Another bug. Unavoidable loop when Jane comes out of the shower (with Simone as the PC). Starts out with the normal tirade about the towel, and about the time Simone gets mad the age issue, dialogue starts repeating. I don't know if it's infinite yet because there's no clear pattern. So far the furthest I've gotten is part way through the lesbian dialogue.
EDIT: Not infinite. If you keep clicking, it eventually moves on. Probably repeated around 7 or 8 times though.
EDIT 2: Okay, is there a difference codewise between the male and female sides of the game even in the parts where they're the same (in game)? Because I'm getting dialogue loops all over the place, and I never did before it was possible to start as a female outside the game.
EDIT 3: Okay, and now I've got Roopah telling me I can't talk to Leigh even though I didn't agree to her making decisions for me. Either this version is severely bugged, or something's fucked about my download.
EDIT I'M AN IDIOT EDITION: Oh hell. So that's what "rollback" means. Well now I know I can disable that option. Problem Solved. PEBKAC (though the Roopah thing is still weird)