
Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
off to reflect or whatever, it's only right they pause the patreon
Because it's patronage, not a paycheck. Look up what having a patron is. If you fundamentally don't agree with the premise of patronage or refuse to understand it don't spend your money in that way.

I personally don't, but I don't bitch constantly about others doing so.
All y'all patreon whiners come off looking dumb (cause you don't understand what being the patron of an artist is) or jealous.
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Lolicon Kami

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2019
normal people don't get multi year paid vacation to get the mood right.
First of all, Runey's not taking a "multi-year" vacation. Where did you conjure such a fantasy? Last update was 2023 June, now it's 2024 april, that's less than a year, much less "multi-year"

Second, you clearly don't know how the creative industry works. It's all about getting the mood right. It's not like your typicall white-collar or blue-collar work, where you write up 10 powerpoints or dig 50 holes a day to measure progress.

Case in point: William Faulkner, one of the most renowned authors in American history, wrote a singular book in 1930. It's a book titled As I Lay Dying.

Faulkner wrote that in a bout of creativity; in fact, it only took him 48 days to actually write the book.

Does that mean he was just sitting on his ass for the other 312 days? No, because creativity comes in ebbs and flows. I bet you that as Runey's living his daily life, he gets glimpses of what future direction to take HH here and there. And that spontaneous, unpredictable, ebb-and-flow of creativity is what makes art beautiful.

Who wants to play a game or read a book by a robot dev who writes 200 words and produces 10 images a day, every day, like a souless ghoul?


Oct 5, 2018
I don't even come to this thread that often anymore because of drama mongers like you guys. I was gonna be a jackass, but DigDug summed it up more calmly than I ever could.

The dev was not taking the year off by choice.
The Dev's father died.
Then the dev got covid.
Then the dev's planned move to another country began.
Then all of the issues with immigration cropped up.
and then the legal problems of dealing with lawyers over his fathers estate.
The last being extremely difficult, and potentially long lasting, because they have to do a search and make sure that Runey's father did not owe money to anyone, before any thought could be given to dispersing the estate.
Is it REALLY that difficult to take the time to check Runey's Patreon? All of this information is there. I've been slacking on this thread and even I know this information. One of you had the time to calculate how much Runey gets from Patreon, but not enough to read what he made publicly available? Y'all need a hobby.


Jan 8, 2022
i can understand why people ask if its abandond

and it clearly shows that these days its one of the better milk cows ( just look at the time between updates from day 1 to today

but with a big enough lover base people tend to get blind by the truth

because small fact, with the amount he makes a month he could easely buy a graphics server that handle it in less than a few hours instead of weeks (but hey why spend between 15 and 35K for something that makes it work faster when you eurn a shitload a month
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Active Member
Apr 5, 2020
because small fact, with the amount he makes a month he could easely buy a graphics server that handle it in less than a few hours instead of weeks (but hey why spend between 15 and 35K for something that makes it work faster when you eurn a shitload a month
This is done in Honey Select 1, not Daz or Blender. Rendering time is a non-issue.
Jul 31, 2021
i can understand why people ask if its abandond

and it clearly shows that these days its one of the better milk cows ( just look at the time between updates from day 1 to today

but with a big enough lover base people tend to get blind by the truth

because small fact, with the amount he makes a month he could easely buy a graphics server that handle it in less than a few hours instead of weeks (but hey why spend between 15 and 35K for something that makes it work faster when you eurn a shitload a month
The truth being that your lot is butthurt and refuse to register in your heads that people can choose to spend their money however the fuck they want. Keep seething. :whistle:


Active Member
Sep 18, 2023
I posted about this phenomenon in the WAL thread. I will not reproduce the entire thing here, but in a nut shell here is what I believe is happening with many of these games.

The devs start out excited, motivated, working hard, they are cranking out content. They start making good $$$. Then they reach a point where either something just comes up, maybe they get sick, or they get a little burned out, whatever - and so they take a bit longer to do the same amount of work. Instead of 2-3 months perhaps it takes 4-5 to finish an update this time. But then they realize "huh, I still made about the same amount each month, even though I did less work this time."

This is where the problem starts. They start to realize, whether consciously or subconsciously, that thanks to Patreon, they can actually make more $ per hour by producing content slower, and there is really no great reward to producing it faster / reliably, because there are thousands of blind faithful fans who will continue to pay regardless. Plus it pays to stretch it out, because eventually they are gonna run out of ideas, and then their cash cow is dead and they better hope their next idea is as successful. And starting something new from scratch is a ton of work. Better to keep milking the cow slowly over more time.
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