checking the website every morning to see if she had gone up yet. I even just hit the pass time button over and over just to get to the even to get her back to see what would happen to her. Probably the most emotional i've gotten in the game.
It would have been my first action when I got back assuming she was already available, I would have checked every day until she was if not and then bought her when she was. It monetizes and incentivizes the enslavement of elves, but the only other way would be a raid that could ultimately have ended in her death from being caught in the inevitable and quite literal crossfire.

We don't live in a society that has casual slavery of the sort in Harem Hotel, so it's not really the same thing. Let's remember that one of the MC's other girlfriends has also been kidnapped, enslaved, put through hell and traumatized, and he's never seemed anywhere near as angry about it. To continue your example, if your girlfriend told you about the times in her past when she was enslaved and mistreated, would you be angry about it, or would you be as relatively indifferent as the MC?

I think his anger is perfectly understandable and reasonable, but his reactions were stupid, even if I understand them. I mean, I'd already guessed that Maria was half-elf, because of the scars on her ears, and I'm sure others had too; the only reason I'd not been 100% certain about is that as a half-dark elf, Maria should live to be about 250, and there was no indication from anyone that she'd aged more slowly.* So I thought letting her even go for the DNA test was a terrible idea; I also thought she knew/suspected she was half-elf, so her willingness to go seemed bizarre to me.

The MC's anger is because he has, on some level, been okay with elves being slaves; he's angry because he thought Maria was human, and seeing her treated the way elves are treated was the thing that made him snap, because he knows it's a terrible way to treat someone. And yet he was somewhat blasé about elves being treated that way.

*Common elves live fifteen times longer than humans, meaning a 1000 year old common elf is the equivalent to a 65 year old human, and they age at a similarly reduced rate (that's how Lin can be nearly 300 and look to be about 20). Dark elves life half as long as common elves, so they can live to be about 500, though probably less because they're not getting adequate healthcare, and age at about one-seventh the rate of a human. Half elves live half as long as their parent species, so half-dark elves should live to be about 250, and age at about one-third the rate of a human.
Therefore, Maria should either look a lot younger (like about 7 or so) or be a lot older (mid-fifties), and both would have been noticeable when she was growing up. Neither is the case. I think it was a math mistake; Runey says no.
It also proves the superiority of half-elves; elves live longer than humans but learn more slowly, while Maria is a very intelligent woman who was top of her classes, which proves she learns as quickly as a human, but will live substantially longer. Is this true for all half-elves?
In her past is completely different than the Maria situation. With her, it wasn't a past event she just happened to bring up in conversation, it happened right there in front of him. Of course he's going to act the way he did, being an eyewitness to her terrible treatment even with no discernible resistance indicating the potential she might have simply submitted once informed and the complete lack of indication as to why this all was happening. They literally told them nothing, they just sprung the security bot on them with zero warning. They weren't even aware of her being half elf until after Maria was back out of state custody.


Active Member
May 30, 2017
I was with Lin before the Maria incident as well, but then all that happened. Someone he cares for got hurt, not necessarily physically, but emotionally and mentally. That can be worse than any physical torment one can endure. As far as we know, she could end up with PTSD from it given that sudden enslavement after being roughly handled during apprehension can be extremely traumatizing. This isn't just an isolated incident we're talking about, it has the potential to scar her for life and we have yet to get confirmation of whether or not it did. If you have someone who needs to be apprehended, perhaps a criminal at large, perhaps a slave on the loose, you don't just rough them up the second you have them in a corner with no way out, especially if they came into your facility willingly. We can't ever confirm it, but maybe they would not have resisted at all if they had been treated normally, but no, the freaking security bot had to use force as if she was trying to run away when she never even had a chance to try just from the suddenness of the apprehension. If they had explained the situation, she might have submitted with no need for security at all, and don't even get me started on if explaining it to her directly was an issue or not because she is part elf. There was a human right there within earshot and the staff could have talked to him while she was there, she would have heard every word.

It would have been my first action when I got back assuming she was already available, I would have checked every day until she was if not and then bought her when she was. It monetizes and incentivizes the enslavement of elves, but the only other way would be a raid that could ultimately have ended in her death from being caught in the inevitable and quite literal crossfire.

In her past is completely different than the Maria situation. With her, it wasn't a past event she just happened to bring up in conversation, it happened right there in front of him. Of course he's going to act the way he did, being an eyewitness to her terrible treatment even with no discernible resistance indicating the potential she might have simply submitted once informed and the complete lack of indication as to why this all was happening. They literally told them nothing, they just sprung the security bot on them with zero warning. They weren't even aware of her being half elf until after Maria was back out of state custody.
fair enough they were pretty extreme, although, i still side with Lin, i was pretty upset that they just manhandled both the MC and Maria, but my mind went to "how do i fix this?" more than anything else, Maria being a Half-elf wasn't a surprised, it was more of a "when it's gonna happen" than a "what is gonna happen", i had a feeling something like this would happen to Maria not from the start, but from idk the 5 date or something early like that, Maria always gave me a feeling like something was wrong, so maybe that's why i didn't have that much of an anger boost when it happened
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
I figured it out only when her friend started trying to talk her out of it. That's when it clicked for me and I started going "oh shit oh shit oh shit!"
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Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
it's not how it seemed to me, to me he went berserk and didn't even stop to think on how to fix what happened, even if you're upset and angry, suddenly calling that guy(i don't ever remember his name) and screaming at him is just not where it would go, you don't even know if he was involved in this specific event, it just doesn't make sense, tbh if it were me i would think "ok everything sucks, but how can i help the love of my life?" idk call "that man" who has power and kinda likes me and say something like "how much do i have to pay, for you to bend the rules a little bit and give my girlfriend back to me?" because until then were kinda friends with the guy or at least that's how it seemed to me, idk that's where my mind went instantly given how things normally developed in this game until now, so the whole screaming at the guy for no specific reason( i know he's the big boy in the game on that area, but you have evidence he was even involved in it or that he knew you were there), as far as i perceived if he was even involved in it he probably just received notice of a random half-elf so he put her to auction, he wasn't out to fuck the MC specifically, so i personally felt that, to me, the MC went crazy, maybe i interpreted the whole incident wrongly then, i just suddenly felt disconnected to the MC to a huge degree on that scene and suddenly started thinking "wha...whaaaaaat? why would he do that? Mr.SlaveryMan is the best bet for getting Maria back"
You don't have to yell at cornwall, that's an option in v0.12.4. Regardless though, I've set up Cornwall to be the antagonist for slavery. He is in control of it all. Luckily you have his number, so you have the option of giving him a piece of your mind and marking him as an enemy. Or you can try to ask Mr. Trenero for help.

Even though cornwall wasn't directly involved, Cornwall is just as responsible for what happened to Maria, MC recognized this. He's definitely not going to help you get your girlfriend back. He's responsible for what happened to Maria in the first place.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
fair enough they were pretty extreme, although, i still side with Lin, i was pretty upset that they just manhandled both the MC and Maria, but my mind went to "how do i fix this?" more than anything else, Maria being a Half-elf wasn't a surprised, it was more of a "when it's gonna happen" than a "what is gonna happen", i had a feeling something like this would happen to Maria not from the start, but from idk the 5 date or something early like that, Maria always gave me a feeling like something was wrong, so maybe that's why i didn't have that much of an anger boost when it happened
I won't say I was totally oblivious to it, I had my suspicions about her for a long time, especially once other girls with little to no obvious elven characteristics, like Lin's ears, started to come out about being part elf, but it still caught me by surprise simply on the fact that they walked in, got the DNA test, then boom, instantly treated like some idiot criminal resisting arrest when they didn't even have the chance to start resisting in the first place. It would have been just as easy to explain things without all that rough treatment, and like I said, maybe she would have let them take her for processing peacefully if they hadn't taken her by force completely without warning or justification.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
I won't say I was totally oblivious to it, I had my suspicions about her for a long time, especially once other girls with little to no obvious elven characteristics, like Lin's ears, started to come out about being part elf, but it still caught me by surprise simply on the fact that they walked in, got the DNA test, then boom, instantly treated like some idiot criminal resisting arrest when they didn't even have the chance to start resisting in the first place. It would have been just as easy to explain things without all that rough treatment, and like I said, maybe she would have let them take her for processing peacefully if they hadn't taken her by force completely without warning or justification.
Would you have?


Active Member
Jun 9, 2020
I won't say I was totally oblivious to it, I had my suspicions about her for a long time, especially once other girls with little to no obvious elven characteristics, like Lin's ears, started to come out about being part elf, but it still caught me by surprise simply on the fact that they walked in, got the DNA test, then boom, instantly treated like some idiot criminal resisting arrest when they didn't even have the chance to start resisting in the first place. It would have been just as easy to explain things without all that rough treatment, and like I said, maybe she would have let them take her for processing peacefully if they hadn't taken her by force completely without warning or justification.
Oh, there is a justification.
It's greed...
An unregistered half elf just walks in? It's basically free money.
They claimed her and immediately tried to sell her, just proves it.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Would you have?
If you mean submitting, assuming I was calmly explained the situation without first being tackled by a 900 lb robot, that's exaggeration, of course, because I don't know the actual weight of that thing, then yes because it would be the easiest way out of that situation without anyone getting hurt, especially people actually close to me or myself. Besides, Maria had the MC and she knew perfectly well he would not rest until she was safe, which she was right on. If there was no way out without getting treated like that, there's no sense in not resisting, so I would.

Oh, there is a justification.
It's greed...
An unregistered half elf just walks in? It's basically free money.
They claimed her and immediately tried to sell her, just proves it.
That is a reason, but not justification. It gives them a motive, but it doesn't make it the correct way to do it. What if she had gotten injured beyond any recoverable value? All profit would be lost and all reasons that became their motive with it. A damaged slave might as well not exist, they are effectively as useful as not having been a slave in the first place.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
If you mean submitting, assuming I was calmly explained the situation without first being tackled by 900 lb robot, that's exaggeration, of course, because I don't know the actual weight of that thing, then yes because it would be the easiest way out of that situation without anyone getting, especially people actually close to me or myself. Besides, Maria had the MC and she knew perfectly well he would not rest until she was safe, which she was right on. If there was no way out without getting treated like that, there's no sense in not resisting, so I would.
That makes one of us than. If I had to choose between being enslaved and going down fighting I'd go down fighting. And this isn't just bravado either. I've seen enough shit to tell you that I would actually go down fighting knowing full well that I would be going down.

Or to put it in more blunt terms. I would force them to kill me just out of sheer spite so as to deny them the profit.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
That makes one of us than. If I had to choose between being enslaved and going down fighting I'd go down fighting. And this isn't just bravado either. I've seen enough shit to tell you that I would actually go down fighting knowing full well that I would be going down.
There was no 'go down fighting' option, she was going to be enslaved whether she submitted or resisted, the only things that differed between the two, assuming she was ever even given the chance to submit peacefully instead of what happened, would have been in her value as a slave and if she sustained any injury during enslavement that lowered said value. If it was monetarily motivated, their best course of action would be whichever one gets her into their custody with the least possibility of injury and value decrease.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
There was no 'go down fighting' option, she was going to be enslaved whether she submitted or resisted, the only things that differed between the two, assuming she was ever even given the chance to submit peacefully instead of what happened, would have been in her value as a slave and if she sustained any injury during enslavement that lowered said value. If it was monetarily motivated, their best course of action would be whichever one gets her into their custody with the least possibility of injury and value decrease.
No, the best course of action would be to make them kill or cripple me so as to deny them the income. If you can't win the least you can do is make the other side not win either.

You are looking at this from their perspective and thinking that the victim is going to just roll over and give up. And I am telling you that makes absolutely zero sense. Why would anyone willingly roll over and allow their entire life to be destroyed? If that's going to happen anyway it's better to just die.
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