This is actually a reasonable take, though I will add that the opposite (complaining about stuff when you should mind your own business) can also be dangerous. My perspective (mostly in regards to Nadekai's comment) is that, for a product that is received illegally, obtained from the real money of other people subscribing properly, to complain about the developer's practices while using that product— it just seems kind of entitled. It's like complaining that your mate's house you're crashing at for the night doesn't have a hot tub. Sure, why do you have to pay money for harem mode in a game called Haremon (which is probably going to be in NG+). But why do I have to pay money for diving in Helldivers 2?
I do have my own thoughts on piracy, mostly aligning with "sure, whatever", but I hope you also understand the perception of entitlement I feel when this sort of thing happens. If you genuinely want console commands without paying money, put in the same effort that other person did who managed to make it work. Reach out to them.
One last thing I'd comment. Just because what you visually see isn't there, doesn't mean that work isn't being done. A half-finished house isn't literally half a house sawed down the middle. It's just that the way patreon works is that it incentivises nailing in boards before drawing the blueprints to show the shareholders. And I'm sure you all are familiar that when you do need to backtrack, the work becomes much more monumental.
I am just a part of already growing sentiment all across this platform. Pornography is always easy to sell, therefore we get tons of slop these days as you may guess especially after generative AI became so sophisticated.
I am entitled to voicing my, very reciprocated and common, opinion. I do not need to buy a product to point out its shortcomings. It's sad to see what once was considered well made games become dull and mundane simply because they were stuck in "development" way past their shelf life. When haremon, dandy boy adventures, bones' tales, Crisis point, simbro and many more that I cant remember off the top of my head were first being worked on for (some of them) a decade from now, they were considered to be unique and interesting games, now all of them are just another of many similiar ones. This sentiment is not mine only and shared accross a lot of people.
There is no point in denying that no matter how much work needs to be put into this game, with proper work it should have been done in 6+ years. All of these games could have been completed by now and the developers could have established their brand porper and built up an actual following that knows what kind of games they can make and look forward to future projects.
You're right, since I did not pay for this game, I have no interest in seeing it succeed or fail, I hope the best for the developers, but if I were to be paying for it, I sure as hell would be annoyed by the fact that my money is going to nothing, but I guess if patreons are not annoyed by the fact and are happy in their echo chamber, more power to them.
But I would suggest you to actually look at the most succesful games on this forum and see whether their developers were actually active on F95 or not. You would see that many of them had active devs on the threads. Like it or not, here you are dealing with people that have no stakes in this game, since they are "entitled pirates" they generally voice their opinions without any filters. 150 pages of feedback, It is a unique privilidge to have so many people playtesting your game for free when most studios hire people "entitled" to compensation for QA teams.
Finally regarding your last comment, even if that may be the case, you are selling a product, the customer expect noticable upgrades to what you provided earlier. You can say all you want that "oh to make this coffee we had to fly this plane farm this tree hire these people and do this" but if at the end of the day if that coffee tastes the same as it did before, no customer is obligated to appreciate your efforts. Sadly that's how capitalism works, seller sells the product to buyer, not the other way around.