
Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I think this demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of what Runey has put forward as consent in regards to slavery within the HH universe since day one.

You can not rape elf slaves legally. Every sexual action has to be consensual between master and slave for any sex act to be legal, ever since cromwell/cornwall, enacted laws to reduce abuse. (sorry always get mixed up on his name). Note this has always been the case, no retcon scenes have been added to fit this in. This was always how the game universe presented consent. The rules of the universe are very well presented in the elf orgy scene where we meet Nia for the first time.

As far as the Owl Clan is concerned I could easily imagine H scenes with the members that are consensual. I'm not super pining for those scenes though. Don't really care.
And obviously Runey is depicting their situation as extremely oppressed, downtrodden to the extent where he's not intending to sexualize them. A creative choice I understand and don't really care for one way or the other. Like I'd be fine to fuck some primitive elf bitties. I'm also fine with with not. So it's whatever.
However the idea that a fictitious scenario (fictitious in the sense of it's not in game) where the MC could have sex with members of the Owl Clan would automatically be a scenario where those sexual actions are "abuse" is laughable.

Sums up my thoughts pretty nicely.
That takes into account the less primitive elves in custody now, not the primitive Owl Clan that may not even have any concept of what it means to consent or not. It's like how real world statutory rape works, the victim can say clearly that they let it happen, even blatantly admit to asking the 'rapist' for it, but it is still considered rape because the victim is not mentally capable of consent by law either due to age/perceived maturity or some other factor. Taking into account that the Owl Clan elves are primitive by Syl'anar standards, they may not be counted as capable of consent even if they actually are capable. I in no way meant rape as in literal force, but as taking advantage of a lack of understanding or inability to understand perceived by Syl'anar law. We've seen little of the Owl Clan, so I can't get a sense just yet of how well developed they are compared to the rest of the elf population living in more...civilized areas, civilized being used lightly considering the presence of slavery. The law doesn't take into account the ability for an owner to use underhanded tactics to make slave elves give their consent 'willingly' instead of willingly. It DOES take into account being able to literally push them down on the spot as something disallowed, but holding something over them so that they would be forced to give their consent is not something that can even be determined as having happened let alone be covered by the law and I'm not sure any complaints of that would be believed because, you know, elf. Remember, the nicer treatment is just for show, a typical politician's trick to appease the masses. The shouting I mentioned could be excused by the person causing the Owl Clan elf to shout as fear of pain, embarrassment, any number of things that could cause a girl to say such things under completely consensual circumstances. That isn't exactly uncommon in other sexual media. The name is Cornwall, you got it right on that second one.

The line is basically the same as a the line between Syl'anar 'society' and a truly free society. Until the system is down, it can't really be determined whether true consent is in play.
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New Member
Mar 3, 2021
The line is basically the same as a the line between Syl'anar 'society' and a truly free society. Until the system is down, it can't really be determined whether true consent is in play.
Stop trying to make everything rape.
There's never been a single non consensual sex act depicted (on screen) in HH, other than the elf orgy scene I mentioned earlier with Nia where Runey made a huge point of saying non consensual sex of any kind was not allowed in the universe.

Your entire post before this displayed, like I said, a fundamental misunderstanding of the clearly established rules regarding consent in HH.

I in no way meant rape as in literal force, but as taking advantage of a lack of understanding or inability to understand perceived by Syl'anar law.
If they were enslaved, we could literally rape them, they could literally be shouting for us to stop within earshot of another free person and it would still be considered consented to by Syl'anar law because they don't have free will. The will of their master is their own and his consent is theirs.
There's way to much mental gymnastics going on comparing both your posts. It's tiresome. Nobody wants to rape elves. Maybe someone does. I don't know, who fucking cares. This is depressing, I was just fapping to elf tits for years and then convos like this became a thing.
Guy suggests he'd would have liked to see primitive elf banging. Runey says no, in my universe they're oppressed, sex = abuse.
Fine K. Makes sense within the context of the story.
Slightly related, same guy says he would like to see fairy one-a-holing. Runey says no, in my universe this would kill the fairys. Fine K. Boring but fits in the context of the universe.

Now you take this exchange, and imply within your own headcanon that the Owl Clan primitive elves are mental children. They're so primitive and backwards that there is no scenario where any member of the tribe could give consent to the MC in a scenario that has not been imagined and does not exist. Statutory rape you said. Low Land Elves who are living, albeit impoverished, close to how they've lived for centuries before the humans came, could not in any circumstance give consent to a human for sex.
What a depressing fucking headcanon. Give me Disney's Pocahontas any day over this bleak gray mush. I'm gonna shoe horn it into my own headcanon just to make me feel better. In my headcanon when humans first invaded there was a dashing human captain who fell in love with a lowland elf chieftain's daughter and they had a hot forbidden consensual love affair. Then he died tragically and she mourned him for the rest of her life. Fuck it add in a spaceship as long as anything fucking goes.

The law doesn't take into account the ability for an owner to use underhanded tactics to make slave elves give their consent 'willingly' instead of willingly. It DOES take into account being able to literally push them down on the spot as something disallowed, but holding something over them so that they would be forced to give their consent is not something that can even be determined as having happened let alone be covered by the law and I'm not sure any complaints of that would be believed because, you know, elf. Remember, the nicer treatment is just for show, a typical politician's trick to appease the masses.
You know what, as long as we're just making shit up because our first post was so fucking ignorant of what the game universes rules are, make everything rape. That drunk lady the MC can fuck at the bar? She can't consent, she's drunk. Make it rape.
All those times the MC cums in Kali when she tells him not to? Rape. The drow in the sex orgy was kind of a mental midget right? Literal caveelf. Doesn't even speak the language. It was rape.
Fuck making everything rape in my own headcanon makes me feel so powerful. By fucking holy Gaius this is a rush.
HH is so fucking dark and gritty, having a genuine emotional moment with sad Ashley sucks compared to telling people how much fucking rape might be going on somewhere, never shown in game, never depicted.
It's like big corporate media conglomerates dipping one toe into being progressive. Look, two out of focus women kiss in the background of the new star wars movie. Boring, make me feel the homosexuality, I want more. Make Oscar Isaac's and John Boyega's characters super gay. Make them flaming gay and have them have a interracial makeout scene on camera.

There you go. That's HH now. A guy can't even suggest that he would have liked to see primitive elf sex without the author saying "No, doesn't fit into the context. It would be abusive." Which would be enough, all that would need to be said on the matter. But here you come alex2011, on rape train, blowing the rape whistle. Stop it. I'll scream I mean it.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Sorry for the late reply, I didn't see that you quoted me due to having too many notifications enabled. I apologize if I came off nitpicky or whatever, like I said, I do love the game. The lore you built is interesting and I am invested in most of the characters. That said, I feel like you calling it "not a porn game" is a little disingenuous, but we can agree to disagree on that.
The "preachy" part wasn't the talk in the college, I admit I didn't skip that because I thought we'd get some interesting lore drops from her. It's the part where she visits Kali and discovers your elf shed. That whole part made me just wish it was over. Again, just an opinion. It seems like the story of you inheriting your grandpa's harem hotel isn't the focus anymore, and it's all about the elves.
I never said Harem Hotel is not a porn game, what I said was "it has never been primarily a porn game." Harem Hotel is a porn game, but it is primarily an adult visual novel. There are absolutely aspects of a porn game in Harem Hotel.

Regarding the Owl clan, as you described it 'show up, abuse them, and fuck them' - yes, that would not be a good look, but this is literally a made up world where you can also get a blowjob at a pizza shop while pulling down a sleeping girl's panties and staring at her ass. Where is the line of what's acceptable and what's not? Seems silly that you can't work a consensual sex scene into the Owl clan bits without it seeming like systemic rape.
I did, I even suggested a way I could do it that would make it not seem like systemic rape in the post you responded to. But your suggestion implied you just wanted to walk up to them and fuck them.

Anyways, that's neither here nor there, but as a random dude that played the early version of the game compared to this version, there has been a LOT of story and very little lewd to go along with it. You are 100% fair in calling this an adult visual novel, it's just jarring as somebody that didn't see the incremental updates that the first half of the game is loaded up on sex stuff and the most recent additions have basically nothing.
Relative to the minutes of story, there is indeed little sex. But in general and in comparison to other games though? There is a ton of porn content, and it's almost always animated, it's always being added in every single update too. There's early game sex, mid game training, and late game lust scenes, as well as sex that just appears in the story. Autumn has gotten some of the best exhibitionism training scenes IMO in this update.

I don't make these criticisms from a place of arrogance or hate of you or your product, they're just simply my opinions on the game. Frankly, you've already provided me with a ton of awesome content, and I appreciate your work. Thanks for the reply!
I appreciate it

There is a reason behind the weak lewd to story ratio, that's because the game is story driven. It would be a failure as an adult VN if it put anything but the story first, but it does not.
To add on to this, it's always been my goal to introduce 1 sex scene in story events every 3 or so story events. Those polled prefer 1:3 or even 1:4 (leaning towards more story) so as far as I'm concerned, in this regard I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing since the start of the game.

Like I'd be fine to fuck some primitive elf bitties. I'm also fine with with not. So it's whatever.
However the idea that a fictitious scenario (fictitious in the sense of it's not in game) where the MC could have sex with members of the Owl Clan would automatically be a scenario where those sexual actions are "abuse" is laughable.

Sums up my thoughts pretty nicely.
I have plans for including desert elves sexually for sure, and more plans for the owl clan.
I think the word you were looking for is "hypothetical scenario"? Hypothetically, you can have sex with members of the own clan and it could not be abuse like I mentioned in my last page. I put forth a hypothetical scenario where you can have sex with them. I think you might be misunderstanding this situation a bit.

That takes into account the less primitive elves in custody now, not the primitive Owl Clan that may not even have any concept of what it means to consent or not. It's like how real world statutory rape works, the victim can say clearly that they let it happen, even blatantly admit to asking the 'rapist' for it, but it is still considered rape because the victim is not mentally capable of consent by law either due to age/perceived maturity or some other factor. Taking into account that the Owl Clan elves are primitive by Syl'anar standards, they may not be counted as capable of consent even if they actually are capable. I in no way meant rape as in literal force, but as taking advantage of a lack of understanding or inability to understand perceived by Syl'anar law. We've seen little of the Owl Clan, so I can't get a sense just yet of how well developed they are compared to the rest of the elf population living in more...civilized areas, civilized being used lightly considering the presence of slavery. The law doesn't take into account the ability for an owner to use underhanded tactics to make slave elves give their consent 'willingly' instead of willingly. It DOES take into account being able to literally push them down on the spot as something disallowed, but holding something over them so that they would be forced to give their consent is not something that can even be determined as having happened let alone be covered by the law and I'm not sure any complaints of that would be believed because, you know, elf. Remember, the nicer treatment is just for show, a typical politician's trick to appease the masses. The shouting I mentioned could be excused by the person causing the Owl Clan elf to shout as fear of pain, embarrassment, any number of things that could cause a girl to say such things under completely consensual circumstances. That isn't exactly uncommon in other sexual media. The name is Cornwall, you got it right on that second one.

The line is basically the same as a the line between Syl'anar 'society' and a truly free society. Until the system is down, it can't really be determined whether true consent is in play.
Desert Elves aren't a primitive people. Their technology is primitive. They are mostly exactly the same as humans biologically. They know what rape is. I might be misunderstanding your point a bit though, just want to clarify.
Drow are actually a primitive type of people, the line of rape is blurred here as it is in a lot of places in nature. I won't go into detail, but nature be like that sometimes, especially when there are no social concepts in their species. I'm specifically only talking about inner-species rape, and not a human raping a drow. That's a different story.

And there are definitely ways masters abuse the consent law. MC can even sort of do this in the slave routes for Nia and Sylvia by restricting access to recreational activities.

There's way to much mental gymnastics going on comparing both your posts. It's tiresome. Nobody wants to rape elves. Maybe someone does. I don't know, who fucking cares. This is depressing, I was just fapping to elf tits for years and then convos like this became a thing.
Guy suggests he'd would have liked to see primitive elf banging. Runey says no, in my universe they're oppressed, sex = abuse.
Fine K. Makes sense within the context of the story.
Slightly related, same guy says he would like to see fairy one-a-holing. Runey says no, in my universe this would kill the fairys. Fine K. Boring but fits in the context of the universe.

Now you take this exchange, and imply within your own headcanon that the Owl Clan primitive elves are mental children. They're so primitive and backwards that there is no scenario where any member of the tribe could give consent to the MC in a scenario that has not been imagined and does not exist. Statutory rape you said. Low Land Elves who are living, albeit impoverished, close to how they've lived for centuries before the humans came, could not in any circumstance give consent to a human for sex.
What a depressing fucking headcanon. Give me Disney's Pocahontas any day over this bleak gray mush. I'm gonna shoe horn it into my own headcanon just to make me feel better. In my headcanon when humans first invaded there was a dashing human captain who fell in love with a lowland elf chieftain's daughter and they had a hot forbidden consensual love affair. Then he died tragically and she mourned him for the rest of her life. Fuck it add in a spaceship as long as anything fucking goes.

You know what, as long as we're just making shit up because our first post was so fucking ignorant of what the game universes rules are, make everything rape. That drunk lady the MC can fuck at the bar? She can't consent, she's drunk. Make it rape.
All those times the MC cums in Kali when she tells him not to? Rape. The drow in the sex orgy was kind of a mental midget right? Literal caveelf. Doesn't even speak the language. It was rape.
Fuck making everything rape in my own headcanon makes me feel so powerful. By fucking holy Gaius this is a rush.
HH is so fucking dark and gritty, having a genuine emotional moment with sad Ashley sucks compared to telling people how much fucking rape might be going on somewhere, never shown in game, never depicted.
It's like big corporate media conglomerates dipping one toe into being progressive. Look, two out of focus women kiss in the background of the new star wars movie. Boring, make me feel the homosexuality, I want more. Make Oscar Isaac's and John Boyega's characters super gay. Make them flaming gay and have them have a interracial makeout scene on camera.

There you go. That's HH now. A guy can't even suggest that he would have liked to see primitive elf sex without the author saying "No, doesn't fit into the context. It would be abusive." Which would be enough, all that would need to be said on the matter. But here you come alex2011, on rape train, blowing the rape whistle. Stop it. I'll scream I mean it.
Woah, relax. This is mental, dude. You inserted yourself into this conversation didn't you? You can leave it just as easily as you joined it.
I never said no to desert elf sex. As I mention above, I actually plan on it. Sex does not equal rape, it's contextual.

Alex wasn't right about everything, but you don't need to freak out.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018

I usually don't get responses, but I figure I would bring it up anyway...

To keep it simple, Elves aren't the main point of this story, and neither are they inferior to humans. I did not portray them as "retards" as you say. I'm very confused by your assessment of the story I created. I made history lessons and explainations on why elves aren't "retarded humans", but thanks for the review, I guess. Oh, and I figured it would be obvious that androids arent "retarded" either, but I'll go ahead an clarify it, they're a lot smarter than us. The android you keep around has only been able to accumulate knowledge for a year or two. Just imagine what happens when you double it.

Elves are a big part of the story, but not the main point. Even though you say I missed an opportunity to make social commentary, this has been something I feel like I've been doing for a while now. The history of slavery is something I take very seriously, but you seem to think I don't.

But I don't suspect we're going to have a conversation where I'm able to describe to you my intentions on the story, so I guess I'll just leave it that. I'm not sure how I could have been clearer that elves are people too, and so are a lot of other oppressed people. Even to people like Kate, who much like me, has Aspergers.

And by the way, slavery didn't only happen in the southern US and neither is this story solely based off it. It happened all over the world, to all kinds of people for any bullshit reason the people in power could think of at the time. In this case, elves have pointy ears.
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Dec 27, 2017
runey if you want to go as far as Interpret a porn game, you could say the pointy ears are an symbol for each reason somebody was enslaved in human history. Not all of the enslavement happend but a far greater part of it was committed cos some typ of human felt superior over another (skin-color and or technical advances over other). the European/Americans enslaved black people of Africa. and far far before that romans enslaved all those whom they considered barbarians

but for my pov its a little to overboard for interpret an VN/Porngame. I likely would say (hopefully i am not entirely wrong with it) you wirte this game due to multiple reasons. Such as telling people a good story, lets having them fun... and maybe although cos to share your depravity with us :p. Last but not least i would guess (even if this is a pirate site) you like that you probably earn some money with it

my not entirely serious thoughts at that regard


edit: forget to mention maybe even when this game or other on this site have so social criticism in them (nothing wrong with it) it will never be the main focus. cos if they wanted to criticize humans and their social behavior they most certainly would not resort to VN/Porngames


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Stop trying to make everything rape.
There's never been a single non consensual sex act depicted (on screen) in HH, other than the elf orgy scene I mentioned earlier with Nia where Runey made a huge point of saying non consensual sex of any kind was not allowed in the universe.

Your entire post before this displayed, like I said, a fundamental misunderstanding of the clearly established rules regarding consent in HH.

There's way to much mental gymnastics going on comparing both your posts. It's tiresome. Nobody wants to rape elves. Maybe someone does. I don't know, who fucking cares. This is depressing, I was just fapping to elf tits for years and then convos like this became a thing.
Guy suggests he'd would have liked to see primitive elf banging. Runey says no, in my universe they're oppressed, sex = abuse.
Fine K. Makes sense within the context of the story.
Slightly related, same guy says he would like to see fairy one-a-holing. Runey says no, in my universe this would kill the fairys. Fine K. Boring but fits in the context of the universe.

Now you take this exchange, and imply within your own headcanon that the Owl Clan primitive elves are mental children. They're so primitive and backwards that there is no scenario where any member of the tribe could give consent to the MC in a scenario that has not been imagined and does not exist. Statutory rape you said. Low Land Elves who are living, albeit impoverished, close to how they've lived for centuries before the humans came, could not in any circumstance give consent to a human for sex.
What a depressing fucking headcanon. Give me Disney's Pocahontas any day over this bleak gray mush. I'm gonna shoe horn it into my own headcanon just to make me feel better. In my headcanon when humans first invaded there was a dashing human captain who fell in love with a lowland elf chieftain's daughter and they had a hot forbidden consensual love affair. Then he died tragically and she mourned him for the rest of her life. Fuck it add in a spaceship as long as anything fucking goes.

You know what, as long as we're just making shit up because our first post was so fucking ignorant of what the game universes rules are, make everything rape. That drunk lady the MC can fuck at the bar? She can't consent, she's drunk. Make it rape.
All those times the MC cums in Kali when she tells him not to? Rape. The drow in the sex orgy was kind of a mental midget right? Literal caveelf. Doesn't even speak the language. It was rape.
Fuck making everything rape in my own headcanon makes me feel so powerful. By fucking holy Gaius this is a rush.
HH is so fucking dark and gritty, having a genuine emotional moment with sad Ashley sucks compared to telling people how much fucking rape might be going on somewhere, never shown in game, never depicted.
It's like big corporate media conglomerates dipping one toe into being progressive. Look, two out of focus women kiss in the background of the new star wars movie. Boring, make me feel the homosexuality, I want more. Make Oscar Isaac's and John Boyega's characters super gay. Make them flaming gay and have them have a interracial makeout scene on camera.

There you go. That's HH now. A guy can't even suggest that he would have liked to see primitive elf sex without the author saying "No, doesn't fit into the context. It would be abusive." Which would be enough, all that would need to be said on the matter. But here you come alex2011, on rape train, blowing the rape whistle. Stop it. I'll scream I mean it.
Who said anything about trying to make anything something else? I personally don't care if it is or not. These are slaves we're talking about, aside from the Owl Clan and the elves under the PC, their will is as good as nonexistent. They could easily be 'persuaded' into letting it happen just by their master holding something precious hostage. Perhaps a family member also in the same household as a slave, perhaps something else. All it takes is to give the elf in question a reason not to refuse and we already know that a very large portion of Syl'anar is willing to do some pretty bad things. Not enough to keep the threat of being kicked out of office away from Cornwall or he never would have made those reforms to appease people, but enough people that the living situation is bad for enslaved elves even without taking their status into account. Hospitals sick security bots on them, they are treated as sexual entertainment, a whole host of horrifying things.

I'll give you the point there hasn't been anything non-consensual, but the question then becomes whether the elves gave that consent willingly or if they did it because they feared retribution on themselves or another for refusing. If they did it out of fear, it is not true consent, which is different from consent. True consent is someone actually giving their consent with no persuasion or push from an outside party, they actually want to do the thing they are consenting to. What, are you telling me the elves want this stuff happening to them? I'll believe that when the system falls and the elves crawl to us begging to be enslaved all over. Until then, their consent is meaningless because it is under duress. It may be enough not to put up a rape tag, again, I don't care about that, but they definitely don't want this stuff to happen to them.

I'm not implying that the Owl Clan actually are primitive, I was talking about how Syl'anar views them. They literally live out in a barren area in dwellings bearing a striking resemblance to those of some Native American tribes. Of course Syl'anar might make the assumption that these are just savages who wouldn't know consent if it hit them in the head. I in no way said I believed that to be true of the Owl Clan. If my wording seemed to send that message, I apologize, that was not my intent.

Again, I in no way made everything rape, I never said that it was all rape. Also, it is a VERY different situation to cum inside during a consented sexual encounter than to carry out a non-consented sexual encounter or a sexual encounter where consent was given under duress. If you want rape, that's fine, do it to your own project or keep it in your headcanon until such time as Runey allows such a scene into his. I'll stick to what Runey gives us and the impressions and theories that come up because of it.

Also, again, this is all theory based on the evidence presented by Runey so far, so chill, it's nothing to get riled up over.

I never said Harem Hotel is not a porn game, what I said was "it has never been primarily a porn game." Harem Hotel is a porn game, but it is primarily an adult visual novel. There are absolutely aspects of a porn game in Harem Hotel.

I did, I even suggested a way I could do it that would make it not seem like systemic rape in the post you responded to. But your suggestion implied you just wanted to walk up to them and fuck them.

Relative to the minutes of story, there is indeed little sex. But in general and in comparison to other games though? There is a ton of porn content, and it's almost always animated, it's always being added in every single update too. There's early game sex, mid game training, and late game lust scenes, as well as sex that just appears in the story. Autumn has gotten some of the best exhibitionism training scenes IMO in this update.

I appreciate it

To add on to this, it's always been my goal to introduce 1 sex scene in story events every 3 or so story events. Those polled prefer 1:3 or even 1:4 (leaning towards more story) so as far as I'm concerned, in this regard I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing since the start of the game.

I have plans for including desert elves sexually for sure, and more plans for the owl clan.
I think the word you were looking for is "hypothetical scenario"? Hypothetically, you can have sex with members of the own clan and it could not be abuse like I mentioned in my last page. I put forth a hypothetical scenario where you can have sex with them. I think you might be misunderstanding this situation a bit.

Desert Elves aren't a primitive people. Their technology is primitive. They are mostly exactly the same as humans biologically. They know what rape is. I might be misunderstanding your point a bit though, just want to clarify.
Drow are actually a primitive type of people, the line of rape is blurred here as it is in a lot of places in nature. I won't go into detail, but nature be like that sometimes, especially when there are no social concepts in their species. I'm specifically only talking about inner-species rape, and not a human raping a drow. That's a different story.

And there are definitely ways masters abuse the consent law. MC can even sort of do this in the slave routes for Nia and Sylvia by restricting access to recreational activities.

Woah, relax. This is mental, dude. You inserted yourself into this conversation didn't you? You can leave it just as easily as you joined it.
I never said no to desert elf sex. As I mention above, I actually plan on it. Sex does not equal rape, it's contextual.

Alex wasn't right about everything, but you don't need to freak out.
My point was not the actual knowledge held by the Owl Clan, but how they are potentially perceived under Syl'anar laws. A person who is perfectly capable of something can still be seen as incapable by law and, given their primitive lifestyle, I would think Syl'anar doesn't see the Owl Clan as anything more than a bunch of savages, much like how the people of Colonial America viewed Native Americans, given that primitive lifestyle despite the Owl Clan being every bit as capable as other facets of elven society to live modern lives. I wouldn't be surprised a single bit if there was ever a scene where they were treated like literal animals, legal or not, though I wouldn't want that to happen and I'm pretty sure we're on the same page there. Not much has been explored in the legal relationship between the Owl Clan and Syl'anar as far as the elf slavery laws and the reforms thereof, so I've been left to theorize with my theories quite obviously leaning toward an anti-Syl'anar point of view given recent events involving a main girl. I literally hate Syl'anar's slavery supporters with a passion at this point, enough that, given a Nia-esque option, like all out war, that is exactly the path I would take to free the elves of their plight and to rid them of their abusers permanently.
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Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
My point was not the actual knowledge held by the Owl Clan, but how they are potentially perceived under Syl'anar laws. A person who is perfectly capable of something can still be seen as incapable by law and, given their primitive lifestyle, I would think Syl'anar doesn't see the Owl Clan as anything more than a bunch of savages, much like how the people of Colonial America viewed Native Americans, given that primitive lifestyle despite the Owl Clan being every bit as capable as other facets of elven society to live modern lives. I wouldn't be surprised a single bit if there was ever a scene where they were treated like literal animals, legal or not, though I wouldn't want that to happen and I'm pretty sure we're on the same page there. Not much has been explored in the legal relationship between the Owl Clan and Syl'anar as far as the elf slavery laws and the reforms thereof, so I've been left to theorize with my theories quite obviously leaning toward an anti-Syl'anar point of view given recent events involving a main girl. I literally hate Syl'anar's slavery supporters with a passion at this point, enough that, given a Nia-esque option, like all out war, that is exactly the path I would take to free the elves of their plight and to rid them of their abusers permanently.
Fair enough, and yeah this is the point more or less. You can see the desert elves take inspiration from native americans during colonial times, though there are other reasons for the way desert elves are the way they are. For example, the animal garb they use is religious because they're animists. Mainly because there was no nature for them to experience, just life in the form of other animals. Syl'anar does see these people as primitives, and that's a big part of why they don't care too much about them. Also, a cop isn't going to go out there if someone in the middle of the desert says they've been raped or anything, so it's basically a free for all up there in Syl'tali.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: alex2011


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Fair enough, and yeah this is the point more or less. You can see the desert elves take inspiration from native americans during colonial times, though there are other reasons for the way desert elves are the way they are. For example, the animal garb they use is religious because they're animists. Mainly because there was no nature for them to experience, just life in the form of other animals. Syl'anar does see these people as primitives, and that's a big part of why they don't care too much about them. Also, a cop isn't going to go out there if someone in the middle of the desert says they've been raped or anything, so it's basically a free for all up there in Syl'tali.
I thought as much, which means that, short of the Owl Clan rewarding the PC with it or something else positive, sexual encounters could very easily be rape, even something Syl'anar itself bans, and there would be no enforcement to stop it from happening, so it would be a prime target for that kind of abuse.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
I thought as much, which means that, short of the Owl Clan rewarding the PC with it or something else positive, sexual encounters could very easily be rape, even something Syl'anar itself bans, and there would be no enforcement to stop it from happening, so it would be a prime target for that kind of abuse.
It would be contextual. If one of the elves walked up to MC and asked for some sex within a bubble, it wouldn't even be bad. But because outside factors, it wouldn't look great on MCs part. If MC had proposed sex, it would look even worse. That's why I didn't develop anything like that yet, it will have to have a good vibe first. That being said, the government is aware of what people do in Syl'tali, but they don't really care to look into it.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
It would be contextual. If one of the elves walked up to MC and asked for some sex within a bubble, it wouldn't even be bad. But because outside factors, it wouldn't look great on MCs part. If MC had proposed sex, it would look even worse. That's why I didn't develop anything like that yet, it will have to have a good vibe first. That being said, the government is aware of what people do in Syl'tali, but they don't really care to look into it.
Right, something like becoming the savior of the entire elven race from the clutches of Syl'anar and similar entities who either don't care for the safety of elves or outright wish harm on them. Then it could fall into the context of reward for his efforts to outside eyes, at least potentially. Even that could be seen as taking advantage of them or something else.

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As per Runey's request, I won't continue after this.

It doesn't, the headpats stat is something I think should only stay to patting women. What do you guys think?
Give me another stat and it's just one I will have to work up. That said, I would agree, I think we have enough pussies to play with if you catch my meaning. ;)
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