This game is in massive need of an overhaul. I know not everyone will agree, but there are a few aspects that are just not well thought out. If you're going to try this hard to be a normal game at least do it right. Difficulty levels are needed. You're a porn game, not everyone wants to have to dial in just to grind through you. A challenge is fine and some people want more than others, but it needs a few tweaks for even that part to be viable, such as; a small delay or initiation pause when the "rhythm" timing mini game starts, especially for blocking, and if you're going to do a 10 character long fast timing section you should have ALL the letters next to each other where the timing is happening, not in 2 separate spots; one shouldn't have to memorize the order with zero heads-up or time to adjust while having to look in separate places for the needed information to actually succeed... I know I shouldn't be able to just auto-block everything, but I should at least be given the actual opportunity to do so. Additionally, actual leveling would also be useful. Upgrading and adding abilities is helpful, but it just doesn't scale well. If you're going to try to be an RPG, be an RPG. Also, the "nudge" aspect of the spin doesn't actually feel like it does anything. If you want to keep the current system, might I suggest making the "nudge" AFTER the spin ends and then give us a way to learn how to nudge better over time. Oh, and I should be able to refer to the little black book during the date, people shouldn't have to memorize every detail about each character, thats just trash gameplay, which I know is most of the current date system, but that system is pretty trash.
Yes, I understand this is a bit overly harsh for what I intend as constructive criticism. (I know that there is an action to learn about the enemies and see when their turn is coming, that isn't really enough in terms of a heads-up you need to defend)
I'm going to be honest, you lost me on a lot of this stuff, to the point where I just don't think this game is for you. I understand that it's an H-Game and that I think most people that jump to it might just want to get to the H stuff, but this game is definitely RPG first H-Game second, I mean there's like 40+ hours of content with post-game stuff.
Just because it doesn't follow a traditional combat system, doesn't mean it's hard. Just use specific team comps for where you are, the only part I feel like someone would have issues is in the final chapter to be honest. The progression for characters is already meaningful, unlocking evolving, and using seduction to learn new skills from monsters. Instead of leveling it's about finding combos that work well together. Like Ash + Aqua + Vex, Ash to decrease Defense and use rage powder on Vex, Aqua to baton pass on repeat on Vex, and Vex to spam hades spear. Big damage in fast succession. So yes, if you're not looking for good team compositions and just use whoever, I can imagine the game can be difficult or outright impossible. On the QTEs for blocking or attacking, definitely some of them are fast, but you have the HP decay safety net, and generally enemies of the same type only have like two moves, so it shouldn't be that hard to remember the longer you play. As the game is like 20+ hours to go through if you're just skipping all the text, you should learn it at some point. For the QTEs on your own attacks, consider that the timing is the same every time, and they show you the order before hand. You'll miss it the first couple times, but you eventually just get it.
Nudge definitely works, tapping A makes it hard stop, tapping D extends it (this is most noticiable at the end of the spin when it slows down). If you only tap them once each or hold them down though, basically nothing happens.
You can open the black book on dates, just not during the events themselves. I will say that I was definitely much more interested in the characters, because I just kinda remembered that shit after learning it the first time. (Which is kinda sad that I did that.)
The game has pretty good polish, and already has a decent sized following. I would never say that the gameplay is trash, as it's probably has some of the best polish for a game like this in my opinion, second to maybe like Evenicle. I truly feel like maybe this game was not meant for a player like you in mind. I feel like you tried to like it, and it's just not what you need in a game.
TLDR: Your opinions are valid, but I think it's more likely that you are not a part of the intended audience for this game.