Apr 8, 2019
Let's try to get things back on track and enjoyable...

What would you guys like to see focused on in v0.16?

1. The Hannah and Ashley scene was fantastic. Now I wonder what else Hannah can learn from the other ladies? And how would she celebrate at a launch party for her comic if it gets published?

2. Maria does (did?) webcam work. Is she friends with any other cam girls, do they want to hang out?

3. Does Android encounter any other A.I.s floating around the web? None probably as developed as her but maybe proto versions on the cusp of awakening?

4. What do Penni and Ann do during the day?

5. I really like the fast food dates, and maybe more dates where characters encounter places or things they never knew about or had privilege to go to.

6. More lust events; anal creampie, cum-swapping, and cum-sharing.

7. More scenes if possible like the twins’ dungeon anal debutante ball.

8. Maybe a little hope for the Queen not just being a puppet.

12. Ellen, Ashley and Maria content, lewd and non lewd.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2018
when is lins event with cornwall and the other masters specifically and also if you but jin and/or the sanctuary will it mess up her events? Even with the mod it only tells me lvl 30 event location boat day 2 after jin came over to help train lin once. I am confused.


Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
Is gallery bugged or someting? I have done everyting with Ellen and with some girls but nothing appears in my gallery.


Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
when is lins event with cornwall and the other masters specifically and also if you but jin and/or the sanctuary will it mess up her events? Even with the mod it only tells me lvl 30 event location boat day 2 after jin came over to help train lin once. I am confused.
Lin and MC meet Cornwall while shopping, a few days later Ellen tells MC he's got a letter from Cornwall.
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Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
Let's try to get things back on track and enjoyable...

What would you guys like to see focused on in v0.16?
1- For heaven's sake add the option for avoiding girls we don't like... This is sandbox game not some kinetic novel and events being tied to other girl's story progress along with lewd stuff and you are literally forced to do them makes zero sense. There should be an option for avoiding doing things with them, normally I would say there should be an option to say them leave the hotel but I know you not gonna do that much hard job, so I'm even ok with progressing their levels with a choice of being friendly with them, acting rude against them (Like being rude against Ashley because of acting bitch to other girls, slapping them etc) and not doing lewd stuff, etc. Especially Ashley is just a pain in the ass. She is egoist, rude, bossy, annoying, and crazy AF. Its just makes my blood boil to see she is treating other girls like a shit and constantly saying MC is his boyfriend and acting like she owns him... And hypocritically MC saying her mom he will let her stay for free?! Seriously?! Why do I have zero right about this subject as a player?!

2- Nearly all girls are based on lust, even love routes feel like lust routes with little changes and that makes things boring. You gotta add some girls or change some girl's more romance-based paths so it could give better diversity.

3- Even after 3-4 year of development there is still some girls/women who have literally zero content like Ellen, so you should maybe add more content for them?
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Jan 19, 2022
Let's try to get things back on track and enjoyable...

What would you guys like to see focused on in v0.16?
Sylvia progression (the night kitchen blonde maid I add this description because I might have her name wrong(again)broken brain with names))

Personally I think some sort of ah-ha/revelation moment regarding her self realization of her “fail as an elf” personality… (wrong priorities, bad treatment of Lin & others, general bitch attitude … classify the traits however)

Ideally (FOR ME) this would be a group project event and she would have the inevitable swing and a temporary overreaction to the extreme opposite of her current … maybe she could find out she has X kink that she was unaware(barely experienced with) of … (previous flawed behavior prevented her exploration of self) … pain-slut is my top option … “hurt me master make me cry“.

This could be part of her pendulum journey to a restful place somewhere in the middle where she finds her happiness and she becomes an asset to everyone around her vs the semi-liability she is currently.

The journey could reference her history under the queen, maybe she was a cutter after her parents were killed and while she was under the queen. (as I understand(barely) Cutting is a form of coping (unhealthy) but often it doesn’t have to be extreme… It could be as simple as a small group of tiny scars and Sylvia could monologue her ”black period” under the queen and a couple highlights of her meandering progress to her current place in the hotel. As the self absorbed, insensitive, better than others(because high elf) and now she has developed a taste for external pain to help process her internal demons. IDK if this is “too hardcore” for the MC but the MC could be partially reluctant to cause the more extreme edges of pain she begs for ... this might even be a good place to insert X girl to shepherd/domme Sylvia along and provide aftercare. Pick any girl but a girl in need of more backstory would be ideal to perform this role imo … Ashley could mother her(wants 12 kids) however Ashley seems like a mostly complete story, Maria is the obvious choice(but too ez imo) maybe Hanna ?? following in the footsteps of Maria??? Nia might work too. Dunno…write whatever fits for the story YOU are telling.

I definitely don’t espouse converting anything or anyone in game into the EXTREMES of kink but a flyover of the highlights and focused viewpoint of how a “healthy“ D/s relationship is/or can be a balm to soothe, cope, & repair not to mention that it can maximize enjoyment of X for all individuals involved.

Nature or Nurture … every individual as they progress through life develops degrees of being a “broken toy” or said another way “Fetish/kink“. We like what we like and finding “safe” outlets that do no harm or minimize self-harm is imo core to a functioning BDSM or other fetish positive lifestyle.

Just my 2cents dunno I’m not a dedicated writer I am just throwing crap against the wall as possibilities for Runey to use or not use as they see fit.

I think if Runey continues on the path that he has already established and just adds
everybody(almost) will be happy.:)

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Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
Especially Ashley is just a pain in the ass. She is egoist, rude, bossy, annoying, and crazy AF. Its just makes my blood boil to see she is treating other girls like a shit and constantly saying MC is his boyfriend and acting like she owns him... And hypocritically MC saying her mom he will let her stay for free?! Seriously?! Why do I have zero right about this subject as a player?!
While I agree with some points, you do realize Ashley went through some pretty fucked up shit to get to where she was at the start of the game, right? I'm not saying this excuses her, at all (I REALLY fucking hate that kind of justification for shit behavior), but it does explain it. And she gets a LOT better as a person when she realizes not everyone is her enemy. Before she literally felt like it was her against the world but as her arc progresses it becomes clear she's actually a really nice caring girl with a horrible fear of rejection and being alone again.

While I agree that taking a sterner approach to her could be cool, that kind of thing would basically be an entire path of character development that would have to be written out and it would change her entire character so you'd essentially have Ashley 1 and Ashley 2. Like the love-route / slave-route for the elves, except, you know, she's a main character so that's a fuckton of work.
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Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
While I agree with some points, you do realize Ashley went through some pretty fucked up shit to get to where she was at the start of the game, right? I'm not saying this excuses her, at all (I REALLY fucking hate that kind of justification for shit behavior), but it does explain it. And she gets a LOT better as a person when she realizes not everyone is her enemy. Before she literally felt like it was her against the world but as her arc progresses it becomes clears she's actually a really nice caring girl with a horrible fear of rejection and being alone again.

While I agree that taking a sterner approach to her could be cool, that kind of thing would basically be an entire path of character development that would have to be written out and it would change her entire character so you'd essentially have Ashley 1 and Ashley 2. Like the love-route / slave-route for the elves, except, you know, she's a main character so that's a fuckton of work.
I do agree with your points, but you should agree as a player we should have the option to choose girls we have a scene, the game itself literally forces you to have sex with her, etc which is literally wrong AF. This is not some kind of kinetic novel, it's a sandbox game but gives you zero positive side of being a sandbox. Sandbox should mean more freedom not forced relationships.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I do agree with your points, but you should agree as a player we should have the option to choose girls we have a scene, the game itself literally forces you to have sex with her, etc which is literally wrong AF. This is not some kind of kinetic novel, it's a sandbox game but gives you zero positive side of being a sandbox. Sandbox should mean more freedom not forced relationships.
That is something that he is working on now, actually, making the sex scenes more optional.
I have a 5 on her vaginal sex rating, and all of those were forced by the story, so I feel you on that one. I don't hate her like I did at first, but I also don't want to have sex with her. lol


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
I do agree with your points, but you should agree as a player we should have the option to choose girls we have a scene, the game itself literally forces you to have sex with her, etc which is literally wrong AF. This is not some kind of kinetic novel, it's a sandbox game but gives you zero positive side of being a sandbox. Sandbox should mean more freedom not forced relationships.
Oh I'm all about choices and options, but again, there's a workload consideration. Ashley is just 1 of 7 (or 8 if you separate Emma and Felicity) love interests. He'd have to do that for all of them. We'd be looking at like maybe 1 or 2 updates a year. Runey also wants the story to go a certain way. I don't doubt the he could still do it with unlimited choices and such, but it's not like he's got a whole AAA development company at his back, you've got to cut him a little slack for the sake of realistic expectations.
I have a 5 on her vaginal sex rating, and all of those were forced by the story, so I feel you on that one. I don't hate her like I did at first, but I also don't want to have sex with her. lol
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Oh I'm all about choices and options, but again, there's a workload consideration. Ashley is just 1 of 7 (or 8 if you separate Emma and Felicity) love interests. He'd have to do that for all of them. We'd be looking at like maybe 1 or 2 updates a year. Runey also wants the story to go a certain way. I don't doubt the he could still do it with unlimited choices and such, but it's not like he's got a whole AAA development company at his back, you've got to cut him a little slack for the sake of realistic expectations.
Yeah, though I think just having an option to skip the sex scenes shouldn't be tooooo much extra work.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2018
Lin and MC meet Cornwall while shopping, a few days later Ellen tells MC he's got a letter from Cornwall.
yeah i already got the letter thats what i was saying in my post, after you get the letter lin invites her sis over to help but past that im not getting anything like the competition with lin just everyone else is progressing
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Jan 19, 2022
I do agree with your points, but you should agree as a player we should have the option to choose girls we have a scene, the game itself literally forces you to have sex with her, etc which is literally wrong AF. This is not some kind of kinetic novel, it's a sandbox game but gives you zero positive side of being a sandbox. Sandbox should mean more freedom not forced relationships.
IIRC didn’t Runey post about this being primarily a VN with sandbox elements …??? I could be misremembering.

Idk but the super sandboxes you seem to referencing in my experience are MASSIVE grindfests that often seem to have copy pasted options that you have to see 12,000 times before your stats are high enough for the 3 or 4 story elements to progress …. Runey mercifully spared us all that.


May 7, 2017
I couldn't find anything so I am wondering if there maybe something in your save.
From my current save as I still haven't had time to complete this update yet:
View attachment 1790818
Not sure why my save from 14.1 would cause anything for 15.1. I had no errors on 14.1 with the mod installed for 14.1, which I even completed all the story and had to stop playing until a new update came around. I don't know how to read those trackback error message. What can you tell me that mat be causing the errors for each one?


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
My fever brain might be misremembering but I recall Runey saying this is an adult visual novel with sandbox-like elements and the occasional porn sprinkled in. Also people seem to continue to misunderstand what the game is about, even though it has been harped on continuously over the course of many of the previous pages.
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