
Active Member
May 30, 2017
Totally fair if you don't like the direction the story is heading. I've always loved world building, and people seem to appreciate the stories I've written, so this has given me an amazing chance to build a world that's very deep. But it's not my goal to make this game primarily about the world or a story separated from the characters. The focus of the stories are on each character and what they go through. Fixing their problems and making them happy has always been a goal of the MC, so this is primarily the focus of their stories. How this is done will be different for everyone. Making Lin happy for example involves freedom.

I can confidently say there wont be any action sequences like that in game, but there will be action. And it is my goal to make some stories epic, or inspiring. Specifically with Nia. And just to clarify, Lin's story isn't Nia's. Lin is more of a diplomat. The good news is Nia's content is completely optional. You can even treat her like a sex slave if you'd like.

You haven't mentioned exactly what the game is losing, but there will continue to be date events, such as Lin's in v0.13, which is quite romantic if I say so myself. And there will continue to be training scenes, as Autumn will get quite a lot in v0.13 as well. The focus has definitely shifted from relatively minor and personal problems to systemic and wide spread problems, but this is a natural flow of storytelling (to bring in bigger and bigger problems to deal with) but all these problems still remain to be very personal for the characters. And people can relate to these struggles.

We could leave the story at "Everyone in the hotel has found a slice of this world where they feel comfortable", but I feel like this rag-tag group of friends can achieve much more, which will make for an even happier ending. And I believe these stories will make the game much more interesting and separate it from a simple dating sim, to a dating sim with an engaging story where the characters get true happiness and there is a genuine happily ever after. I think it's better than just "congrats, she said yes and you got married to your waifu and had a baby" (which will still happen)

But I wouldn't continue down this path if I didn't get encouragement from fans to do so, so I am listening and will happily answer anyone's concerns or questions, and always accept feedback on the story.
it's good that you have the drive and that you have good fans, i'm not saying that the story is bad, i quite like your writing style, which is why i stuck here for so long, the characters are charismatic and their struggles are compelling.
I know Lin and Nia are two different storylines and as much as i hate Nia story it feels like a part of the world is missing if you don't do it, it doesn't feel optional at all, Jin feels optional, Nia sure doesn't.
When you asked me what is missing all can say is "the charm". The charm of the Hotel is exactly the fact that a bunch of weirdos found a place to belong, i do like that you're still keeping the dates format in it, but it just doesn't feel the same and while tackling bigger problems is a natural flow of storytelling, honestly i wouldn't mind it as much if there was more of a proper scalation for it, it feels like we just jumped of a cliff, one second the MC is like "man, this is bad Maria turned out to be a half-elf" the next he's screaming at whatishisface(the slaver dude) and swearing bloody murder towards slavery and joining a revolution.
I will repeat that i like the fact that you have drive, but the story just got a very weird jump start in the middle of it and suddenly it's something else, the story changed so radically in the span of a few days all that we got before were the event where Nia and the others wanted to be adopted, the one where we invaded the ilegal slavery den and a podcast on Kali's college(i'm not counting kali's "friend" finding out about Nia) you could argue that the lin's events and a little bit of Autumn's events help set the tone, but it just doesn't feel like it, Maria being a Half-elf sucks, but given how the "MC"(i know we have some more hardcore choices, but overall he's a chill dude) is normally writen as a chill guy even while clearly mad in several situations, he suddenly flipped the fuck out and it going on strong on the hate.
it Bloated the story too fast and too strongly for my liking, it just feels like another game. Now, i'm not giving up on playing the game, i'm a fan and while i don't really like that the MC can't take a more "rational" approach to this problem instead of joining a revolution(i'm calling it a revolution just for a lack of a better word, i'm not implying that it's a revolution...unless you say that it's one) to take everyone down including Kali's father and Autumn's father and the Elf Queen, because at this point they're all in the line of sight.
Overall it just feels too much in too little time, that being said keep up the good work, i'll still play the game until the end, just this shift in the story isn't enough to drive me away, i do hope to see the good ending that you're planning to create, who knows maybe i'll even like it better this way

Corvus Belli

Nov 25, 2017
but there will continue to be date events, such as Lin's in v0.13, which is quite romantic if I say so myself.
On that topic, would it be possible to introduce repeating "date" events. As it stands, you can take the girls to the cafe/beach, but gven how close you've become to them, a few other options might be nice. You can take Ashley to the cafe or the beach, how about an option to take her to the restaurant, or a park, or the cinema, or have a meal together in the kitchen? How about taking Maria to the cafe, or to a movie?
Or perhaps introduce an option to take Felicity and Emma to the beach together, or to take Kali and Lucia, or Maria and Hana.


May 31, 2020
This is actually one thing I agree on, the game's story isn't going in a bad direction, it's just the escalation that's a bit odd. MC has been seeing elves as slaves constantly, hearing about terrible things they've gone through, and has elves himself, and has been pretty chill and unengaged with it for the most part. He's interacted with a lot of key members involved in the situation (Kali's Dad, Mr. Cornwall) and has been noncommittal in his responses to them. In a lot of recent scenes though he's much more aggressive with the things that have happened and while they've been worse than what he's seen firsthand so far (and more personal) it's how strong the reaction is that's surprising. So for some players we don't disagree with where the story is going, just the sudden escalation.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
Honestly I had no problem with that scene.

Screaming at Cornwall probably wasn't the smart thing to do but it is a completely understandable thing to do. It is a massive emotional reaction that any of us should easily be able to understand. Hell it's probably what I'd have done after I was done trying to convince Nia to burn down the hospital and all in it.

You have to remember that even though the MC has been exposed to elvish slavery up until this point it's all been more or less academic. He knows they have it rough, slavery is bad, and you've all heard stories. But the worst things he ever actually sees with his own eyes are fairly mild. Stuff like having to pay a fine if his elf is on a leash. Even with knowing Jin and her life story he still only hears about it and does not actually see with his own two eyes just how bad it can get. And it's in the long past.

And now you have the exact opposite. Suddenly and without warning he is thrown in the deep end and shown the worst excesses of the system as plaid out on someone he cares about very much.

Imagine having your girlfriend kidnapped, enslaved, put through hell and traumatized like that. How would you react?
That's the sort of thing that definitively is going to spark a violent and angry reaction even from the most chill of dudes.

And it's also a natural breaking point for the story as well. Yes it is sudden but that's just the nature of things. Up until that point the MC could be noncommittal and sit on the sidelines. But after that no more. The choice is not yours to make any more. It has been made for you. Things can newer go back to the way they were. Newer. And things can not be allowed to go on like that. A line has to be drawn here and not one step further.


This said, if we are going to complain about events my only complaint is the one with Nia in the strip club. I mean, the girl just casually gets into a shootout, murders a bunch of people and than kills the last guy with a baseball bat in cold blood. I have no problem with that. She is Elven Batman.

But the MC just casually goes along with the whole thing like it's just another evening at the club. I mean, sorry but he just had his life in danger, saw people killed and witnessed the cold blooded murder of a defenseless man. Anyone sane should be freaking out and end up traumatized by the end of it.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I don't get peoples obsession with UIs. Skyrim has like 10 different mods 'fixing' it. And your store ui is just fine, to me at least.
Indeed, it kind of reminds me of actual real world online shopping site designs, Amazon in particular.

Honestly I had no problem with that scene.

Screaming at Cornwall probably wasn't the smart thing to do but it is a completely understandable thing to do. It is a massive emotional reaction that any of us should easily be able to understand. Hell it's probably what I'd have done after I was done trying to convince Nia to burn down the hospital and all in it.

You have to remember that even though the MC has been exposed to elvish slavery up until this point it's all been more or less academic. He knows they have it rough, slavery is bad, and you've all heard stories. But the worst things he ever actually sees with his own eyes are fairly mild. Stuff like having to pay a fine if his elf is on a leash. Even with knowing Jin and her life story he still only hears about it and does not actually see with his own two eyes just how bad it can get. And it's in the long past.

And now you have the exact opposite. Suddenly and without warning he is thrown in the deep end and shown the worst excesses of the system as plaid out on someone he cares about very much.

Imagine having your girlfriend kidnapped, enslaved, put through hell and traumatized like that. How would you react?
That's the sort of thing that definitively is going to spark a violent and angry reaction even from the most chill of dudes.

And it's also a natural breaking point for the story as well. Yes it is sudden but that's just the nature of things. Up until that point the MC could be noncommittal and sit on the sidelines. But after that no more. The choice is not yours to make any more. It has been made for you. Things can newer go back to the way they were. Newer. And things can not be allowed to go on like that. A line has to be drawn here and not one step further.


This said, if we are going to complain about events my only complaint is the one with Nia in the strip club. I mean, the girl just casually gets into a shootout, murders a bunch of people and than kills the last guy with a baseball bat in cold blood. I have no problem with that. She is Elven Batman.

But the MC just casually goes along with the whole thing like it's just another evening at the club. I mean, sorry but he just had his life in danger, saw people killed and witnessed the cold blooded murder of a defenseless man. Anyone sane should be freaking out and end up traumatized by the end of it.
This is actually one thing I agree on, the game's story isn't going in a bad direction, it's just the escalation that's a bit odd. MC has been seeing elves as slaves constantly, hearing about terrible things they've gone through, and has elves himself, and has been pretty chill and unengaged with it for the most part. He's interacted with a lot of key members involved in the situation (Kali's Dad, Mr. Cornwall) and has been noncommittal in his responses to them. In a lot of recent scenes though he's much more aggressive with the things that have happened and while they've been worse than what he's seen firsthand so far (and more personal) it's how strong the reaction is that's surprising. So for some players we don't disagree with where the story is going, just the sudden escalation.
it's good that you have the drive and that you have good fans, i'm not saying that the story is bad, i quite like your writing style, which is why i stuck here for so long, the characters are charismatic and their struggles are compelling.
I know Lin and Nia are two different storylines and as much as i hate Nia story it feels like a part of the world is missing if you don't do it, it doesn't feel optional at all, Jin feels optional, Nia sure doesn't.
When you asked me what is missing all can say is "the charm". The charm of the Hotel is exactly the fact that a bunch of weirdos found a place to belong, i do like that you're still keeping the dates format in it, but it just doesn't feel the same and while tackling bigger problems is a natural flow of storytelling, honestly i wouldn't mind it as much if there was more of a proper scalation for it, it feels like we just jumped of a cliff, one second the MC is like "man, this is bad Maria turned out to be a half-elf" the next he's screaming at whatishisface(the slaver dude) and swearing bloody murder towards slavery and joining a revolution.
I will repeat that i like the fact that you have drive, but the story just got a very weird jump start in the middle of it and suddenly it's something else, the story changed so radically in the span of a few days all that we got before were the event where Nia and the others wanted to be adopted, the one where we invaded the ilegal slavery den and a podcast on Kali's college(i'm not counting kali's "friend" finding out about Nia) you could argue that the lin's events and a little bit of Autumn's events help set the tone, but it just doesn't feel like it, Maria being a Half-elf sucks, but given how the "MC"(i know we have some more hardcore choices, but overall he's a chill dude) is normally writen as a chill guy even while clearly mad in several situations, he suddenly flipped the fuck out and it going on strong on the hate.
it Bloated the story too fast and too strongly for my liking, it just feels like another game. Now, i'm not giving up on playing the game, i'm a fan and while i don't really like that the MC can't take a more "rational" approach to this problem instead of joining a revolution(i'm calling it a revolution just for a lack of a better word, i'm not implying that it's a revolution...unless you say that it's one) to take everyone down including Kali's father and Autumn's father and the Elf Queen, because at this point they're all in the line of sight.
Overall it just feels too much in too little time, that being said keep up the good work, i'll still play the game until the end, just this shift in the story isn't enough to drive me away, i do hope to see the good ending that you're planning to create, who knows maybe i'll even like it better this way
Indeed, this is a man who took a girl he cares for into the hospital for a DNA test only to have her manhandled by security in a VERY rough manner unprovoked all because she has enough Elven DNA in her results to qualify as a slave. He then goes to buy her back to get her out of there and the nurse in charge of handling her treats her in the most disgracefully degrading way possible right in front of him. I'm a complete pacifist, anything short of necessary violence is not even an option to me, but that goes out the window in a situation like this. The second someone I care for is treated that badly, it's war and the flag of no quarter is flying. Most people should react in a similar way to something like this. I was mentally screaming at and cursing out Cornwall by the second time through that event and now I want his head on a pike, I misinterpreted it the first time, and I'm not even the MC, I'm just playing as him. Yeah, I went from Lin to Nia in terms of how I viewed the situation real fast when that happened, they've lost their chance at a peaceful resolution as far as I'm concerned.
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Active Member
May 30, 2017
Indeed, it kind of reminds me of actual real world online shopping site designs, Amazon in particular.

Indeed, this is a man who took a girl he cares for into the hospital for a DNA test only to have her manhandled by security in a VERY rough manner unprovoked all because she has enough Elven DNA in her results to qualify as a slave. He then goes to buy her back to get her out of there and the nurse in charge of handling her treats her in the most disgracefully degrading way possible right in front of him. I'm a complete pacifist, anything short of necessary violence is not even an option to me, but that goes out the window in a situation like this. The second someone I care for is treated that badly, it's war and the flag of no quarter is flying. Most people should react in a similar way to something like this. I was mentally screaming at and cursing out Cornwall by the second time through that event and now I want his head on a pike, I misinterpreted it the first time, and I'm not even the MC, I'm just playing as him. Yeah, I went from Lin to Nia in terms of how I viewed the situation real fast when that happened, they've lost their chance at a peaceful resolution as far as I'm concerned.
hard disagree, he didn't even go to buy her, Helen did, he didn't even think of that, he went insane, i didn't react like that and Maria is one of my absolute favorite characters in this game and for the MC to go at it that way just didn't feel right to me, i wasn't even cursing Cornwall, i was mad, i still felt that the MC could've handled that better, his priority shifted too much for me to agree with it and by the way i'm still on Lin's side of the fence, i hard disagree with Nia's side
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Nov 16, 2019
hard disagree, he didn't even go to buy her, Helen did, he didn't even think of that, he went insane, i didn't react like that and Maria is one of my absolute favorite characters in this game and for the MC to go at it that way just didn't feel right to me, i wasn't even cursing Cornwall, i was mad, i still felt that the MC could've handled that better, his priority shifted too much for me to agree with it and by the way i'm still on Lin's side of the fence, i hard disagree with Nia's side
I would have bought her if I had the option. After she was taken I was freaking out checking the website every morning to see if she had gone up yet. I even just hit the pass time button over and over just to get to the even to get her back to see what would happen to her. Probably the most emotional i've gotten in the game.
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Corvus Belli

Nov 25, 2017
Imagine having your girlfriend kidnapped, enslaved, put through hell and traumatized like that. How would you react?
We don't live in a society that has casual slavery of the sort in Harem Hotel, so it's not really the same thing. Let's remember that one of the MC's other girlfriends has also been kidnapped, enslaved, put through hell and traumatized, and he's never seemed anywhere near as angry about it. To continue your example, if your girlfriend told you about the times in her past when she was enslaved and mistreated, would you be angry about it, or would you be as relatively indifferent as the MC?

I think his anger is perfectly understandable and reasonable, but his reactions were stupid, even if I understand them. I mean, I'd already guessed that Maria was half-elf, because of the scars on her ears, and I'm sure others had too; the only reason I'd not been 100% certain about is that as a half-dark elf, Maria should live to be about 250, and there was no indication from anyone that she'd aged more slowly.* So I thought letting her even go for the DNA test was a terrible idea; I also thought she knew/suspected she was half-elf, so her willingness to go seemed bizarre to me.

The MC's anger is because he has, on some level, been okay with elves being slaves; he's angry because he thought Maria was human, and seeing her treated the way elves are treated was the thing that made him snap, because he knows it's a terrible way to treat someone. And yet he was somewhat blasé about elves being treated that way.

*Common elves live fifteen times longer than humans, meaning a 1000 year old common elf is the equivalent to a 65 year old human, and they age at a similarly reduced rate (that's how Lin can be nearly 300 and look to be about 20). Dark elves life half as long as common elves, so they can live to be about 500, though probably less because they're not getting adequate healthcare, and age at about one-seventh the rate of a human. Half elves live half as long as their parent species, so half-dark elves should live to be about 250, and age at about one-third the rate of a human.
Therefore, Maria should either look a lot younger (like about 7 or so) or be a lot older (mid-fifties), and both would have been noticeable when she was growing up. Neither is the case. I think it was a math mistake; Runey says no.
It also proves the superiority of half-elves; elves live longer than humans but learn more slowly, while Maria is a very intelligent woman who was top of her classes, which proves she learns as quickly as a human, but will live substantially longer. Is this true for all half-elves?


Active Member
May 29, 2017
Imagine having your girlfriend kidnapped, enslaved, put through hell and traumatized like that. How would you react?
That depends on if I get to help with the kidnapping, enslaving, and so on.

Sometimes being evil in games is fun.
(and my gf is the android anyway, and she wouldn't mind. sooo....)


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
If anyone can help, I get this error everytime I start the game even with no saves.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
Seems like the French translation have a double definition.
Usually questions would be:
  • Which version?
  • Which platform?
  • Which variante? (compressed, Runeys, updated with my patch....)
After this we can help you better.


New Member
Sep 21, 2019
Seems like the French translation have a double definition.
Usually questions would be:
  • Which version?
  • Which platform?
  • Which variante? (compressed, Runeys, updated with my patch....)
After this we can help you better.
Version 0.12.4
Android using Joiplay
I downloaded directly from Runeys patreon

Also I should mention the game ran perfectly couple of times I played yesterday but this error is popping up today.


Nov 16, 2019
We don't live in a society that has casual slavery of the sort in Harem Hotel, so it's not really the same thing. Let's remember that one of the MC's other girlfriends has also been kidnapped, enslaved, put through hell and traumatized, and he's never seemed anywhere near as angry about it. To continue your example, if your girlfriend told you about the times in her past when she was enslaved and mistreated, would you be angry about it, or would you be as relatively indifferent as the MC?

I think his anger is perfectly understandable and reasonable, but his reactions were stupid, even if I understand them. I mean, I'd already guessed that Maria was half-elf, because of the scars on her ears, and I'm sure others had too; the only reason I'd not been 100% certain about is that as a half-dark elf, Maria should live to be about 250, and there was no indication from anyone that she'd aged more slowly.* So I thought letting her even go for the DNA test was a terrible idea; I also thought she knew/suspected she was half-elf, so her willingness to go seemed bizarre to me.

The MC's anger is because he has, on some level, been okay with elves being slaves; he's angry because he thought Maria was human, and seeing her treated the way elves are treated was the thing that made him snap, because he knows it's a terrible way to treat someone. And yet he was somewhat blasé about elves being treated that way.

*Common elves live fifteen times longer than humans, meaning a 1000 year old common elf is the equivalent to a 65 year old human, and they age at a similarly reduced rate (that's how Lin can be nearly 300 and look to be about 20). Dark elves life half as long as common elves, so they can live to be about 500, though probably less because they're not getting adequate healthcare, and age at about one-seventh the rate of a human. Half elves live half as long as their parent species, so half-dark elves should live to be about 250, and age at about one-third the rate of a human.
Therefore, Maria should either look a lot younger (like about 7 or so) or be a lot older (mid-fifties), and both would have been noticeable when she was growing up. Neither is the case. I think it was a math mistake; Runey says no.
It also proves the superiority of half-elves; elves live longer than humans but learn more slowly, while Maria is a very intelligent woman who was top of her classes, which proves she learns as quickly as a human, but will live substantially longer. Is this true for all half-elves?
wait she has scars on her ears? Also when your in the hospital all the anti cross breeding posters sorta tipped the hat on that fact for me finally. Raised an eyebrow and said, "There are a lot of these posters..."


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
We don't live in a society that has casual slavery of the sort in Harem Hotel, so it's not really the same thing.
Neither does the MC. Remember, he is an outsider that just moved in from an outside world where the slavery situation is not known.

Let's remember that one of the MC's other girlfriends has also been kidnapped, enslaved, put through hell and traumatized, and he's never seemed anywhere near as angry about it. To continue your example, if your girlfriend told you about the times in her past when she was enslaved and mistreated, would you be angry about it, or would you be as relatively indifferent as the MC?
The reaction would be quite different. It would be emotional, yes. But it would not be immediate panic-rage. Instead it would be more along the lines of sadness and anger with a mind to trying to comfort her. The source of the situation forcing you to get emotional is simply different and therefore the reaction is different.

Now again, did the MC do something stupid? Yes, absolutely. Is it going to come back to bite him that he burned bridges he could have used? Yes. But it is understandable that a person would react that way. That's all I am saying.

To be perfectly honest I hope the MC does something about the elf-droids as well. Those things are just horrifying body horror to me. And I completely agree with the notion that if the elves become redundant before they become free they are more likely to be killed off than set free.

The MC's anger is because he has, on some level, been okay with elves being slaves; he's angry because he thought Maria was human, and seeing her treated the way elves are treated was the thing that made him snap, because he knows it's a terrible way to treat someone. And yet he was somewhat blasé about elves being treated that way.
Quite possibly, yes. And having it smashed into his face like this really is the tipping point.

This was his call to action. And he could either take it or spend the rest of his life in regret watching as the unyielding machine of slavery slowly grinds down everyone and everything he loves.
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Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
Neither does the MC. Remember, he is an outsider that just moved in from an outside world where the slavery situation is not known.
It's known about in the outside world. The problem is Syl'anar is too powerful of a nation to risk going to war against. I believe that had mentioned but I can't remember by who.

Corvus Belli

Nov 25, 2017
wait she has scars on her ears?
She did, though it was mentioned years ago, around about the same time she mentioned being an orphan, and may have been removed in revisions since then. The combination of "I have these scars on a very particular part of my body, which would hide my elven ancestry" and "I've never met my parents, don't ask about them" was, to me at least, obviously suspicious.

Neither does the MC.
He does live in a society with casual slavery, though. He wasn't born or raised there, but he does live there.

Remember, he is an outsider that just moved in from an outside world where the slavery situation is not known.
The slavery of an entire species is very much known in the outside world, and the MC coming from a culture without it just makes his indifference to it that much worse. He moves to the continet, and one of the first things that happens to him is that he's told, "here, this elf is your property", and his reaction is just, "oh, okay then." He clearly doesn't think that owning a person is a bad thing.

To be perfectly honest I hope the MC does something about the elf-droids as well. Those things are just horrifying body horror to me. And I completely agree with the notion that if the elves become redundant before they become free they are more likely to be killed off than set free.
Oh yeah, the elf-droids are abhorrent. I especially like how none of the characters seem to have noticed that their existence has reduced elves even further, from "slave race" to "fuel source". If the entire nations economy becomes dependent on droids that require elf blood to funtion, then elves won't be free, they'll be harvested.
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Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
He does live in a society with casual slavery, though. He wasn't born or raised there, but he does live there.
For a very, very short period of time.

The slavery of an entire species is very much known in the outside world, and the MC coming from a culture without it just makes his indifference to it that much worse. He moves to the continet, and one of the first things that happens to him is that he's told, "here, this elf is your property", and his reaction is just, "oh, okay then." He clearly doesn't think that owning a person is a bad thing.
Not just the MC but the player as well. Let's be real. It's frighting how easy one accepts these things.

Oh yeah, the elf-droids are abhorrent. I especially like how none of the characters seem to have noticed that their existence has reduced elves even further, from "slave race" to "fuel source". If the entire nations economy becomes dependent on droids that require elf blood to funtion, then elves won't be free, they'll be harvested.
And that needs to be stopped, no matter the cost.

I mean, I am the sort of guy in real life who thinks that all activists, no matter their cause, are evil and should be banned simply because they are annoying meddlers that can't just shut up and leave the rest of us sensible people be. And even I would stand up to this.
4.70 star(s) 466 Votes